
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
17 Chs


It's been six days since I last saw Justin after the incident which occurred involving Gabby. I guess this is the point where I truly admit to the fact that I am really into him and I can't seem to get him off my mind, nor can I stop myself from being "too" worried about him. And this is when I decided to do the unspeakable. I looked around the room to see if a nurse was around but it turns out I'm after all alone.

I shifted my gaze from the wall clock which kept on ticking. I slowly removed the drip that was running through my veins and gently pulled the blanket off my body. Then I slowly moved my uninjured leg and tried to move the other which was plastered. It was a dangerous move to make but I never really cared about that because I was so anxious and focused on seeing Justin.

Crazy move right? yeah, I know.

Luckily, there was a wheelchair that belonged to one of the patients who got discharged before I arrived at the hospital. During my attempt in getting out of bed, I sighted a young boy who wouldn't pass the age of a nine-year-old. He stood behind the door whilst he watched my every move. It felt creepy but I just couldn't stand him staring.

Then it came to me to ask him for help. What could a nine-year-old do for me? I bet you're wondering that.

I stared at the cute little boy for a few seconds and took a deep breath. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked.

"Uhm... I'm....hi. I'm Evans" He said shyly and I could see that as his face turned pink. Yeah, I know. I guess he's been mesmerized by my unfolding beauty. Just kidding though.

"Okay, Evans. I need your help right now and it's an urgent one. Would you like to help?"

"Yeah? I could help" He said still looking shy and probably a bit scared.

"You see that wheelchair over there?" I pointed at the end of the room at my right-hand side.

"Yes, I see it," little Evans said.

"Can you please push it down here? I need to sit on it"

"But why?" The little kid questioned with a confused look on his face.

You know how kids can be so inquisitive that it starts to get on your nerves but that's one of those things that makes them cute. Well, kids will always be kids. Those angelic demons.

"Well, I can't walk obviously," I said as I pointed at my plastered leg. "So, I need to sit in it and be able to move around a bit. Does that answer your question, Detective Evans?" I said with an angry look boldly written on my face.

I think that was a bit too harsh for a kid.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Don't be mad at me please" Evans said with an apologetic look.

See? This is exactly why I think kids are angelic demons. Just look at those cute eyes. He's so adorable.

I rolled my eyeballs and said to him, "It's fine Evans. Just get to work".

"Okay, ma'am!" He responded.

Watching little Evans make his way towards the wheelchair and push it down here with his little strength of his, reminds me of when I tried to be the sweet daughter I could be after dinner one time.

I wasn't supposed to be seen in the kitchen because it wasn't safe for a six-year-old to be in. But then, kids will always be kids like I said. I wanted to wash the dirty dishes in the kitchen sink which wasn't something I was supposed to do. So, I carried a heavy stool which I picked up from the living room and dropped in front of the kitchen sink. I stood on it and battled with the dirty dishes but I must confess, the whole of the kitchen at that moment was a mess all thanks to me. The floor was wet and plates were littered all over the sink. And to make things worse, I broke two of my mom's favorite mugs. It was a total disaster and I got scolded by my mom. So, yeah that was how the whole thing went and since then I wasn't allowed in the kitchen not until I was of age.

Now, back to the real matter here.

"Evans, can you please hurry up?"

"I'm sorry, it's just too heavy for me to handle. I'm trying. I'm almost there"

Little Evans tried his possible best to move the wheelchair with his little might which took him forever but eventually, he got it done.

"Can you please move the wheelchair a bit closer to me? It's kinda far" I said as I tried to move my hips and my left leg while I tried to get out of bed and make my way on the wheelchair. It wasn't an easy task but thanks to Evans, he was indeed of great help. I almost got myself injured while trying to get out of bed but like I said, Evans was of great help.

While we were at it, I made sure Evans looked around to see if any nurses were lurking around. Luckily for me or should I say for us? whatever! there were none at the moment. With Evans' assistance, I wheeled myself out of my ward and suddenly made a stop sign with my left hand raised in the air.

Evans stopped and asked, "Anything the matter?"

"Not actually. The thing is, I asked for your help because I need to see my----" This is where I got confused. Would I address Justin as my friend or boyfriend? After the kiss, does that mean we're dating?

"Well, I want to see someone and he's special to me " I continued.

"He's kinda tall, blue eyes, cute lips, and of course, he's handsome and his name is Justin. Have you seen anyone who looks like him?" I questioned.

"Justin Leicester? That's my brother!" Evans exclaimed.

"Wait what?!" I was dumbfounded and was speechless for a moment.