
Operation Love Boat- Luffy x Hancock Fan Fiction (Sequel to Island For

Luffy has finished his training and now needs to meet up with his crew at Sabody. Boa Hancock will sail him to the island with her crew, but Elder Nyon and the Kuja Pirates have a plan to get the two together. Watch as Luffy and Hancock's bonds strengthen and witness a secret event that the world would never know.

KodyakCombs · Anime und Comics
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80 Chs

Sibling Feud



Astrid called out to Luka who looked at him before disappearing. He appeared above Astrid. He swung down his glaive. Astrid leaped out of the way and the glaive hit the ground. The earth burst open and a slash rushed towards Astrid. He coated his arms in haki and thrust both palms out. His palms clashed with slash. 




Cuts appeared on his palms as he was forced back. With a flash, Luka popped up in front of him. He lifted his glaive again with a wide grin. 




The glaive was blasted out of his hand by a crystal bullet. 


"Astrid, there's obviously something wrong with Luka! Don't let your guard down or you will die!" 


Frantz shouted while aiming his sniper at Luka 


"I know that!" 


Astrid flew at Luka. 


"Snap out of it, Idiot!" 


He punched at Luka's chest. A hole opened up in Luka's chest as Astrid's fist went through it. 




The hole closed with Astrid's hand stuck in there. Spikes grew from Luka's body and stabbed into him. Astrid hardened his skin but the spikes still penetrated his skin. Luka's body melted and avoided several shots from Frantz's rifle. He turned into a blob and flew at Frantz. Caria cut in front of him and sliced the blob. It split into two parts before forming into two Lukas. 


"Frantz, sit this out. If you fight anymore with your wounds already reopening once, you'll die." 


Caria spoke as she glared at Luka. 




"I know, Frantz." 


Her hands and blades blackened. 


"This is merely a sibling fight." 


Caria flew at the two Lukas. They rushed at her from two directions. 


"5000 Brick Fist!" 


Astrid flew at them from behind and slammed his fist into one of the Lukas. Caria's figure disappeared and she reappeared behind the other Luka. Cuts appeared all over its body. That body turned into a puddle of mercury. The last Luka grabbed Astrid's arm and slammed his knee in his face. Astrid blocked it with haki. 




However, Luka's body started glowing. Astrid was swallowed up by an explosion. 




Caria cried out. 




Hancock shouted at Caria who suddenly noticed droplets of mercury floating around her. The droplet grew into giant blades. The blades flew at Caria from every direction. They clashed against each other with a loud clang. Above, Caria was being carried away by Jessie who was in his Zoan form. 


"Thanks, Jessie." 


"Listen, Caria. You too Frantz and Astrid!" 


Jessie drew everyone's attention. 


"There are multiple Felixes here!" 




Caria and Frantz wore confused expressions. Hancock's looked at Luffy who nodded. 


"It's the truth. We met a couple of them. There's a really strong one underground." 


"What? Is it a devil fruit ability? Clones? Then the one who died was a fake?" 


Hancock quickly tried to get a grasp of the situation. 


"And here we thought we could go unnoticed while you guys fight." 


El Nino popped up between Luffy and Hancock. The two of them instantly move to attack him. 




The two leaped back. A truck-sized chunk of concrete fell where they were. They saw a dark figure standing on top of the concrete. 


"You guys can't gang up on me this time." 


El Nino pointed at the figure. 


"Big Brother La Parca is going to punish you for bullying me earlier." 


"Don't call me that." 


La Parca jumped down. 






Luffy and Hancock hardened their fists and legs. 


"This isn't gonna be easy." 


At the same time. 


"What do you mean by multiple Felixes?!" 


Caria pressed Jessie. 


"I don't know! All I know is there are multiple-" 


Jessie's words were cut. He froze in the air. Jessie looked down. A silver blade pierced his stomach. He dropped Caria. 




She looked up while falling. The sword piercing Jessie morphed into Luka. His hand was in Jessie's stomach. He grinned while locking eyes with Jessie. 


"Aren't I taking a bit too much of a beating lately?" 


Jessie's body disappeared along with Luka's. Caria landed on the ground and a crash reached her ears. She looked and saw Jessie straddling Luka while squeezing his throat. 


"I'll give you a chance, Luka." 


He spoke while blood flowed out of his mouth. 


"Come back to your senses or I'll deal with you not as your brother but as your leader." 


Luka formed a giant fist and punched Jessie off him. Jessie's body rolled on the ground and he found himself looking up at the sky. 


"I see." 


Jessie sat up and placed his hand over his bleeding wound. Luka appeared above him swinging down a giant silver mullet. 


"Astrid, block." 


Astrid popped up between the two of them. He crossed his arms overhead and blocked the mallet. 




Caria mumbled as she watched Jessie stand up. 


"There's a lot of stuff happening today that I can't wrap my head around. But there's one thing I'm certain of." 


Conqueror's flowed out of his body nonstop. 


"There's no way in hell I'm gonna lose to you." 


Luka's body flinched in the face of Jessie's glare. However, a huge maniacal grin appeared on his face. 


"Caria, Astrid, no holding back." 


Jessie started hopping in place. 


"Defeat the enemy in front of you. That's an order." 


"Yes, sir!" 


Caria's body flickered. Butterflies surrounded Luka. 


"Monarch Cut!" 


A large cut appeared on his chest. Silver Butterflies surrounded Caria. 




Luka disappeared and Caria crossed her swords in front of her. Sparks flew as Caria was forced back with cuts appearing on her. Luka twisted his body to avoid shots from Jessie's guns. He was hit by a right hook from Astrid. He was blown to the side. He bounced on the ground and seeped into the earth. Countless silver spikes burst out of the ground. Jessie punched down and shattered the spike thrusting towards his chest. His fist hit the earth and burst it open. Astrid slammed his palms on the ground. 


"Magenta Wave!" 


Bursts of force flowed into the earth. The ground moved like water before bursting open. Luka flew out in a set of armor. The armor blocked bullets from Jessie. 




Jessie disappeared from where he stood. 




Luka was hit by Jessie's foot before he could respond. He was sent flying. Silver tentacles grew from his back, grabbed the floor, and stopped him. 


"Who gave you permission to stop?" 


Jessie stomped him into the ground. Luka's body started to melt under his feet. 


"Who said you could escape?" 


Jessie grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the air. Luka sprouted wings made of mercury and took to the skies. He blinked and Jessie was above him. 


"Who said you could fly?" 


Jessie kicked him towards the earth. He appeared on the ground before Luka hit the earth. He flew up with a flying uppercut. Luka's back bent in an odd shape. His glaive flew out of the ground. Caria swatted it away with her swords. Jessie didn't react to this and focused only on Luka. 


"In case you forgot because of your rampage..." 


He slammed Luka on the ground. 


"I am the one who always stopped your rampage. Why? Because I am your leader." 


Jessie looked down on him with a cold gaze. 


"Don't do anything without my permission." 


Meanwhile underground, "Felix" sat in his seat with his legs crossed. 


"Hmm....Let's see." 


He placed his finger on his temple. 


"Jessie Lockhart, leader of the current Supreme Five. Aloof, idiotic, protective, kind, and charismatic." 


He paused for a bit. 


"Ah, here it is. When he's using his authority as Supreme Leader, Jessie Lockhart's personality becomes cold and ruthless until the point he's a different person. He doesn't hesitate to do what's necessary, even killing allies if needed. It's theorized this is his true self hidden deep within his heart." 


He removed his finger from his head. 


"Quite interesting. It's a bit different from a split personality, it's more like him releasing his true self." 


Felix grinned. 


"That's great." 


He took out a pocket watch, it had a dragon design on it. 


"That means I get to test the limits of Silver Death without care." 


He opened the watch and its ticks echoed in the room. On the surface, Luka's ears twitched and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. 


"Now then, which role will you fulfill Jessie Lockhart? Kind Big Brother or Ruthless Leader?" 


Felix pocketed the watch and leaned back in his seat. 


"This will be the perfect Opening Act for the Main Event."