
Open secrets (invisibility)

Cassandra Manchester fell in love with a handsome young man who was brutally murdered by her toxic and obsessed ex-boyfriend. And due to the crime committed by her ex-boyfriend, she ended up being framed for murdering the man she fell in love with, Justin. She was sent to prison but was released five years after she served jail term. After her release from prison, she coincidentally met with a billionaire who helped her when she fell unconscious after she sighted someone who looked like her ex-boyfriend, Gabby. Her encounter with Kelvin, the billionaire turned sour which led to some unpleasant circumstances when some secrets began to unfold. Will the secrets between them, stop them from igniting the sparks that starts to erupt within them? Or will Cassandra follow her heart and hold on to feelings that make her heart flutter?

Annie_Micho · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


What was that about?

"I love you". These words kept on ringing in my head over and over again. Heaven knows I was caught by surprise when he said those words. I was lost in my thoughts till I remembered the weird dream I had. Why would I have a dream about Gabby? I asked myself that. The thought of Gabby alone gives me the creeps. He never cared to visit me in the hospital although, I prefer he'd rather not come. What was I thinking when I agreed to be his miserable girlfriend? My life's a mess!

"Arrgggghhhhhh!!!!" I screamed into my pillow and slept off.

It's eight in the morning and yes, it's a Saturday. It's been three weeks since any of my family members had come to visit me. After I had taken a bath and my wounds had been dressed which was done around 7a.m, I sat on my bed staring at the ceiling, and kept on reminiscing about what had happened the previous night. I was lost in my thoughts when I heard a voice.


"Oh! Hi---" I paused for a moment and guess what? It's Gabby! It's fucking Gabby!! Fuck!

At the sight of him, I felt scared to the point I started shivering. What's he doing here?!

"What? You're not happy to see your cute boyfriend? Huh?! You dirty-looking slut!" He yelled as he hit me on my right injured leg.

"Oww!! Gabby you're hurting me! Ga---" He covered my mouth with a pillow and tried to suffocate me.

Well, this reminds me of Bigger Thomas while he tried to suffocate Mary Dalton with a pillow in Native Son.

Seriously Cassie? That's what you can think of right now huh?!

"Hey! Asshole!! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Let her go!" Justin came rushing down towards Gabby and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground. He continued to punch Gabby and here I am staring in disbelief and shock.

People came rushing down to my ward including two security officers who dragged Gabby along with them.

"Cass? You're okay? Did that bastard hurt you? I'm so sorry you had to see that. You're good?". Justin questioned and that's when tears started to roll down my eyes.

"Cass? Please stop crying" He hugged me so tight and made those sweet strokes down my back.

Jeez...Cassie! Seriously? Sweet strokes?

"I was scared. I thought I was going to die Justin" I said in between tears.

"Don't worry, I'm here. I'll always be here for you. You'll be fine".

I pulled back and looked into his eyes. "Thanks, Justin. I'd have been---"

He interrupted me with a kiss on my lips.

"I love you, Cass. I love you and I promise to always be here with you"

I stared back at him for a few seconds and that's when I did the unbelievable.

I leaned forward and planted a kiss on his lips. "I love you too. I love you, Justin".

He pulled me by my chin and whispered, staring right at me "You're beautiful, my little lady".

I chuckled and then he kissed me more.

Justin played beside me on my bed and wrapped me around his arms. My head was resting on his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. It felt nice to feel safe and secure for the first time in a long time, having nothing to worry about. His eyes were shut and his lips were pouted like a newborn child. I stared at him in disbelief and thought to myself, "How can someone be this cute?! Dang it!". I touched his eyes then I went for his eyebrows to his lips and voila! Justin was staring at me and I got frightened.

He laughed and said, "Cass? What are you doing?"

"Err....uhm.... nothing!" I screamed and this made him laugh harder to the extent he started coughing.

At first, I thought his coughing was just normal not until he started bleeding through his nose and his mouth became overwhelmed with blood.

"Justin? Justin?! Look at me!" I pulled him closer to me and I started crying.

"Help! Somebody help!!" I screamed and a nurse came rushing to my ward. She immediately called another nurse who ran for help.

"Justin? Please don't do this to me! Justin please!!" I yelled but it never helped the issue on the ground. I was terrified and helpless because all I could do was yell and cry.

He was taken to the emergency room and I was left alone in my room with fear surrounding me. I was worried about Justin and I was also worried about Gabby.

Why do good people end up getting hurt? I asked myself. There I was laying on my bed and staring at the ceiling with all kinds of thoughts traveling through my mind.

I was lost in my thoughts when a nurse came in and shared the good news. "Miss? How're you doing?" She questioned.

"Uhm....good? I guess?" I answered bluntly.

"Well, your friend Justin is okay now although he's asleep. Just put your mind at rest". She said in an assuring tone.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Alright, ma'am. Thanks a lot!" I said in an excited tone.

"No qualms darling. I'll be back in in a few minutes up on you okay?" The nurse said as she smiled.

"Okay ma'am" I answered.

Justin's fine and that demonic asshole which everyone knows as Gabby is gone.

Well, could my day get any better?