

By all means Leo Herron hasn’t had a good life. But when the world changes around him he begins to think he can change that. With magic, zombies, and monsters being born around him will he survive and make a name for himself. No, he dies within the first 10 minutes of the apocalypse but in doing so he unlocks the oscillation system. Allowing him to travel back to save points he sets and change his fate. How will he use this power, you’ll need to read the book to see.

blucube_14 · Urban
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3 Chs

1. The world shakes.

Leo Herron was awakened when his apartment building began to shake violently. Looking around his small studio apartment as the lights began to flicker Leo tried to center himself and get his bearings. He could hear screams and shouts from his window. He grabbed the clothes he had previously discarded on the floor and hastily put them on.

Running out of his apartment he found others with panicked and worried expressions rushing to the stairs. Pushing his way through them he made his way down the building. As he ran, the building began to shake even harder and more and more people began to rush their way down the stars.

By the time he made it down to the lobby he was breathing heavily. Leo was not the most athletic individual so after running down the stairs and pushing past people, he needed to catch his breath. It was than that he heard a loud scream from the hall ahead.

Leo look in horror as a man jumped onto another man and began to bite and claw at his face making inhuman sounds. Leo was frozen with fear at what he saw, after all it's not every day you watch a man maul another man to death. As the struggle came to a end the man stood with blood dripping over his face and hands, it's eyes moved to the next person it could see.

Snapping out of his daze Leo ,still shaking, ran for the fire exit on the building away from the commotion.Leo felt the building shake even harder and could hear the sound of wood snapping and metal creaking. He began to try and sort out his situation.

'I don't know what that was but it looked like something out of a fucking zombie movie, and with the sounds I'm hearing this building won't hold much longer. I need to get out of here. I hope it's safer outside.' As Leo found the fire door he saw other making there way out, he ran as fast as he could to make it out.

As Leo was about 3 feet from the door he heard a loud snapping sound before feeling a enormous amount of weight fall on him. The pain causing him to pass out for a few seconds. Leo was dazed but when he tried to move he was assaulted with a immense amount of pain. Looking around he could see that over half of his body was being crushed by debris.

Only his chest, face, and left arm were not crushed by the building. Leo tried to fight the pain and clear the debris but as he did he realized he could not feel his legs. He tried to move them but was only assaulted by another wave of pain. It was than that Leo heard a low growl.

Looking at the source of the noise Leo saw another man covered in blood. At first Leo was relived but quickly discarded that as he saw what he assumed were the man's guts hanging out of his stomach.

The zombie sniffed the air and looked in Leo's direction before beginning to take slow steps toward him. Leo began to panic, he tried to move, call for help, throw things at the zombie but to no avail. The zombie grew closer to Leo he now tried punching and shoving it away, still screaming for help.

'Is this how I die, pathetic alone at the hands of a zombie. I don't want to die yet, no I can't die yet' Leo began to beg in his mind as the zombie took the first bite of its dinner. Leo screamed and begged for 3 minutes as the creature took bite after agonizing bite before he finally died.

Leo found himself floating in a black void. 'Is this hell? Am I dead? Where am I'

[Qualifications met, oscillation system activated]

[Welcome to the oscillation system. Live, die, repeat and hope to live longer.]

[No previous save point detected, returning as far as possible to ensure highest survival chance.]

'What in the hell is going on? What system?' As Leo tried to make heads or tails of his situation he felt a pulling sensation before losing consciousness.

Thanks for reading. I know this first one is short but I’ll try and make the chapters longer as I go, I am a first time writer so please be patient.

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