
Our Continuity

A man gets sent back in time by his lover after a decisive battle had ended in the death of both sides, it was a two sided losing war for everyone, now being sent back in time, will he be able to change the course of events or will it all happen the same again?

MysteriousMoff · Fantasie
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3 Chs


As I begin to calm myself from the fleeting dream, the sweet aroma of freshly made pancakes and syrup begins to fill the air and sooth any discomfort,

The next second my Sister opens the door announcing "Breakfast is ready Jake, come out of your room,"

After such an intrusion I ready myself to leave my appallingly messy room with clothes draped along the barely visible floor,

The kitchen is as luminant as ever filled with many faces, scents, and colors.

Entering the room Father looks at me expectantly,

Speaking to Father I organize when we'll speak, "I'll be working from 9am to 6pm today, so let's have that update at 7pm okay?"

"Yes that's okay, just make sure you've thought everything through beforehand," he replied seeming rather annoyed

Happily eating the delicious pancakes and finishing them in seconds, I begin moving towards the front door to head to work,

My Sister stopped me as I was leaving,

"Why are you stopping me?" I asked snappily,

"Cause I know what you and dad will be talking about,"

"it doesn't matter okay, it's already all decided I just need to make sure I'm ready for it,"

After that I opened the door leaving abruptly before she could say another word,

I just spent the rest of the day working as a mediocre grocery store employee,

Some of my thoughts during working involved how I hate working this job and that a 19 year old with no aspirations is just wasting their life,

Finishing work I go home through the dark streets barely even lit by lamp posts even though it's somewhat scary I push through,

Making it home after another scary walk through the dark I realize it's almost 7PM and I should prepare myself for the talk with Father,

After preparing mentally I sit down and begin to wait, a moment later my father enters the room,

"Have you thought about how you'll be leaving and where you'll be staying?" He asks me,

"Straight to the point I see, I should've expected no less" I replied harshly

Before he gets a word to retaliate I explain my intentions

"I'll start moving my things out tomorrow, and I'll go live with my friend Nathaniel,"

"Isn't he still living with his family?" My Father asks looking confused and with clear disapproval in his voice,

"Yes but I'll pay rent and I'll only be taking up their small spare room,"

"So long as you're out I don't mind"

"Good because it's none of your business anymore,"

After the conversation I go to my room and lay down on my bed, looking at a ceiling that's no longer one I can call my own.