

What if Naruto naruto considered everyone beneth him and think all people are below him and take happines people fearing him because of minato who done wrong sealing of kyuubi and good fragment of kyubi merged with Naruto ...OP NARUTO (I HAVE TAKEN ISPIRATIO FROM YOUTUBE COMMENTS AND FROM MANY FANFICS ON fanfiction.com and some youtuber like Appolo uchiha,and mayta what if -i have only taken a bit refence) {NO BORUTO BY THE WAY} {its written by me}

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14 Chs

Civilian Council Outrage and teamplacement

{image of naruto }(pls share your image i will choose)

{image for ino}(pls share your image i will choose)

{image for sasugay}(pls share your image i will choose)

{Image for Kakashi}(pls share your image i will choose)


Naruto walked towards his house, He was always straightforward and never worried about what others thought. Asking Ino out directly was just another example of his fearless attitude.

Meanwhile, across the village, the civilian council was in an uproar. They had always believed Naruto was a talentless dead last, and now, the news that he had become Rookie of the Year spread like wildfire. In their anger, they called an emergency council meeting. The Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was summoned as well.

Hiruzen sighed as he entered the chamber, taking his seat. "So, what is the reason for this meeting?" he asked, looking around at the agitated faces.

One of the civilian council members stood up, barely containing his anger. "Lord Hokage, we have heard that the... um, Naruto Uzumaki has passed as Rookie of the Year."

Hiruzen raised an eyebrow. "And what about it?"

Another council member stood up, his face red with fury. "We can't let that... that thing pass and become a shinobi! He's a danger to the village!"

"Yeah, we have to get rid of him as early as possible," another chimed in, their voices rising.

A hint of bloodlust flickered in Hiruzen's eyes, silencing the room. "Naruto Uzumaki is now a shinobi of this village. The affairs of shinobi are none of the civilian council's concern. This is a shinobi village, and you are lucky to be in one. Never summon me for such a trivial matter again, or you will be stripped of your rank as a council member."

The council members were shocked but had no choice but to agree. They left the meeting, grumbling in frustration.

The next day, the academy was buzzing with excitement as the teams were about to be announced. Iruka stood before the students, reading out the names.

"Team 7: Naruto Uzumaki, Ino Yamanaka, and Sasuke Uchiha."

Naruto and Ino exchanged happy glances, both thrilled to be on the same team. Sasuke, however, looked less pleased, his expression darkening.

Sakura's heart shattered. She couldn't believe she wasn't on Sasuke's team. Her dreams of being with him seemed to be slipping away. She contemplated quitting being a shinobi, as her only motivation had been to be close to Sasuke.

Naruto, on the other hand, was annoyed to have Sasuke on his team but happy to have Ino. Ino, for her part, was overjoyed. She didn't care about Sasuke and was glad to be with Naruto, especially after their great date the previous night.

Naruto had taken Ino to an expensive restaurant, explaining that he had saved a lot of money. They enjoyed a wonderful evening together, laughing and talking.

Sasuke glared at Naruto, thoughts of revenge and superiority running through his mind. "I'll finish you," he thought, determined to surpass Naruto, kill his brother, and then defeat Naruto as well. Naruto, however, didn't spare Sasuke a glance, which only fueled Sasuke's rage. Naruto's carefree attitude made Sasuke feel inferior, and it was clear Naruto looked down on him.

Kakashi arrived to see Sasuke glaring daggers at Naruto, who was casually talking with Ino. "Well, my first impression... you guys are interesting. Meet me on the rooftop," Kakashi said, disappearing with a swirl of leaves.

Naruto placed a hand on Ino's shoulder. "Let's go," he said, and with a swirl of fire, they vanished and reappeared on the rooftop. Kakashi, already there, raised an eyebrow. "Interesting technique. Naruto, was that you?"

Naruto, still looking at the sky, simply nodded.

A few minutes later, Sasuke arrived, looking irritated at being the last one to show up. Kakashi addressed the team, "Alright, now let's introduce ourselves. Likes, dislikes, dreams, and your name."

Ino spoke up first. "Sensei, you should go first."

Kakashi sighed. "Alright. My name is Kakashi Hatake. My likes and dislikes are none of your concern. My dreams... I don't feel like sharing. Now, your turn."

Sasuke went next. "My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like much and I dislike many things. My dream... no, my ambition is to kill a certain someone and to surpass someone else," he said, glaring at Naruto.

Kakashi noted the tension. "A little rivalry, I see." He looked at Naruto, who was still gazing at the sky, seemingly oblivious. "One-sided, it seems. Poor Uchiha."

Ino went next. "My name is Ino Yamanaka. I like flowers and hanging out with my friends. My dream is to become a strong kunoichi and the head of my clan."

Kakashi nodded and turned to Naruto. "Your turn, Naruto."

Naruto finally looked at Kakashi. "What?"

"Introduce yourself," Kakashi said patiently.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki. My likes and dislikes are none of your concern. My dreams are also none of your concern," Naruto replied, looking back at the sky.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "You are certainly an interesting one, Naruto."

Sasuke clenched his fists in frustration. "He doesn't even care," he thought angrily. Naruto's indifference was like a slap in the face, and it only made Sasuke more determined to prove himself.

Kakashi sensed the tension but decided to move on. "Alright, now that we know each other a bit better, let's get down to business. Tomorrow, we'll have our first mission together. Be at Training Ground 7 at 5 AM. And don't eat breakfast; you'll throw up."

Naruto smirked. "Sure, Kakashi-sensei. We'll see you there."

As they left the rooftop, Sasuke couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and determination. He glanced at Naruto, who was chatting with Ino and acting as if nothing had happened. "I'll surpass you, Naruto," Sasuke vowed silently.