
Chapter 9: Questioning The Picture

Continuing off from the last Chapter...

As Oneo Walks through the hall...

Oneo In His Head: Where's Vakoro though?

Vakoro just waits outside the castle meditating to prepare to face Jermain

Meanwhile...Zukkei is on a run to reach Hira & Zuo before The Black Swallower Guard

Zukkei In His Head: Damn it! I don't know if i can make it in time! Running there would take approximately 7 Minutes

The Black Swallower aka Guinks already arrived to Hira, Zuo & The Prisoners' area

Zuo In His Head: Dang it, all the prisoners already got free, we must fight this guy alone

Hira In Her Head: This must be one of the guard

Guinks: What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?

Zuo: Nothing at all, in fact we're really looking forward to kill you

Zuo In His Head: Crap! That might got into his nerves, I'm in danger!

Guinks: In 10 Seconds, I will devour both of you & Your other friends before The King Would get the chance to kill them-

Hira then punches Guinks right in his stomach

Hira: What's wrong? A Gorilla got your feet?

Guinks: That's...The Last Straw!

Zuo & Hira: NOW!

Zuo In His Head: Using the heater now wouldn't help, the space is too big!

Hira In Her Head: If Zuo is smart enough, he would go for the-

Guinks: No time to think! Think again before feeding your flesh to me!

Zuo: Now!

Zuo puts a dirty trash to Guinks's fin

Zuo: Got him!


Zuo then evades as Guinks' Attack is keep getting faster

Hira In Her Head: He wants to kill Zuo, now is the time

Hira then focuses her aura onto her fist to make it stronger

Hira In Her Head: Thank You, Vakoro

Hira goes straight to punch his Fins

Guinks was extremely hurt...but with consuming that much damage, he gets even more furious

Guinks: YOU'LL DIE!

Zuo In His Head: Damn it, he's more eager to kill us than he's hurt!

Hira In Her Head: At this point, we have no chance to attack him without dying...Except

Guinks: ARGHHH!

Hira: It works!

Hira notices that Guinks size wouldn't fit into a door that's close to them + the door & the walls are made of iron. Hira slides beneath the "Bar Door" & tricked Guinks into thinking he can still ambushes her

Zuo In His Head: I'm sure he won't keep fighting us brainlessly, it seems like he's learning all of our tricks & that's not a good sign

Guinks then tries to slaughter Zuoni but Zuo got the chance to evades

Hira In Her Head: We need to put this guy to an instant end or else it'll last like this forever!


Jermain gets flashback

Jermain's Dad: You're the King, My child. Promise me that you'll avenge us. There will be a day where the King will get killed but that...

Oneo then approaches Jermain's Huge King Room

Oneo: I think i know who you are

Jermain: *laughs quietly*

Oneo: Will you be stopping this madness that has been going on between The Humans & The Guiltons?

Jermain: Can't say, I'm not going live forever, Old man

Oneo: .....I see, then you'll die now

Vakoro: Brother! Not now!

Oneo: Now you're interrupting

Vakoro: You must wait, i told you this moment must be taken specifically

Jermain: Doesn't seem like I'm the only one who can see what's coming in the near future

Oneo: This will be your death, I'll assure you

Vakoro In His Head: You can't get too reckless while talking to him or else

Jermain: You know what type of the sad truth that you humans just can't accept but i can already see it becoming a reality? Your race. Its inequality, the chart between people like you & people who's opposite than you are getting less & less polarising

Oneo: What do you exactly mean by that?

Jermain: You see, my race wasn't like this in the very beginning. One fish bites a human being & then lay an egg which led to the first Creation Of Guiltons. We've all keep our promise to avenge our race

Vakoro: You mean about how we as a creature eat your race casually? That's what the Circle Of Life are made for

Jermain: Yes, Circle of Life. The Unhealthy & Unbalanced Cycle. We fish lives a very shot lifespan & i wish to make it fair on the animals behalf. Have you ever consider letting chickens or fishes a chance to live their live longer once you see them to be in a "Perfect To Eat" stability.

Both Vakoro & Oneo stay silenced

Jermain: That's what i thought but after all this, you humans still wouldn't give a damn about these speeches & you'll just go past your life like it's nothing. Of course, it means nothing to you.

Oneo: You will not get our mercy whatsoever, Jermain

Jermain: Don't worry, by my calculation. This is my fate & if there's a chance for me to avoid it. I would love to but that won't work. I already promised my Race that I'll one day avenge them

Vakoro: This is not that day. None of us has the same perspective on life, there's no spectrum of sides when it comes to how you see life. There will always be an inequality, there will always be an unfair judgement

Jermain: *laughs* I wonder, by the past billions of years. What have you humans ever learned about Equality & Peace?

I've seen the surface, i always see some of your race being in an moment that's unbearable to watch. That has never changed in a billion years. Some are suffering while some are just enjoying themselves, probably making some stupid stuff too. You people use "Money" As a major point in life but how's that gonna ever brings peace? I've lived a long enough life to make research about the humans.

Vakoro In His Head: We can't go against his argument other than

Oneo: Every creature needs to have some kind of challenges in their life, without it. Some might even consider taking their own lives

Jermain: You humans see no difference between Challenges & Suffering? How unpleasant

Oneo In His Head: Damn it, his point is getting more & more valid

Jermain: I still don't know much about life like everyone else is but i can see that our whole life is just a test for the Judgement Day

Oneo: You believe in God?

Jermain: I have no right to answer that despite the fact that I'm a king of a race... i can say that Judgement Day will truly be the end result of the test. Yes, i believe in the afterlife but that's all i can say

Oneo In His Head: He said he knows that this is his fate & I don't think he will back down even a little as long as he can survives. I don't get it, how can a Half-animal, Half-human creature have such a specific look on life? How can they know their places despite the fact that he's making the humans suffer

Vakoro: You're saying that you believe in Judgement Day?

Jermain: Yes

Vakoro: Then why would you command your race to kill off humanity? Wouldn't that count as a sin?

Jermain: I was born as a king to a race that seeks redemption, i would repent but... why would i be apologizing to myself?

Oneo In His Head: This piece of crap-

Vakoro In His Head: Has lost all my trust

Vakoro: You're playing a game around here?

Jermain: No, i'm making matters difficulty for you two but since you two still can't see even half the picture

Jermain then bow down to the ground along with his head & he gets rid of his right arm

Jermain: I surrender

Oneo & Vakoro was shook...Out of all the possible scenario they've made up. They didn't see this one coming...

To be continued...