The Title, Bitch XD
The first thing i felt was pain, i don't know what's happened, but everything is painful,
I feel like something is trying to stamp me, my eyes, nose, smell, ears and touch senses are sending pain, it was my personal hell, i realized that i had knowledge about meditation, some were created to resist pain so that was the only thing i could do to do anything but cry, and from then on it was either eating, shitting or sleeping while being in pain
I cried and cried for whats seemed an eternity between the few calm moments were i eat
Finally i felt it, something was ready, my pain slowly was slowly getting lower, and my senses better
That's when i found myself sucking a big round breast
Apparently I'm a baby now… i don't even know what to say, my eternity of pain was only 3 months of being born…
I thought something which is probably the best or the worst idea ever, I started Meditation but this one wasn't just for the pain, it was a self-discovery one, one that's supposed to make you find out things about yourself that you didn't know this one probably came from a cultivation novels with demon hearts and stuff like that
Basically my mind will enter inside my soul, leaving my body to it's instincts, it'll still be me but it'll be like a background thing so basically will act like a normal baby
And that's when i found out what was the cause of my pain, apparently and super OP Hybrid of that Amount of races isn't like really in balance and my soul was divided in a lot of diferente races fighting one another,
All kinds of devils/Demons vs Angels
I knew what i had to do, know, i first as sneaky as possible went for my Incubus Version (the weakest, because they only become OP after Sex, but i was still a virgin, so he was basically a human that can manipulate dreams and has claws, horns and wings, which by the way hellfire wings? It was so cool)
I imagine something like a lasso or Chains like from the Ghost Rider to basically do a "Get Over Here" and then…
I absorb him??? Well, i know that like we were the same soul but i thought it was going to be a battle, not just touch him and just dissolve itself into me
Good thing tho, i know how to manipulate dreams now, also flying is badass,
I went and found whats was basically the weakest demon, the DMC one, then the DxD one finally come the tough ones, the Supernatural was almost easy, but they are tricky mothefuckers, Dc and marvel sucked ass to catch because the can basically teleport/make portals, and have some kind of clairvoyance as the know the future, it took me a while to catch them by surprise, it took me slowly brainwashing them through their dreams to believe that we were meant to be one, till finally i absorb them, and it was true, they had a little talent for divination, so i know what a pain in the Ass the Darksider one will be, Really? Chronomancy? How can i toych a guy that can slow down time?
It took a whole lot of time, but finally i absorbed everything demonic, when then i realized that the darksiders one was just trolling me… he knew from the beginning that he was need to be absorbed, he was just a petty child, with a little semi-omniscience, not in regard of knowledge tho, just in timelines, there's nothing that can block my sight future past and present is open to me, the past is fix, the present clear but the future is fluctuating, so not a very good predicting ability, but that's just because I'm weak right now
I trusted my gut and new abilities and went to absorb the elves, who they were the most calm and just lived in a forest peacefully, they were easy, the were the Angels, whose job was over because of no more demos so just an easy buffet
Then went the Phoenix, Fire Phoenix the, Reincarnation power, Ice Phoenix,Life Phoenix, Dark/Death Phoenix, and the Royal Phoenix, they were good, playful even i like them a lot
Finally probably the Hardest category of all, Dragons, i started with a hard one but the more time i give him to him the harder it will be, i went for the DnD True Dragon
I don't want to give him time to grow, even as a youngling he can kill level 3 adventurers
So i went and absorbed him, it actually was easy because he was sleep…
Anyways the next one was overlord one, also an easy one because it was in his human form and didn't give him a chance to transform
Xianxia version was powerful, but way too arrogant, he was basically "are you courting death?"
And then was so smug that he let me punch him just so i could feel despair at not doing him nothing… obviously I absorbed him with that freebie
Skyrim was different and very difficult, the bastard kept shouting "Fus" and sending me kilometers away…
Finally the Hardest Tensei Slime True Dragon
It was awesome fight to be honest we both were shapeshifters so we fought as a lot of animals, humans, at some point i finally was able to punch him and absorb him…
Ooof it was a great fight
And suddenly i heard clapping
I look down there and there was a human there?
Ohh i remember know not a Human, an Alteran
"You're almost finished…"
"You know why this happened?"
"Yes, you were a Human soul in a body that was rejecting you, it was forcefully trying to make your soul to have the characteristics that your race should have, but thanks to your meditation you accomplished a natural almost full transformation, without getting yourself lost to your new race instincts"
"Is this the end then"
"No, on the contrary, this is just the beginning… when we become one you will finally be 100 percent yourself to do whatever you want"
"Ok then let's do this" i went and hugged him
And i absorbed him, my mental capabilities right now are off the charts
And something inside me finally clicks, and a tension i didn't know i had vanished
Finally it wax time to go back to my body
I open my eyes and… Im Nine years old!