
Chapter 10: Asking The Story

Continuing off from the last Chapter, Chapter 9...

Vakoro In His Head: He was antagonizing both his different arguments with just one sentence & now he's abiding from that sentence by surrendering?

Oneo In His Head: What game is he playing?

Jermain: Too scared to just murder me? I don't have any tricks up my sleeves, i'm my fate as it is

Vakoro: You think we would fall for that easily?

Oneo In His Head: He could've made that argument just to justify his intentions but he's going against all of the intensions he had earlier with this particular act of his

Jermain: Let me explain. Plain & Simple, Round & Circle....


Zuo: Don't you need to protect your king?! Black Guard?!

Guinks: *laughs* We as a race has never need a king, we only seek out to kill humans for Revenge

Hira: What a pitiful race

Guinks: Same can be said...FOR YOU!

Hira is still behind the door

Hira: You can't get me, dumbass!

Zuo In His Head: I see

Zuo: Yeah, what are you thinking? Your brains don't really function well it seems!

Guinks then rushes towards Zuoni but Zuoni goes full circle & slides beneath the bar door

Zuo: What do we do now-

Guinks then destroy the wall & the door with pure strength

Hira: Damn it!

Zuoni then uses a technique that we've not yet seen...He throws all the dirty trash to Guinks' Fin..

This time, Guinks is actually stunned by the amount of pain his fins is holding

Zuo: What he didn't see is that, those trash has a stronger germs in there...I transmuted the trash with my aura!

Hira: I didn't know you would be that smart

Zuo: It's just a matter of time...before he'll probably kill me-

Guinks then screams in pain...His scream hurts Zuo's & Hira's hearing

Zuo In His Head: Wait, why do i feel drunk-

Hira: Zuo, Watch Out!

Right before Guinks was about to devour Zuo...

Zukkei comes into the rescue & kick Guinks' chin

Zukkei: What's Wrong? DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING?!

Zukkei then goes on a multiple punch on Guinks...

Zukkei: Eat my friends...And I'll Shred You to parts

Zukkei then along with Zuo & Hira land their final blow on Guinks with their Aura Fist

Zukkei: Come on, we need to get to Oneo Sensei quick!

Zuo: Right!

Hira: Let's go!


Jermain: You see, i already my point valid & i fight against it because i know you unforgiving humans wouldn't listen to a damn thing from Creatures like me unless i make a Curse Mark on both of your mind...That is making me an antagonist to you, that's the Mark but in reality, after you kill me. You would still think if my point of view is very acceptable or not & that would be a Curse that's going to stick with both of you forever

Oneo: I still wouldn't trust you or think about you, your points are really flawed. You said you hate humans but if so, why do your race is consider "Half-human"?

Vakoro: You want revenge but by wanting that, you've become the very thing you've sworn not to be

Jermain: *laughs quietly* I'll sit in a comfortable position since you humans seem to love wasting your time & really want to see me live *laughs*

Oneo: What is he doing?!

Jermain's entire body was covered by Huge Veins everywhere

Jermain: At least, when we obtain this human form, we actually use our brains unlike you *laughs*

Oneo: This is the Final Picture?

Jermain: Hey Oneo, Vakoro. You still remember that Black Swallower Guilton you just watch as he was going to attack your apprentice? Why didn't you stop him despite the fact that you know he would die easily by your hands?

Vakoro: Because i know they can handle it!

Jermain: Wrong because even back then you didn't know, that he's The True Body Of The King

Oneo: What do you mean?!

Jermain: Do you think my power is exceptional?

Vakoro: It's good but we can beat you if we work together

Jermain: What if i obtain 30% more of my power?

Oneo & Vakoro don't understand what the King is saying...

Jermain: *laughs* Fool, I'll tell you the truth here. I can transfer & swap my true power with Guinks because if we truly fuse, you wouldn't even try to get close to me right now

Vakoro: I still don't understand

Jermain: Guinks is nothing but an Aura Beast that i control, if one of our body is dead, that means we won't have to share our power anymore...

Oneo & Vakoro In Their Heads: Damn it..i definitely see it now

Jermain: To come to your suprise, i can take my own life

Oneo & Vakoro knew from start that there's nothing they can absolutely do to stop Jermain from reaching his full power...

But as they knew, they get out of the Castle as quick as possible since they know Jermain would make his original body explode...

Zukkei & His Friend saw the explosion

Zukkei: HURRY!

They then meet with Vakoro & Oneo

Vakoro: Kids! Come on we gotta go kill that One Guard!

Hira: He's already dead!

Oneo: Not anymore

All Three Of Them Was confused & ask themselves: Even then, how did they know?

Zuo: Sensei! How are you sure that he's still alive?!

Oneo: We were fools...

Hira: What do you mea-

Vakoro: That Guinks guy share his power with The King. To guarantee their death, we must kill off both bodies but now that Jermain's dead.

Oneo: Including the Aura Aftermath Boost with his true power...His true power might've just tenfold

Zukkei: Aura Aftermath Boost?!

Vakoro: Once you die, it's set to know that your Aura will boost in multiple ways. Either they'll resurrect your body to do one last action you want it to do before you completely die or many other possibilities

All Three Of Them In Their Heads: That's... terrifying

Once they've arrived to the Bar, they've seen an Atrocity that's Greatly fearsome...

Zukkei: No, he's much bigger now & his colour has changed

Jermain: Just so you know...My name still remains Jermain.

All of them just stood still wishing no one would get hurt...

Jermain: Unlike you lots, i will give you mercy to atone for your sins but if not atone in time.

Such ungrateful beings...are the ones who deserves to be eaten

Oneo: Guys, we'll go home for now

Zukkei: What-

Zuo: Zukkei, calm down

Hira: It's for the better

Jermain: *laughs* 3 days...

They then go to a hotel somewhere far from the Bar...Oneo & Vakoro then tell Zukkei & His friend about what Jermain actually seeks...

Zukkei: Inequality?

Hira: Fake Justice

Zuo: And An Unfair Circle?

Oneo: His points are very valid, they're concrete.

Vakoro: Yes, we could say that The Fish population in the sea is a hundred times bigger than The Human Population but they would still see that-

Oneo: They see it as while all the fishes sre innocent & couldn't possibly cause crimes. Why should they be feed to creatures who still can't get The True Meaning Of Justice & are very not innocent

Zuo: I say we just meet him tomorrow, if my plan works well

After they've discussed the plan...

Oneo: This could be the end of any two sides & it's more leading towards him but-

Vakoro: I think we already know what is there to be done, we have many things to teach you about Auras

Zukkei: Will we be learning how to make the Elements Aura like the one you did with fire?

Oneo: Not yet but if we can make it out alive, i promise you I'll teach you that

Vakoro In His Head: I hate to admit it, brother but you truly are a good teacher. I hate you for that

They then learn about how to conceal their Aura, how to focuses it on one part of the body either for offense or defence & They then learn how to make specific Objects made by Pure Aura...

And they then have a dinner & go to bed

They woke up at 7:00 a.m & gather for their last meeting before Facing Jermain

Oneo: We'll stick to Zuo's Plan, be patient, don't try something you're not sure either it would work or not but most importantly. Stick together & break out only by commands

Everyone: Got it!

Oneo: Let's go!

At the same moment...

Jermain got flashbacks from his father/Lenoro's Saying to him after he was born...

Lenoro: The day will arrive, all hail the king. The death is what you should thrive, since that will be a new beginning...

Jermain is motivated as ever for what's coming to him in this very moment...He's determined...

To be continued