

Olive is a cheerleader, popular, and a nice girl, she is everything everyone wants to be, when things get out of hand and a virus spreads around the world Olive finds herself lost and scared, but in the middle of chaos, she will also find unexpected love, new adventures and things she never experienced before. Will Olive survive this new world that is everything but perfect? Will she be able to protect the ones she loves the most while trying to keep herself out of trouble? Get ready to go through a rollercoaster of emotions while trying to figure out Olive's next move.

megui2121 · Urban
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8 Chs

I Can't Lose Anyone Else.

I felt tears running down my eyes, and I realize this was really happening and we were screwed.

Kenzie looked at me and saw I was upset coming closer to me.

Hey Liv, it will be okay, we'll find your parents too, she smiled softly and put a hand on my shoulder.

Thank you Kenzie I hugged her.

Your mom is okay I saw her before I came here, I'm sure she is hiding somewhere and wating for the best time to came and find you. Katherine said trying to console me she came closer and put her hand on my back.

Thank you Katherine I smiled at her.

Suddenly my eyes started to look for Heather, I can't lose anyone else.

Heather I called her name, Heather!

I'm here calm down, you can't get rid of me that easily, she was sitting on the floor trying to catch her breath.

Oh thank God I went to her and hugged her tightly.

She hold on to me and I got her up.

So what's the plan guys, one of the girls, Jessica asked.

They all started to share ideas and something caught my eye, out the window the school buses were parked, we could get out of the window and get inside of them, I'm pretty sure the keys to the buses are here in this room and we could all fit in one.

Guys, guys I shouted, I have an idea!

What if we got in the of those buses I pointed outside. I believe the keys are here right, I looked at the director.

Yes the keys are here, but is to dangerous look outside there's at least 10 around each bus.

It's not as dangerous as staying here, the school is field with with those things if we don't go now we might not have a chance of leaving again!

Everyone was agreeing with me, but my eyes fell on Kenzie, she was breathing hard and looking very pale so I rushed to her side.

Kenzie are you okay?

No, she let go in a short breath. She was holding her chest.

Her bag where is it? Katherine asked and I could sense her fighting a rising panic.

Her bag is back at the classroom I said looking at Katherine, the spark in her eyes vanished, and fear was all I could find in them.

Kenzie was asthmatic and needed her medication.

Suddenly Katherine jumped like she remembered something.

I have an inhaler in my bag it's right at the end but it will get you enough for now baby just hold a second, she started to take everything out of her bag and throwing it to the floor, the director was standing next to kenzie and I got up to help Katherine find the inhaler.

I got it, i got it, she run to Kenzie and gave her the inhaler. Kenzie looked pale like all the color in her cheeks had vanished.

She took the inhaler and placed her lips around the mouthpiece and started to slowly breathe through her mouth pressing down the inhaler one time and kept breathing in slowly as deeply as she could.

Katherine got up and looked at me still worried. She needs more, that won't be enough! I need to get to the infirmary, there will be enough for a few months and then we will figure something out.

You can't go, she needs you I'll go! I said

No one goes, we will find somewhere safe in no time the army has everything under control,okay? Said Anthony (Mackenzie father/Director).

Me and Katherine stayed quiet while we heard everyone saying okay to him, the truth is we don't know what's going to happen, are we gonna make it even out of this room, nothing is certain, and putting Kenzie life on the line for something we don't know, for me is nonsense.

I decided to stay quiet, Anthony was giving instructions, my mind was running wild and I couldn't take my eyes out of Kenzie, every time she took a deeper breath I felt my heart squeezing on himself.

Everyone is ready? Anthony asked.

Yes... said a few.

He went to ring the bell, we decided that, that would be the best way to distract the walkers and give us some time to get to the bus, everyone was ready to go trough the window, me and Katherine were ready to help Kenzie, for some reason I started to hum the song my dad sang to me every time I couldn't sleep, Kenzie let her head fall on my shoulder for a few seconds.

Everything is going to be okay, you're going to be okay I've got you.

Katherine was looking at me with a face I couldn't decipher, I looked at her in the moment the bell rang, and the inhuman growls started, I felt the bristle running up my spine, the speed, the bumping on each other make it even more scary. When they were out of sight we started to move, it's was very complicated to help Kenzie, she was very weak, the way to the bus was made on a almost stealth mode.

Anthony took Kenzie from me when we got to the bus door, I looked around in a frenetic way my mind was having an internal fight, I felt my legs starting to move and when I understood what I was doing I could already feel the need to throw up.

I got behind one dumpster, I could see the walker,zombies, inhuman whatever you wanna call it, maybe friends, family, boyfriend, girlfriend, no more, just an emptiness and the need to eat you and turn you, no more emotion, just a body.

They were going against the wall were the bell was, trying to reach the noise, I didn't lose any more time and made my way as fast as I could to the infirmary door, I opened the door with caution and two body come on running and bumping trough the door to reach the sound, I made my way inside and closed the door.

I started to look around to find something to put everything in and I found a black backpack in one of the chairs, I took everything out keeping only the iPhone charger in case it was needed and 2 bars of chocolate. I couldn't wait anymore time so I started to put everything I thought it would come in hand, bandages, gauze, Sterilizers, medicine, antiseptic, analgesics, needles, thermometer, tape, scissors and the most important everything in the asthma section, relievers, controllers and thank god we are a very well equipped school because if not we would be screwed.

I was closing the bag when I heard nothing, why was It quiet, the bell, it stop, I didn't think and just got out of the door but with one wrong step my body weight got the door to open to quickly making a loud noise, every one of those things started to run in my direction.

I was pushing my body, I have never run this fast in my life, the most scary thing is thinking that maybe they left already and I'm running for nothing and I'm just gonna die trying to save someone I barely know, I wanna see my parents again, I don't want to die like this, I was running around the corner when I saw the bus they were already screaming for me to run faster, I pushed and pushed I felt my lungs expanding until they couldn't, come on, come on...

I just launched my body inside, hearing the door close right after, a walker started to throw his body against the bus side, I was trying to breath I was getting really dizzy.

I...thin...I'm going...to... pass out...

Hey look at me, breathe with me, in and out , that's it, again, that's it sweetie.

Katherine was holding my face, she's really pretty, I could feel her thumb running up my cheeks in a soothing way.

You are okay, breath.

I looked around the bus trying to look for Kenzie seeing her looking at me, she was still having trouble breathing, so I started to try and get up stumbling a little bit because of the dizziness but being helped by Katherine so I could stand up straight.

Where did you go, in a moment you were with us and in the next you made an Houdini act on us, you crazy bitch. Said Heather gesticulating with her hands in a crazy way.

I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you, I hugged her.

But you did, don't be stupid like that again because if you turn into one of those things I will personally put a bullet in your head!

Yes ma'am, I smiled at her.

She looked really upset, Heather looks like a stone cold hearted bitch but deep deep down she cares.

I then made my way to the front were Kenzie was, pulling the bag from my back and pulling everything I grabbed from the asthma section, so she could see and grab one, I heard Katherine gasp from the shock and Kenzie just looked at everything and started crying.

You...could have died because of me, because I'm weak.

You are everything but weak, and I'm tougher that i look. Pick one. I said pointing at the inhalers.

Kenzie grabbed one and I just smiled at her.

Try and sleep love. Said Katherine to Kenzie giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I started to make my way to Anthony being fallowed by Katherine once more.

You could have died, I said we could have gotten the things she needed when we got to a safe place. Said Anthony

Where is safe? We don't know what's even happening if the rest of the country is like the school, then no where is safe and it might take a while to find somewhere to get what she needs, and I'm not keen on loosing more people today.

I could feel my rage starting to build up and when I was about to say more things I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Katherine, she just looked at me a Shake her head, Anthony didn't say anything more.

I just started to go trough the radio channels every news were the same, find shelter, stay inside or if we could get out of town safe do it, a virus, biting, turning, eating the flesh, city was being bombarded, the army was giving orders to pass to the other side of the city, bridge's were being maintained by the army, they were trying to contain the virus.

I kept going trough the Chanel's until I remembered something, my dad used a specific channel frequency to talk to me every time he went on mission so I wouldn't be to worry so I started to look for it.

Dad, it's me Olive, Dad...came on...Dad.

Hey don't lose hope, maybe he just didn't have time to find one, okay, is fine you will see. Anthony said and that shocked me, because I wasn't expecting it from him.

I tried a few times until we needed to listen to the news to keep us updated, we drove for a while until we got caught in the Traffic, we could see the bridge, we wouldn't be moving anytime soon and being stuck with does things outside wasn't good we needed to move, we got more chances to pass the bridge on foot then with the bus.

The line won't move soon, and we need to get out of here, if we stay here we are dead meat.

You want us to walk there? Asked one of my colleagues.

Yes, don't get me wrong i don't like the idea of walking there neither but or we die here waiting or we die trying getting to safety.

I'm not walking. Said another one.

Well I'm sure not gonna stay here, I'm not saying you need to come with me, you chose.

The ones who want to stay, put your hands up. Said Anthony.

Most of the people decided to stay, me, Katherine, Director Anthony, Kenzie, Heather and Peter decided to walk.

Good luck guys, I hope you guys make it. I said.

We got out of the bus and started to walk, we were all self aware of the danger, we kept looking around, we were speed walking, there was people every were, to much people in the same place this could go wrong in so many ways.

I started to open space on the side on the edge of the bridge, the guys were on the back, I was in the front, Kenzie was between me and Katherine, I was passing trough very carefully trying to not catch anyone's attention, we were almost at the front when we started to hear gunshots close by, everyone started to push to try and get trough, I could hear people screaming and I could hear growls, we need to get out of here, I started to look around, on the other side of the rail of the bridge there was a space we could walk on, so I just started to climb, Kenzie grabbed me she was looking scared.

Hey hey, it's okay, look. I said pointing at the space at the side where we could walk and Katherine followed my eyes getting the memo.

I was helping them pass first, and some people with kids, i was about to help a man when he just got tackled to the ground I was to scared to even move, in 12 seconds he was no more a human and another of those things, they started to run my way and I just jumped down to the rail and they just passed trough on top of me falling all the way down.

Olive! Olive! Kenzie and Heather were screaming my name looking for me so I just run to them.

Let's go, we don't have time.

All of us started to run, I was keeping a closer look on Kenzie I could see she was still struggling, we needed to get out of the streets the fast as we could.

Anthony was going ahead, knocking on doors trying to get someone to open the door, I could hear bombs colliding with some buildings on the other side of the bridge, people screaming, and what got my heart beating faster was the growls getting closer to us.

We were going as fast as we could, but it was getting difficult, Kenzie was almost passing out, and we need to go faster so Peter offered to carry her on is back.

I could hear the despair on Anthony's voice he was 3 houses ahead by now and we were trying to keep up, we were running for some time now we were all tired.

As we approached the end of the street and were starting to lose hope on a door being open for us, Anthony knocked on the last house on our left and faith left his eyes when no one open, but across the street the door opened slowly as in fear and inside was an old men, he made a signal for us to come and we didn't lost anytime and started to run in his direction, as we took a turn to the right I could see a walker coming in full speed, I kept on running but Katherine must have tripped and fell to the floor bumping her head on the pavement. That slowed us down and the walker finally reached us, I could see the panic starting to build in Katherine face, my heart felt like it's was squeezing on itself, he was about to launch on her, my mind was having an internal fight if I stay and help her I might die , if I go I will never forgive myself.

So with a last breath I caught some balance and went against it, I felt my arm make a weird noise when our bodies shocked, he went flying against a car that was close by making the alarm start to ring and that wasn't good, so I just turned to Katherine and pulled her up and started to run to the house, when we got trough they were already putting everything in front of the door.

We were the last one's to get inside and as I felt the door being shut behind us, I took a deep breath and the adrenaline must have left my body because I felt an excruciating pain in my shoulder which made me fall and take Katherine with me.

Kenzie and Anthony rushed to us, Anthony trying to see if Katherine was okay and Kenzie checking on both of us. Heather came too, but she didn't look happy.

What were you thinking Liv, this is not the tryouts for football, are you trying to get yourself killed? She looked pissed and I'm pretty sure that if I was not already on the floor she would throw me with no mercy.

Sorry it was the only thing I remember to keep that thing away from Katherine, as I said her name I realized I was still holding her hand.

And I thank you for that, Kenzie said giving me a hug, and the pressure she made on my shoulder made me scream.

Katherine looked at me with a concerned look and all my pain went away when I saw her face covered in blood.

Your head, you're bleeding I started to touch her head trying to see where the blood was coming from.

Maybe if you let go of her hand we can figure it out where her blood is coming from and why do you scream like a little girl, every time someone touches your shoulder, Heather said with an annoyed face.

We let go of each other and got out of the floor, still didn't know who let us in and the growls outside were multiplying by the second they were being attracted by the sound of the car alarm but there was nothing we could expect wait for it to stop.

Anthony started a conversation with the old men who let us in, he was holding an old lady's hand and keeping her behind him, he was still trying to access if we were good or bad news.

As they talked Katherine came to me.

We have to put your shoulder back into place because the longer we wait the painful it will be.

She was looking for something and then started to take out her belt.

W..wha...what are you doing?

Bite into this believe me you will needed, I am going to count until 3 ok?

Ok, I could feel the drops of sweat coming down my forehead, and the taste of the leather on my mouth.

Katherine gave me a look to get ready and started to count, 1... and she pressed my shoulder into place, I bited the belt so hard I thought I was going to break my jaw.

There you go, good as new, Katherine rubbed her hand on my back, now you need to take analgesics and you will be okay. She came closer and whispered my name, Olive, thank you for saving my life, she gave me a forehead kiss and smiled.

You.. you're welcome I stuttered. Now is my turn, let me see how's you head, sit please you are to tall, how are you still wearing hills by the way I asked surprised. It's a talent she winked at me and sat on the floor. I cleaned her wound and put on a band aid, it's not to deep you will be okay.

Anthony was still talking with the old man, and Kenzie was by his side, the old man looked relieved so he must know we mean no arm, I started to look at everyone trying to see what they were thinking and feeling and got surprised when I saw Heather already looking at me, she came walking slowly and with an expression I couldn't quite figure it out, but she had a smile in her face, kinda of a creepy one.

So Liv, is your shoulder okay she asked with a smirk on her face, and I knew exactly where she wanted to get.

Yes I'm feeling much better thank you.

Oh I bet you do she winked at me.

Shut up I said and I turned my back on her smiling annoying face.

I went to meet the old man and finally give a name to the person who saved us all.

Hi my name is Liv, you have no idea how grateful we are for your help.

Hey Liv, I'm Albert and this is my wife Ophelia. Ophelia smiled but she wasn't focusing on anyone in particular, after a while we found out she was blind and that was the reason they decided to stay in the house, it was hard enough that they wouldn't be able to run and with Ophelia blind it would be impossible, at least at home they were safe for now and could live the rest of time they had together.

Feel at home, the house has 4 more bathrooms that are not being used, we had them for our grandchildren, they come every weekend to keep us company, but now they're all yours he smiled but I could feel the pain in is eyes.

Katherine looked at me as she came closer, you need to get out of those clothes and into more practical ones she laughed, I'm going to see if they have something you can wear.

A bath finally! I will be taking a bathroom, If you got any complaints, discuss them with Olive that decided to drag me to class after practice without taking a shower. She stuck her tongue out looking at me and went upstairs.

Everyone kinda of disperse to do their things and Katherine came back with clothes very well folded, here you go a change of clothes.

Wow my clothes were really bothering you, no I just don't want you to get sick, carrying me is already to much.

I laughed, and went upstairs to find a bathroom.

The shower felt so good, i really needed that, for a second I forgot everything, it was just the end of a day i was taking a shower before going to get dinner with my parents, oh my parents, and just like that the playing pretend was over.

I miss them so much, the thought of not seeing them again or not even know if they're okay, if they're still themselves was killing me, I need to know, I need to talk to them, I keep on trying to find the radio frequency that my dad uses at work, but I never get a response, the phones are going crazy, it's impossible to call someone, the lines are always full. I just hope they found each other and are safe.

And then there's Tyler, I haven't allowed myself to think about him but he was my best friend, my boyfriend I love him and the thought of having lost him the way I did is killing me, he died as one of those things, I didn't get the chance to say goodbye, I miss him so much I can't believe I'll never get a chance to see him again and with that thought I turned of the water and I fell on my knees, all the pain, the grieve, the tiredness fell on my chest, I couldn't keep it inside of me anymore, the tears started to run down my face and as much as I tried to control it my emotions were all over the place.

I got out of the shower after a while Still holding on to all the things I've lost, I got dressed, and opened the door, I felt so tired I could barely keep my eyes open, I looked for an avaliable bed or somewhere I could sleep, from inside of one of the bedrooms, Kenzie called my name.

Liv, Liv come here.

I'm glad she called me, I don't want to be alone.

Hey I said coming inside, got any space for me?

Of course, my parents took a bedroom, Peter offered his and said he would sleep in the living room but I said you could sleep with me, Heather stayed in the bigger room and said she didn't want to be bothered, she said and I quote: if I have to spend one more second listening to all of your theories and planes, I'll kill myself.

We laughed, I got in bed and I started to feel tears running down my eyes again.

It's okay we will be okay, you need to rest, try to sleep, she held me and I felt safe, Kenzie has become the sister I never had in such a short time, I closed my eyes and tried to keep the bad thoughts away, for now we were lucky we were all safe.

New chapter comming soon, we hope you guys like it as much as we do.

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