
Our Rigid Chain

Princess Ashti was born without a gift despite being the only daughter of the prominent king. Powerless when their kingdom was ambushed by the enemies, she was abducted and taken afar from her land. That's when she met a magician guy who was extremely annoying to her. To keep each other's company, they were chained to each other. But they have no idea how to unbuckle the chain. It's either they'll die with that chain or find a way to free themselves.

Otakwen · Fantasy
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62 Chs

15: Free

"Green Panda? But, it looks like an orc!"

"Mr. Holland called it that because of the color and fatness."

"But pandas are cute! Unlike that! That should be called Green Fatness!"


"Haris, tell me more about this Green Panda," requested by Aishmalen.

"That thing is a summoned being. You can't kill it unless you kill the summoner first. It has physical strength and loud scream. Also... desperate."

He's closing his fist with intense grip. Does he have something to do with this orc Panda?

"It can't be killed. Can I seal it?" a good idea of Aishmalen. But how?

"I haven't tried," Haris replied. It's getting closer, I can see the ugly figure of this monster! Slowly, rain drops are floating. Like the time has stopped. But it doesn't, that was Aishmalen's doing. He flipped a single drop near him and shot the orc to its head. Just like what Haris used, a riffle.

Of course that monster was desperate. It's still running closer to us. Aishmalen extends his arms and sway it down across each other. Rain drops pierced through the orc's body. It's green blood and gore splashes yet it regenerates quickly! How desperate!

Is it after me?! After Haris?! Or Aishmalen?! No that's impossible. Aishmalen failed to stop it. It jumped high, preparing a fist to smash the ship. And it failed. It was stuck inside a huge amount of water floating above the ship. It's moving hysterically until it screams.

I cover my ears, Aishmalen was pushed away while Haris is standing still. It smashes the ship, and for sure the next consequence is the ship will sink. I fell down out of my balance. Pathetic! This being ruined my day!

I caught Haris holding a sword ready to plunge, also the orc is about to attack him. So this Green Panda is after him! I move fast before it reaches the edge of the sword. I punch it away from the ship. Aishmalen whistles and a whale bigger than the ship swallowed the orc.

I was shock with its size, I'm grateful the orc is far smaller than that!

"Wow! That was amazing, Ashti!" Aishmalen is clapping his hands with amazement. I feel flattered.

"But the thing is, we need to get out of here." He jumped down to the water. Right! The ship is sinking!

"Let's go." Haris pull me to jump too.

"Wait! I don't know how to swim!" still I jump.

As I drown on the water, a killer whale lifts me up to the surface and swim away from the ship. Aishmalen and Haris are riding the same. I hold tight, it's kinda slippery. Yet fun. And finally, an Island. It's big, it has forest but this is not yet the main land. I lay on the sand to relax. I can't believe I fought a monster, came under water and ride on sea creatures. What more will happened during our travel?! This never even happened at home.

Haris block my view from the sky. Looking down on me, "Stand up kid. We can't expose ourselves here." I stretch my arms first before I stand. Aishmalen is the lead for our way, we're going inside the forest.

"I wish to rest. Can't we just stop for awhile?"

"In the middle of this island is the Unseen Water Spring. We can rest there," Haris said.

"Unseen...Water Spring...? How weird."

"No it's not! It has a natural gentle aromatic smell of roses. You can also take a bath there." Whenever Aishmalen explains, everything sounds exciting. "It's warm, clear and shallow," Haris added. "There are also some Pishnies here. They live here. But I guess they're endangered species," Aishmalen said.

"What are those?"

"They have soft and thick fur. Cute face like puppies and friendly, kind too."

"Wow. Sounds cute but I'm not in the mood to meet them."

"That's why you need rest"

"And foods," Haris added. "Ah, no. I'm not yet hungry. Or maybe you?"

"Actually, traveling is for people with unlimited stamina. What pulled you outside your home?"

"The tragedy," I said silently.

"Oh. Yes. I haven't thought of that. But that chain... to lock each other?"

"No! It's nothing. Just to avoid separation."

How many times do I have to explain this to a stranger?!

"Okay, you just made your situation harder, that's my point of view. But if you want the travel faster, sky is the best road." I look above. If we only have a plane or pet dragon then I'm almost home now.

Haris block my pace by his arm. I cliff onward. But its shallow. It gets warm when we got here.

"You can stay here while I'm looking for my friend," Aishmalen said.

"You can leave us here. I know the way." Haris told him and I disagreed. "Sorry, but my calling is to take you safely to Land Desolation."

"Haris, let him stay. We can't face the water on our own! We need his help!" he wanted to say something but he just shut his mouth.

Aishmalen laugh, "Being scolded by a woman! Anyway, see you in a minute." and there he left. "Where is the water spring?"

"Like I said, it's unseen." He picked a small rock to throw it down. A water ripples. I didn't notice there's a water!

"Because of extreme clearness, it was named Unseen."

"You said it's warm!" I said with excitement. And smirk. "You said you can't swim." I pout. "You said it's shallow." He rolled his eyes. I pull him to jump. My spirit was enlightened right after I feel the warmness of the water.

I miss my bath tub! I scoop some water by my hand to smell the water. And it smells like a flower in spring! Washing here is like staying in a spa. I sit beside Haris while playing the water with my palm.

"You noticed something about Aishmalen?"

"What? He's charming and powerful?"

"Besides that, he's aloof, right?"

"You mean he's trying to distance himself? I don't doubt it. Humans killed his family so his trauma is distancing him from us."

"The tragedy huh? Aren't they human too?"

"No, they are called Merfens. Sea creature. The current King is his brother. Khross is his name. Their parents and little sister died because of King Nemesis, the tragedy maker. Since then, they feared human, some of them even kill. They don't eat sea species, they eat every living things on land, including us."

They eat humans?! Gross! It means I shouldn't trust him either or I'll get eaten! I wish Aishmalen is different.

"We can serve him some foods, right? We have lots, remember?"

"It's for us, not for him."

"Oh come on! So we can help him back after helping us back then." I look at him to annoy, "Well it's lunch time~" I insist. We left the water and dry ourselves before we prepare the picnic blanket and the foods. I hope Aishmalen likes surprises!

Haris is already eating when Aishmalen arrived. I can't forget the face of surprised he show.

"Sorry guys, did I make you hungry...?"


"No! This is just a small gift of gratitude for you! For helping us!" I'm​ gonna kill Haris later! We ate together like tired friends from traveling. We talk and share some sarcastic thoughts, we even play a mini game, good for sparing lunch time.

After lunch, we simple cross the island. On the rear part there are giant round rocks can be seen. Aishmalen hushes again on the water and he walk. Haris walk too so I follow. It's so remarkable, walking on the water.

When we're far enough from the sea shore, he introduces a friend to us. A turtle bigger like the whole island. Another jaw dropping creature! He said its name is Paco. A summoned or gift pet for Merfens. It means Paco lives thousand years. Paco opened his mouth for us to get in. At first, I hesitated, however I have no choice.

What I expect to see are kidneys, brain and blood flow but no, the turtle's stomach is like a cave filled with golds. Everything around is solid, not soft nor slimy. For now, this turtle is underwater. Taking us to the land they named Desolation.

This turtle is the gold maker. Paco is always hiding at the very depths of the sea away from the thieves. I guess we're safe here. And I forgot that I failed to see a Pishnies.

"How long shall we stay here?" I asked.

"Don't worry, not for long."

Does he mean we can reach that land later? I heard a shivering sound of a sword. Haris just found a sword made of gold. He sways and spins to test its worth.

"It seems you like it. You can have it. We're not using that," Aishmalen said. Haris slashed the treasure chest using the sword, I even tried to stop him before it happened. But I was marveled when the chest broke.

"I have my own sword. I don't need it but thank you." He gave me the sword. I doubt to take it so he forced me. It almost slip on my hand because of the heaviness. The sheath has belt, perfect to wear anytime. I wear it and pull out the sword. I did the same what Haris did. Slashing a chest is excluded.

"Wow! You know how to use a sword?!" Aishmalen's shook face is funny.

"Why not? This could be helpful on being a Queen one day, right?"

"I mean, most women are archers. So you wanna try it?" he open his right palm in the air, a sword made of water was formed. At first it looks like a crystal. And it excites me! Haris hold his sword too. A sword made of cane, the handle is designed like a magician hat and dark violet blade. In short, we all have unique swords.

"I guess I can't fight alone with Ashti because of that chain," he's talking to Haris, and he's right. I wish to break this chain for a little privacy! Aishmalen divided his sword to a rain drops, and form another sword. Or more like knives. He fired those knives like shower of arrows.

Is he trying to kill me?! Haris stood behind to watch my back, and I do the same. I defend myself using the sword although it's heavy. I was hit two times when Aishmalen appeared in front of me to attack. I'm not aware, luckily Haris block his attack from behind me. He whispered at me to kick, I push him away with my sole on his stomach.

He cough once and still smiles at me.

"I'm sorry..."

"No. That's fine. Cool! Both of you are crazy duo! I wish I could try it..." he made two swords, both hands are holding. Haris whispered again, 'Run and kneel'.

I'm still trying to analyze what he meant by that but he started running, so I run too. When we reach Aishmalen, Haris and I on opposite sides and he in the middle, Haris kneel and I'm just like the after image of his moves. We pull the chain forward and Aishmalen's legs lost its stand. He stumbled. While laying we point him our swords, sign as checkmate.

"Wow! Unexpected move!" I'm still chasing my breath when this turtle groans.

"Whoa. We're here!"

"Here?! Already?!"

"Nope. To our next stop." Oh! So that's what he meant before.

"Nice partnership. I'm expecting you two to survive this wilderness and war." His swords melted like waters, Haris' became a cane and hid inside his gloves. And I cover my sword on its sheath. I'm kinda excited to see another place. But what I wanted to see right now is my home. We follow Aishmalen back to the turtle's mouth which is the entrance and exit.

I'm expecting a sand with the ocean waves. But we're here on the turtle's shell. There are Merfens all around and they all look wild and ugly with those scales and fangs. A lot of them are holding a rotten trident. This place has a stage with logs around it. Skeletons can be seen hanging on every side.

Are those pirates?! Because they're wearing pirate suit!

"Welcome! This is the top of Paco's shell, where we eat humans."


"They are my friends. I guess I should feed them too, right?"

"Aishmalen... what do you mean?"

"For him we're just a food," Haris answered. And he's not even trembling. It gave me a comfort that I'm sure safe with him.

"That's right! Both of you are just foods! I hope you know how much I detest human...!" Merfens surrounds us and tie us on the wooden pole in the middle of the logs.

"Haris, what do we do?!"

"Why not practice your dignity as a future Queen."

What?! He doesn't even have a plan?!

"Ashti, are you mad?"

"No... I don't know."

"Your hair is raising." I look at my bangs, and maybe it's because of the ocean wind.

"That doesn't matter now! Use some magic to escape here!"

"Okay." He raise his hands to call everyone's attention. A simple magic, his hands are tied so that's impossible. Merfens gnash their teeth in anger. I look for Aishmalen yet he's not around.

"Do you wanna see some magic?"


"Just die!!"

"Okay..." he replied.

"I wanna see," I said. Just to simply encourage him. They burn the logs, maybe to cook us first? Haris pick a pack of cards and toss it above. I thought it's only a pack but when it falls it multiplies to thousands, including some doves. Is this for blocking their vision?

He cut the rope from my hands. Now we're free, I don't know which way to escape. He opened the umbrella, I guess sky is the way out.

"Punch this." He stamped his feet. He means he wants me to punch this shell. I did with pleasure. My fist hurts when it hits the ground. And worst, I over did it. The turtle was pushed down the water. Its shell serves as an island so it shouldn't sink.

Merfens are running with panic when the water reached the surface. Haris grab my waist and I hold onto his shoulder. We're floating with this umbrella again. The turtle completely sunk, I wonder how much pain Paco felt. I feel guilty. I look at Haris

"So how long shall we stay like this?!" he rolled his eyes.

"Don't be mad at me..." he twist the umbrella to become a cane and we fell on the sand. I never noticed we changed location. We're back here on the island. I can see the turtle from afar. Then I hear a clap of hands behind, and there's where Aishmalen is.

"That was amazing! I'm sure Paco will kill me later."

"That's better, as a consequence of involving a pet with your crime," Haris said.

"Not me. I am also a victim here." He raise his hand towards the sky and clouds rapidly gathered to create a storm. Then the rain drops. Waters from the sea was pulled back and raises. At first I thought it's tsunami, but it formed a woman with a hair of tentacles. It's so big!

Aishmalen is gone again so we run inside the forest. A strong wind pulls us back to the sea shore, that's a doing of the woman monster. She's sucking us in. We both hold on the tree to refrain flying.

Haris pick a strand of his hair and pasted on the tree. He asked me punch the tree again going to the woman. I did it but we lost our hold. The tree hit the woman's face and explodes. It scattered like a huge fountain. We're free from the sipping. I was scalded by the rain; the water is extremely hot! A perfect timing to use umbrella properly.

Haris gave it to me, I thought he's sacrificing himself but I remembered he have rigid body. He felt no pain. Trees around are melting. We're slowly being surrounded by Merfens and Aishmalen standing in front of us, looking pity at me.

"I'm so sorry guys. I'm still glad you got this far-" we all look up when a dragon screams exactly located above us. It burns our surrounding, or should I say the Merfens.

"Maruwie!" Haris called. He ride behind him and lend me a hand. What is this dragon to him? He turned the pendant and we fly above, covering me from the rain but still it got me burn. We reach the very top, above the stormy cloud. From here what I can see is calming clouds and sun. It's so fascinating! Yet I look pale. This time, we're finally free.