
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasie
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62 Chs

16: The Queen

I just keep my glance at the sunlight passing through the clouds. The only sound I can hear is the whisper of the wind. I haven't seen any birds flying this high too. I hug my knees and bow my head. Haris is lying beside me, chewing some bubble gum, his hands on his nape and his leg above the other knee.

"You're easily attached with attractive people. Then if they betrayed you, that's the consequence." He knew what I'm feeling right now, being betrayed by a person I considered a friend. But not only to attractive persons!

"The only person you can trust for now is me," he even pointed himself.

"Why should I trust someone who hides his face?"

"Trust is not found in face, but—"

"Just why are you hiding yourself? Because that orc is chasing you?"

"If you made contact with my eyes then you'll die." I was shock! But I scowl.

"This mask was made only for me to prevent that incident."

"Are you cursed?"

"No, that was only the side effect of the given gift. My body is not fully immune with it so this happens. So? Still wanna see my face?"

"You should have told me before. But anyway, I still don't trust you, I'm not sure if you're an impostor or what," then he shows me the chain that locks us. "This chain will never lie," he said.

"Pfft. Whatever. About this dragon, is this your pet?"

"No, our friend. Her name is Maruwie, a summoned dragon by Princess Jexica."

"What? She's a summoner? But king Nemesis is a summoner too!"

"He stole the gift Princess Jexica's father had. That's why he can summon too."

"Mmm, and who is this Princess Jexica?"

"My childhood friend. Until now we're friends, but I still consider her rank as a princess."

"A princess like me... do you call her idiot too? Or, is she friendly and kind?"

"I don't call her idiot because she's not. Also, she's fearless, mature and strong." fearless? Mature? Strong? Do I even have only one with those three? Could it be Haris is surrounded by that kind of people that's why he recognized me as an idiot?

"I see." I lay beside him. I fold my arms and cross my legs. Watching the clouds while riding a dragon makes me dizzy, and boring. I had an idea. I rise again

"Let's play Jankenpon!"


"Rock paper scissor. The loser will be asked a question. So we could also know each other!" he ignored me so I pull him up before he fell asleep. I ready my fist and he just do the same.

"Jan-Ken-Pon!" I lose. He used scissor and I'm paper. He asked me my favorite food. And I love sweets forever. The next round I lose again. He asked my mother's name. Even the third round I lose, he asked my favorite color. I lose again and again. He asked too many things already, about my room, things that I usually do, things that I'm scared at, my attendant, makes me remind about Almidoron, even the color of my underwear and my tickling part.

"Ugh! Are you cheating?!"

"No. It's because you're an idiot."

"Fine! Jan-Ken-Pooooooooon!" we suddenly fall like sky diving. Maruwie shrunk to a small baby dragon diving with us.

"What's going on?!"

"This is one way of Maruwie's relaxing. Also, down there..." he point a lagoon on the way down, "...that's the Lagoon of Punishment. Once we dive in, we'll change place. To a desert." I can't imagine​ what will happened. He's like sitting in the air. And we made another round, luckily this time I won, finally.

"Name of the maiden you like?!" I asked with a smirk like teasing. He raise an eyebrow at me and I keep my teasing look until we dive in. Too cold, very cool! I think I was pulling myself up but the truth is Maruwie lift us up from the bottom. And we're here inside a cave.


"What? This place is Ainsley?"

"No, Ainsley is her name." Pretty name. I asked if she's beautiful, and he'll answer that for the next round if I won. I pout and stop the match.

"So what is this place?"

"A desert." I follow him on the way out of the cave. And outside is really a desert. Last time I was in a place full of water and now full of sands?! He said this is the Land Desolation. So we finally escape from Aishmalen.

This hotness, specially it's afternoon, is killing me! I borrow his umbrella to protect my fair skin. I've been taking care of this my whole life at home. Maruwie rest on Haris' shoulder, if we didn't ride at her, we'll suffer this heat.

"I miss the sea already."

"This is still a sea. Sea of sands." Maruwie giggles, more like laughing.

"Are you sick? Or laughing?"

"She's laughing, she can understand human words but can't speak those." Whoa! So I should be careful talking to her or she'll burn me to ashes!

As we walk forward, I can see skeletons and cactuses. How desolated.

"Why do we have to pass this place?"

"Our next destination is Gloomy Forest. A forest full of fresh fruits, warm air and wild animals." I almost want to go there until I heard wild animals. Of course it's a forest.

"And we can only reach that place by passing this land, if we change path, we have to round the map. That will make this travel longer." A short cut like this will kill me. He gave me a bread from the small bag. I guess it's time for snack. He picked something at my nape, I felt his hand but not a touch.

Then he gave me a coconut juice with straw. Am I growing coconut with my hair?! Since I taste it, I loved it!

"Let's make signs," he said.

"Signs for what?"

"I can sense an enemy if they're impostor or not. So we talk non-verbally to be aware of our opponents."

"I see! But don't make it hard." So he made it simple. A sign alphabetical language of 'F' means friend. 'E' for enemy. 'C' for Callions and 'H' for human. Too easy to remember.

"How can you sense them? Can you teach me?"

"Because of my sensitivity. And I can't teach you that's why I'll warn you." I pout again.

(Queen Amber)

I check the status of storage house with my attendant.

"Reporting! Your highness." It's Key. Ready to deliver another message. I close the house to return to the palace. As I walk along with them, I talk too.

"The storage house is still empty, and Key, you are assigned with this responsibility. Is there any problem about the progress?"

"Well, I'm also about to report that. I divided my knights and assigned them alternate per day. But some of them didn't returned alive, and the hunted meat was stolen by Callions."

"You must balance your division. I'll let you use a carriage for the meat, the carriage must have defense, offense, and Archers for long distance firing. Separated knights will surround the troops from a distance to give signs for the enemy arrival. Do it every morning and afternoon. No hunting every night. Knights that are guarding the outside portal will get in. We will lock the portal and stay here every night. Understood?"



"Yes your highness! Also, we receive message from King Corrihor, as told by Princess Jexica, Princess Ashti was found. But it could take them months before they come back."

"That's a relief." I feel like an arrow sunk at my back was pulled out. But for months?! I miss her already. "Naomi, tell the maids to prepare lunch before the King arrive." She nodded.

"Uhmm about that too, Ms. Tough is here together with her attendant and Rhea but without the King." I frown with nervous. "They said, people from Ethiopia kingdom are burned. The palace serves as a trap when the King entered alone. Ms. Tough never doubt to leave that place or else we were left unraveling updates about them."

I walk faster to meet Ms. Tough. I slam the door of the main hall, she's here, making plans together with her attendant.

"Ms. Tough..." I actually don't know what to say. Judging from her look, she's worried too.

"Queen Amber, I apologize. But don't worry, I already planned to save him. I know your hands are full for this kingdom, so leave this case to me." She stood in front of me and touch my tummy, "Take it easy Queen, especially with your condition." Then she left to return and save my King.

I hold my tummy, thinking if she means there's another life in my womb.

"Should we trust her?" Key asked.

"Why not? I guess we have no choice either..."

I stay at the library reading books the whole lunch. Still, I can't help but worry, what if the enemy killed him? What if his gift was stolen like mine and use it to destroy everything? What if Ashti is in trouble?

"Your highness, lunch is still waiting," Naomi calls. I move in pale. Maybe because I'm hungry with adding anxiety. Here at the dining room, with this long rectangular table filled with foods that I can't eat alone. I invited all the maids standing beside to eat with me. It's better to eat with them than to eat alone.

At first they're shy, but I'm glad they enjoy eating and talking. I'm expecting Ms Tough and my King will arrive tomorrow. Because over thinking is killing me, I don't want to be a crazy Queen. Even in sleeping, my negative thoughts are so loud. My favorite pillow is not here, I just hug nothing.

The next day, I stay here at the terrace, expecting him and even Ashti to come home. I read here, play puzzle, stitch, and even eating for almost 3 days. Still, they haven't come. I'm starting to think that Ms. Tough run away, and my King is truly dead.

But I'm a Queen, I must do my calling than murmuring here. I have to do something that will give me even a little solace. And then Rhea approach me.

"Queen Amber, I notice your dismal for days, I'm really sorry. It's my duty to... to keep my master's safety but I failed to do that crucial task. I'm sorry..." I keep my chin up without turning my head for her. But I know she's crying.

"Why should I blame you if all of us are victims? It's normal to express emotions, simply because we're humans. And because we're humans, we make mistakes. At the same time, I must fulfill my duty as a Queen..." This time I look at her.

"...and you must do your duty as an attendant too." I sound like a hypocrite but I have this desire to do something than mourn. I smile at her to give her peace. Then Key approaches

"Your highness, you have a visitor." I leave my spot to meet that visitor. Key started teasing Rhea, as always.

"Key, send message to King Corrihor about my King," and he saluted.

My visitor is one of my people from the town. An old woman and grand little daughter of hers. We talk here in front of the throne. Her daughter gave me a flower, as white rose as my long white dress. I sit first and get the flower to thank her.

"I won't take this longer your highness, I know the situation inside the palace. But I would like to get your permission, we all knew that you lost your power of healing and we like to help with our herbal healing. If you agreed..."

"I see. Healing is an important part of war. But at your age, you can't do it by yourself." She look down, kinda disappointed. "But there's a way. You can teach all people that are interested of herbal healing, and those people will serve as our tentative healers. So I agree with your suggestion. Thank you for a brilliant idea."

She was delighted specially her daughter. Looks like she wanted to learn healing. Grandma showed me herbal powders, she said her husband is a good farmer. The class will start tomorrow here at the palace's garden. Grandma and her daughter should stay here inside the castle but they're more comfortable at home.

I sit on my throne when they left.

"Naomi, tell Key to meet me outside the palace and prepare two horses. Also, tell the head maid to clean the garden for tomorrow. Chef must prepare foods for them, some of the knights must help too. We will expand the farm for medical plants. And spread the news about the herbal class for tomorrow. All those interested must stay outside the palace and wait for my permission for them to enter. We should also hire more farmers to hasten the growth of medical plants. I'm sure some of our hunters came back wounded. And for Rhea, she must help the hunters. She's a good archer to be precise."

"Uhmm Your Highness... was that the conclusion?"

"Yes, do it now." she bow and left. I know I told her a lot, she's not used to it since my King is responsible for this, and I'm only a substitution and support. I change my clothe, loose long sleeves top with leggings and boots, all white to look clean. I tie my hair up and meet Key outside. He's there when I came. Whistling and buoyant as always.

"Key, you look so happy."

"Well I got to talk with her even for a second!" and now he's grinning inevitably. He meant that he got to talk with Naomi. I smile with pity. He's a knight in love with a nun.

"We're going to the farm."

We ride the horse and came there. He heard what I was planning in extending the farm. The farm is wide enough to feed the Kingdom's people. But not enough to heal. Some of the farmers saw me and paid respect. There are trees surrounding the farm. Assigned knights will cut those the west part for 500-meter square farm exclusive for medical plants.

"Key, it is your duty now." He saluted at me before we came back. I know it's not easy to be a captain knight, but I'm glad he's inspired. I came back to the storage house to check the hunter's duty. And as expected, they're starting to fill it. I know these meats will won't be rotten. But this house looks like a heap of dead bodies.

I met Naomi at the main hall and told her to assign a clean butcher and wood carver to build a table for the storage house. Later on, she smiles at me.

"You look happy today too."

"Your Highness, you are such a great Queen." I was surprise and admit that I'm flattered.

"Thank you." I sat again on my throne when she left. I'm​ feeling tired already. Usually this is my King's doing. No doubt why he's looking for rest from me. I stood near the wooden table, carved with a world map. I pick a feather with ink and painted the carved line for our nation. Xavier said, he sealed the whole nation, no one from the inside can leave and no one from the outside can enter.

If the enemy is outside, our nation is safe and we can wage a war outside to defeat the enemy. If the enemy is inside, that person is trap and can easily be cornered. But people from my nation may be a victim. If there are two, one from the outside and inside, their forces are separated for sure. We must be a united nation, with approximate 50 royal bloods with gifts including their knights, we can be far stronger than the enemy.

Another problem is, how can Ashti enter this nation? Unless Xavier drop too his blood since they have the same blood type. Xavier must be aware of this from the beginning. I think of those until I finished high lighting our nation. I untie my hair and stand again at the terrace.

I look from afar, expecting them to come home. Still, they didn't. I look down and saw maids and knights working together according to my commands, I also saw Key and Naomi talking. I'm sure he'll thank me a lot later.

As I walk back to my room, I feel dizzy and lost from my stand. My sense came back to normal after few seconds. One of the maids saw me and help me stand. She took me here in my room, she calls for Naomi to check my health. I thank that maid.

That dizziness, it's because I'm pregnant. I was delighted, just like it took away my bleak. I touch my tummy and smile, I will feel another kick from my stomach. Simply thinking about that made me laugh. I'm sure Ashti and Xavier will feel the same excitement when they saw this child. Yes they will, they'll come home soon.