

By all means Leo Herron hasn’t had a good life. But when the world changes around him he begins to think he can change that. With magic, zombies, and monsters being born around him will he survive and make a name for himself. No, he dies within the first 10 minutes of the apocalypse but in doing so he unlocks the oscillation system. Allowing him to travel back to save points he sets and change his fate. How will he use this power, you’ll need to read the book to see.

blucube_14 · Urban
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3 Chs

2. Waking up

Leo awoke abruptly as he gasped for air. He looked around his apartment before thinking. 'Was it all a dream.'

[ Save point found 2 months before death. Consciousness transfer successful]

[ You survived 22 years, 3 months, and 4 days. Calculating points…]

'What? So it wasn't a dream. That means, in two months the apocalypse will happen!'

[Point calculation complete. Due to the low difficulty of survival you have gained 44 points.]

Ignoring the system voice as it calculated points that had no meaning to Leo at the moment he tried to calm himself. For now he needed information. "System what are you and how do you work"

[Tutorial activated. The oscillation system allows the user to return to a saved point in time after they die in the hope of extending there life longer. The longer you live the more points you will get to help on your next try.]

"What are these points and how do I use them" Leo asked. If anyone was watching him he would look like a lunatic asking the air question.

[You gain points based off of how long you lived in your previous life. If odds are against your survival and you live you gain more points. You can use the points to buy permanent items/skills/upgrades from the shop.]

"How to I access the shop?"

[The user need only say or think "menu" to access the system from now on. Tutorial mode disengaging]

"What? I have so many questions. Fuck." Leo cursed as the system stoped answering his questions.

'So to put it all out, I have two months before the apocalypse. Where a large earthquake will happen and at minimum zombies are created. And I have a system that lets me go back in time after I die. That's useful, I can't tell anyone unless I want to locked up and called crazy. So I'm on my own. I need to prep. But for now. Menu!'

Leo began to think and try to plan out his situation, he seamed fairly calm but it one looked close enough they could see a cold sweat had stuck to his back and his hand were shaking slightly.

[ Oscillation system menu]





[Save points]*

Leo looked at the options in front of him before hesitantly clicking status.

[ Status ]

[Name: Leo Herron]

[Race: Human]

[Age: 22]

[Level: 0]

[Exp: 0/10]

[Points: 44

[HP: 14/14]

[Mana: 8/8]

[Str: 6]

[Dex: 4]

[Con: 7]

[Int: 8]

[Magic: 1]

[Charm: 5]

[Equipment: none]

[Skills: none]

'So these are my stats, nothing much but I'm not to surprised. I'm not a athlete or anything. Next the shop I guess.'


[Only affordable items are shown]

[Increase stat of choice- 20 points]

[Level 1 soldier skill- 40 points]

[Gives basic knowledge of combat and survival]

[Tier 0 Rations- 5 points]

[Tier 1 Potion of heath- 20 points]

[Restores 10HP over 5 seconds]

Leo looked at the screen in front of him, contemplating the options. He didn't need to make a choice now but it was good to have the options in his head. 'So far the stat increase isn't a bad idea but the Soldier skill is definitely the best option as it gives me training that I lack. Ok next is quests.'


[Completed: 1 ]

[ Tier 1 quest: Die for the first time- congratulations you died, not like you imagined it is it?]

[Rewards: Tier 1 Death box, 5exp]



[Tier 0 repeatable quest: exercise- do 2 hours of training for any stat]

[Rewards: 1exp]

[Tier 1 quest: Survive past 1/20/XXXX- Current date 11/20/XXXX]

[Reward: 20exp, 1 Life box]

[Tier ? quest: Death again-die again and start over]

[Reward: Tier ? Death box, ?exp]

Leo looked at the quests and couldn't help but glare, it felt like to this system his death was just a joke. He glanced at his completed quest and sighed before accepting the rewards.

[Exp gain blocked until 1/20/XXXX, exp saved into backlog]

[Tier 1 Death box gained]

Leo looked at the message for a brief moment before a glaring white light flashed in front of him. It only lasted a second but it was still long enough to grab his attention. On the bed in front of him was a small black box about 4in(10cm) by 4in with a illustration of a skull on each side. Leo picked up the small cube and looked at it with curiosity.

[Reward box detected, would you like to open]

[yes] [no]

After selecting yes the small box crumbled to pieces and a small black mote flew to Leo's chest. A warm sensation washed through Leo's body and mind. This feeling only lasted a few seconds but it was quite calming.

[The skill Shield has been obtained]

[Shield: level 1- use magic to block a oncoming attack or object. Consumes 1 Mana for every attack point. Ratio changes as skill levels]

Leo shook his head before looking at the skill. It would've come in handy when he was crushed by that building, even if it only held the debris for a second it might of helped him to escape. He guessed that was the point of the death box given when it was rewarded.

Leo extended his hand and tried to use the skill, It felt foreign yet natural at the same time. He could feel a cold fluid like substance flow from his chest through his arm and to his hand before exiting his body. Leo watched amazed as a small translucent square manifested in front of him. After a few seconds it faded and leo felt light headed. Checking his mana stat he could see it was at 0.

Deciding to practice the skill later Leo opened the save points menu.

[Save points]

[Save points available 1]

[Save points used 0]

[Set save point- this will override the oldest save point]

Leo pondered for a few seconds before selecting set save point. He didn't want to know what would happen if he died now and didn't have a save point set.

[Save point set at 11/20/XXXX 8:37am]

Leo sighed before looking around his apartment planning his next steps. His eyes caught a letter that had been slid under his door. His lips curved into a slight smile. 'Yah that should be my next move'

Thanks for reading. Advice and criticism welcome. I know I have a lot to work on so let me know what I can do.

blucube_14creators' thoughts