
Otsutsuki In Multiverse

A man died and get the chance to reincarnate as an Otsutsuki with the power to travel multiple universes. ————— Tag: Incest, -------------- Warning: Selfish Mc, Cring alert, hypocrite mc, Prideful mc, Villain

Slime_king · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

A day out with Daughter

(A/N: From this point on, the story will be written in the past tense.)

"Daddy, slow down," Qingyu shouted at Aizen.

"Hahaha, didn't you want me to fly faster?" Aizen replied while he started to slow down his speed.

Qingyu pouted and said, "I didn't mean so fast." She held Aizen's head tightly as if was afraid of falling.

Aizen smiled and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Qingyu thought for a second and replied "Let's go to the demon realm. They have horns like daddy."

Aizen laughed and said, "Do you like Horns?"

Qingyu nodded her cute little head and answered, "Yeah, You, Grandma, also Aunt Kaguya, everyone has horns. And everyone is so cool"

She then became sad and said, "Why don't I have one?"

Akira laughed and said "You look beautiful without any horns. But if you like horn so much then I will give you one when you grow older."

Qingyu's eyes widened like an egg which made her so cute that Aizen wanted to cuddle her again.

"Really? Really?" She asked excitedly

Aizen chuckled and said "Yes, but you have to become strong. No, the strongest in the Universe. Then Dad will give you a beautiful pair of horns."

"You promise?" Qingyu asked.

Aizen nodded and said, "I promise." He has many ways to give her a pair of horns. It's not a big deal.

Qingyu looked determined and said "I will become the strongest. Don't forget this promise at that time."

Aizen laughed and said, "Then let's go and visit the Demon realm."


It's been Five years since Qingyu was born. He had given her his clan name, "Otsutsuki".

Asa or Kaguya didn't object. They had a different kind of mentality since Aizen tried his best to make them think like him.

After spending such a long time together and watching him doing so many things made them believe in him.

To them, Aizen will be the next King.

So it's his right to give the Otsutsuki name to whoever he wants. And they would just follow his lead.

Susan's memories had also returned not too long ago. But Aizen had already altered her memories a little. So this time she didn't leave for the God realm.

She also knew that Aizen was not only strong but would protect her. She was safe with Aizen. She talked about her memories with Aizen and others. They didn't think much of it.

Her strength had also returned with her memory.

She was a Divine realm cultivator. In terms of energy reserves, she could rival Kaguya but for fighting capabilities, Kaguya could kick her ass without breaking any sweat.

Susan was also happy that Aizen was taking care of her daughter like she was his own. So she secretly fell in love with Aizen but didn't have the guts to say it.

Of course, Aizen knew all of this. Asa didn't care about this or Kaguya. To them as long as she was beneficial to Aizen, they didn't care what she would do.

In these Five years, Aizen had visited all three continents and collected everything that he thought could be useful to him.

This time Yun Che was okay and living a happy life with his real father and mother in the Demon realm.

Aizen had watched over Lingxue's birth, who was supposed to be Yun's little Aunt. Aizen was shocked when he saw her soul.

For a second he wanted to bring her with him and groom her as one of his soldiers. But then he decided against it. Her soul was too strong for the current him to do anything.

But he was not worried though. He would grow stronger and he would mark her soul and make her his soldier at that time.

Oh, he also got to see the Caiyi. She had the same temper as his mother. But she had a real loli body.

Aizen didn't visit any of the trail grounds on this planet.

He was waiting, waiting for the right time. He would loot *cough* borrow their blood and soul when the time was right.

Aizen had sent thousands of his Shadow clones to all different planets to collect fuel for Asa and Kaguya's God tree.

As for himself, he has a different plan. He wants his next evolution to be more epic.

He also collects any and all kinds of cultivation techniques, or other martial techniques. He wanted to perfect his own cultivation technique and fighting capabilities too.

So these techniques would come in handy.

"Dad, look, There is something in the sky." Aizen came out of his thoughts hearing Qingyu's call.

He looked up and saw a floating island in the sky.

Aizen smiled and said "It's Nothing important. When you grow older we will go inside together"

That was the evil god's arc. The reason He was not going in was because of Jasmine. Because she knew a way to bond the thing he wanted at the arc with him forever.


A/N: First of all, Thank you, everyone, for supporting me so far.

I am here to announce my new book. I wrote this book a long time ago but forgot to upload it.

So I decided to upload it. Don't worry it won't affect my other books as this book was almost finished a long time ago.

Book Name: The Winner of Life.

I am sure you can guess the Genre. And I am also sure that everyone will love this book.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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