

By all means Leo Herron hasn’t had a good life. But when the world changes around him he begins to think he can change that. With magic, zombies, and monsters being born around him will he survive and make a name for himself. No, he dies within the first 10 minutes of the apocalypse but in doing so he unlocks the oscillation system. Allowing him to travel back to save points he sets and change his fate. How will he use this power, you’ll need to read the book to see.

blucube_14 · Urban
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3 Chs

3. Becoming homeless.

Leo picked up the paper from the ground and gave it a light skim. It was a new lease agreement for the year, in his past life Leo accepted because it wasn't a bad deal. But what use would he have for a apartment in two months. It would be better to use that money to buy gear and items that would increase his likelihood of survival.

Leo also looked around his studio apartment, it was nothing amazing, just 4 walls and a bathroom. But Leo had earned everything in this apartment, sadly most of it would be useless in two months. Leo wrote a response to the letter that he would be moved out within the next 2 weeks, and he began to clean and organize all of his belongings. What would be useful in two months, what would be useful in the next few weeks, and what would only be dead weight.

It took Leo the better part of the day to find everything that would be useful. Some dry food, thick clothes, backpacks, a basic medical kit, and a old walking stick that might hold up as a weapon. Leo packed all these into bags as effectively as he could and in the end it all fit into 3 bags. Leo couldn't help but feel saddened by the thought that in a few weeks these were all he would have left.

After taking a moment to himself Leo delved into his phone, canceling subscriptions or anything that would cost him money. Next he filed for a P.O. Box at the nearest post office. Last he began to take photos of all of his belongings and put them up for sale. In a place like Portland there were always people looking to buy random stuff for cheap.

After all this, Leo laid back in his bed mentally exhausted, this was all very taxing. But he knew he didn't have time to waste. After picking himself up again Leo looked at his work schedule. He worked at a simple convenience store not to far from his home and went to college part time. Thankfully classes were ending for the semester in just a week and he had already completed his tests. So he would just not apply for new classes and he would be fine in that regard.

He next texted his boss to let them know he would be available for as many hours as possible in the next few weeks but he would need 1/10/XXXX-1/20/XXXX off. That was all he could do for now. Now all he needed to do was wait, work, and sell.

Just like that a week and a half passed, most of the things In Leo's apartment had been sold. As for Leo himself he was exhausted. He had been working 10 hour shifts for almost every day. Today he finally caught a break. He had managed to complete the exercise quest a few times given any activity that raised his heartbeat counted as exercise. He had earned 9 exp. Though it meant nothing for now given leveling was locked until the apocalypse happened.

He now only had two days left in this apartment and he needed to use them wisely. First he took all the items he couldn't sell and donated them or pawned them. He put his three bags into his car and began to prepare to live out of it for a while. Leo had managed to save up a decent amount of money so it was time to start putting it to use. After all money would be useless during the apocalypse.

Thinking carefully Leo bought plenty of canned food that would not expire for years. He also bought two large containers of water both holding about 10 gallons(38 liters) each. After that he picked up some basic camping gear, flint and steel, an axe and machete, a sleeping bag and 2 lanterns one electric and solar powered and one that uses oil. Last he bought a large power bank that ran off solar power and a small fridge that would fit in his car. Though his car was getting full now.

There were a few more things Leo wanted to buy but they would need to wait a little longer. Leo looked at his bank account after this shopping spree. He only had a little over a hundred left and he would have to wait until his next paycheck. Now he needed to think of a place to start the apocalypse.

Given that he had exp Leo guessed he could get stronger by defeating zombies so it wouldn't be a good idea in the long run to just hide. He needed to pick a area that he could survive in but also become stronger. It was than that something occurred to Leo. If he could just return to his save point couldn't he just try a location and if it didn't work he could pick a new one. After all he didn't know what building would hold up and where many zombies would form. His best bet would be to get to a place with supplies and keep trying to survive until he managed to clame them.

It would be better for him in the long run. Though Leo did not look forward to dying so he would avoid it at all costs. Thinking this, his best bet would be a mall, it would be dangerous but fruitful. Many resources but a crowded area that could bring many zombies and challenges.

Thinking of challenges leo looked at his system quests. It would be best to get as much exp as he could before the day comes. The next 6 weeks passed extremely fast. All Leo did was, work exercise, and plan. He would work for 10 hours than go to the gym for 4 hours. Doing this he managed to gain around 3 exp a day.

Exhausted Leo stared at the roof of his car. He felt extremely tired but he could also tell he was much more in shape than he used to be. Most of his exercises consisted of cardio. Leo had a feeling being able to run and not loose his breath would be useful. Thinking about how much he has improved Leo opens his status page.

[ Status ]

[Name: Leo Herron]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 22]

[Level: 0]

[Exp: 135/10 Capped]

[Points: 44

[HP: 16/16]

[Mana: 16/16]

[Str: 7]

[Dex: 6]

[Con: 8]

[Int: 8]

[Magic: 2]

[Charm: 5]

[Equipment: none]

[Skills: {Shield Level 1}]

Leo sighed to himself, all that work he could only hope it gave him a edge. After he rested tonight he would only have a little more than a week left to prepare. He needed to use his remaining time and money wisely. Leo quickly set a new save point before retiring to sleep.

[save point set 1/11/XXXX]

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