

What if Naruto naruto considered everyone beneth him and think all people are below him and take happines people fearing him because of minato who done wrong sealing of kyuubi and good fragment of kyubi merged with Naruto ...OP NARUTO (I HAVE TAKEN ISPIRATIO FROM YOUTUBE COMMENTS AND FROM MANY FANFICS ON fanfiction.com and some youtuber like Appolo uchiha,and mayta what if -i have only taken a bit refence) {NO BORUTO BY THE WAY} {its written by me}

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14 Chs

The Final Test!and Uchiha

The Final Test;-(yes its new concept so why not)

Iruka continued with the final test of the graduation exam. "The last challenge will be a practical exercise. You have to hold your ground against Mizuki-sensei for three minutes. Don't worry, he won't go hard on you, but be prepared for anything."

Mizuki smirked, already plotting to use this opportunity for his benefit. He saw this as a chance to manipulate Naruto and further his own agenda.

The students lined up, each taking their turn against Mizuki. Sasuke performed admirably, holding his ground with skill and determination, earning praise from both Iruka and Mizuki. But the real test awaited for Naruto.

Naruto's Turn

As the test began, Mizuki tried to attack Naruto, but Naruto effortlessly dodged each move with his hands still in his pockets. Mizuki's frustration grew with each missed attack. He kept trying, but it was like Naruto could predict his every move.

Naruto's dodging skills were so impressive, it reminded everyone of how Kakashi dodged Naruto's attacks in the original series. Iruka and the rest of the class watched in awe as Mizuki continued his relentless, yet futile, assault.

Finally, Naruto had enough. In one swift motion, he planted one foot in Iruka's chest to push off and then slammed his other foot into Mizuki's face. Mizuki was knocked out cold with a single kick.

"So much for the chunin," Naruto said, laughing. Everyone was stunned. The entire class was silent for a moment before they burst into cheers. Naruto's fangirls started screaming his name.

Naruto looked over at them and smirked. It was the first time he had acknowledged them, and they went crazy with excitement.

Wrapping Up

Iruka, still in shock, finally managed to speak. "Naruto, you pass. You've exceeded all expectations."

Naruto just yawned and replied, "Cool."

The timer buzzed, signaling the end of the three minutes. Iruka was astounded. "Naruto, that was incredible! You've passed with flying colors."

As the students gathered their belongings, Iruka addressed the class. "You all did exceptionally well. Congratulations on graduating and becoming shinobi of the Hidden Leaf Village."

Naruto's friends, including Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, and Kiba, congratulated him. "That was amazing, Naruto!" Kiba said, genuinely impressed.

"Yeah, you made it look so easy," Choji added.

Shikamaru, always laid-back, gave a lazy smile. "Troublesome blondes as always, but well done."

Even Sasuke, despite his resentment, couldn't deny Naruto's prowess. He approached Naruto, his eyes filled with a mix of respect and determination. "Naruto, this isn't over. I'll surpass you one day."

Naruto smirked. "Looking forward to it, Sasuke."

In the shadows, Danzo watched with keen interest. Naruto's strength and potential were growing rapidly, and Danzo knew he had to act soon if he wanted to control or eliminate this threat.

Naruto's laughter echoed through the room as Iruka tried to calm everyone down. "All right, everyone, relax!" he called out. "I'm pleased to announce the results. The Rookie of the Year is Naruto Uzumaki, and the Kunoichi of the Year is Ino Yamanaka!"(because she focused this time instead bieing fangirl)

The room erupted in cheers for Naruto, while Sasuke seethed in anger, his fangirls equally outraged. Sakura stood up, her voice cutting through the noise. "No, Iruka-sensei, that's not possible! Sasuke-kun is clearly stronger than Naruto! How can the dead last be Rookie of the Year?"

Everyone's attention was now on Sakura. Her voice was so loud that many students covered their ears. Naruto chuckled to himself, wondering if she had some sort of loudmouth jutsu.(i am confuced too is this some type of kekegenkai)

Sasuke, unable to contain his frustration, also stood up. "I won't accept this! Naruto was the dead last the whole time! That title should belong to an Uchiha like me!"

Iruka sighed, trying to maintain order. "Sasuke, the test results clearly show that Naruto is the Rookie of the Year. If you want the title, you'll have to challenge him to a duel. But I don't think that will go well for you."

Naruto laughed again, drawing more attention. "Well, well, if it isn't the little Uchiha. You can challenge me if you want to humiliate yourself again. As far as I remember, I've always beaten your ass whenever we fought. So, if you really think you're better than me, come to the stage and prove it."

Sasuke clenched his fists, rage boiling inside him. He knew he wasn't a match for Naruto, not now. Every fight they had ended in his defeat. He wanted to scream,he wished to have sakura kekegenkai for screaming now to lash out, but he had to keep his composure. With a final glare at Naruto, he sat down, fuming silently.

Naruto smirked. "Just as I thought. So much for the Uchihas." He walked back to his group, sitting down with a satisfied grin. Iruka then started to explain how the teams would be assigned.

After the academy, Naruto and his friends, including Kiba, began to head home. They were now official shinobi, and it was time to tell their families. As they walked, Naruto found himself alone with Ino. They were headed to Ino's house.

Naruto looked over at her. "Hey, Ino, it seems like we both became shinobi after all."

Ino smiled. "Yeah, Naruto. We did."

Naruto smiled back, then hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "You know, I was wondering... would you like to go out with me tonight?"

Ino blushed. "On a date?"

Naruto nodded. "Yeah, of course. After all, you're so beautiful. Why wouldn't I want to go on a date with you?"

Ino's cheeks turned even redder. "Of course I'll go on a date with you, Naruto."

Naruto grinned. "Great! I'm looking forward to it. And I really hope we're on the same team."

Ino smiled brightly. "I hope so too."

As they reached Ino's house, she turned to wave goodbye. Naruto watched her go inside, feeling a rare moment . He didn't care about the academy drama or the Uchiha's anger. Today had been a good day.