
One Piece: Zayn The Celestial Dragon

Zayn a Filipino Otaku got hit by a truck and was given 3 wishes by a ROB and got reincarnated into the one piece world 1 year before roger was executed as a celestial dragon. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author's note: The One piece is a masterpiece of Oda and i dont own anything in it. the pictures i also will use won't be mine so copyright to those who owns it. This won't be a harem as the mc would only have one or two girl. This is also a wish fulfilment story so don't expect much.

Buggy_The_Clown · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 6

Author's Note: As i went on Researching on what year roger was executed and i found out that roger was executed in year 1498 while year 1500 which was supposed to be the year of roger execution was the year ace will be born so I'll edited it back to what it should be. so on the year of the current story was 1497.


"Get ready, you're coming with me" i said to the trio.

"Yes Zayn-sama"

"Hai captain"


After hearing their reply, well Yu didn't reply but still. We went on our way to Pangaea Castle.

-----------------------{20 Minutes later}-----------------------

"Welcome, Saint Zayn-sama" greet by the guards.

"Lead the way." i said as they just nodded as we went to one of the castle's room.


"Come in." we heard a voice coming from inside the room.


Hearing the we walk through the door as i sit in the chair infront of the Five elders as the trio just stand behind me.

These Five is no joke! they're all a Mid Yonko Powerhouse! but i still maintain my composure and keep a friendly smile on my face.

"Welcome Saint Zayn, we heard that you have something you wanna talk about?" the bald fat man said.

"hmm....yes i do have something i wanna ask" i grin as i lean back and make myself comportable while then put my feet on the table.

"Put your Feet down Saint Zayn! this isn't a place where you can wreck amok!" the bald man holding a sword with an annoyed tone.

"What is it again" i said with an amused tone while secretly activating my slave mark.

"Nothing Zayn-sama" he replied.

"MWUAHAHAHAHAHA" Hearing this, my grin grew wider and wider and i couldn't help but laugh with an evil tone.

"As i was saying saying, i have something i wanna ask about"

"Who do you serve, Me or Im" i said with a serious face.

"Of course You Zayn-sama!" They all said in unison with kneeling in front of me.

"mwuahahaha that's right, thats right" i laughed like a maniac.

After a while i stopped then look at the five old man kneeling infront of me.

i sat down to the chair again and said.

"you can go back to your seat now."

hearing this, they all sat down into the couch.

"I want you guys to take me to Im's room."

"W-what!" i could see that they're shock with their facial expressions.

"What is there a problem with that? i thought i heard it clearly that i was the one you'll serving." i said with a sinister smile on my face.

"O-of course nothing is wrong Zayn-sama" the fat man said.

"then what are we waiting for? let's go" i said as i stand up and the five old guy follow suite.

we went on our way as the Five elder was infront leading the way while im in the middle and in the trio were in the back, still hasn't said a single word.

-----------------------{10 Minutes later}-----------------------

"This is the place Zayn-sama" said by the youngest gorosei, the blonde one.

"So this is it huh" i said while staring at the gorgeous palace in the deep part of the Island.

"let's get inside" i said after done looking at the palace.

After a while we finally reach Im's room. i opened the door. i saw a man sleeping in the bed.

I entered alone as the rest just stayed outside the room.

"So your Im huh?" i muttered while standing infront of the bed looking at the sleeping man.

I used my slave mark and make it visible as suddenly a black Sword like tattoo with six wings appeared in the middle of his eyebrows.

(Click for image)

"Beautiful isn't it" i said to no one with a sinister smile.

'Now that i think about it, i needed my own trademark' were my thought seeing the slave mark in Im's forhead.

I put my hand in my left eye then suddenly when i open it up, it's white part turned into black and the red part turned into purple.

(click for image)

I walk near the mirror in the room as i stare at my left eye.

after staring for a while, i covered it up with a white eye patch as this will be my own trademark for the future.

Of course it wasn't a display as it was also a skill i bought from the system. which is also where i got the eye patch.

<Akuma Eye>: It was said to be the eye of the void itself. Mukōnisuru Eye has three Abilities.

<Demon's Glare>: An active skill that weaken enemies ability be it haki or devil fruit abilities to a certain level, the higher the gap in strength, the stronger the effect this skill would has.

<Demon Mode>: An active skill that double's user strength for a certain amount of time but takes a lot of stamina to maintain. While using this, the user will be surrounded by a purple miasma aura all over his body.

<Seal>: is an active skill can seal anything from person's mind, power or abilities, or even seal the person himself/herself into something. the stamina use depends on how strong the person was.

This eyes abilities is why i bought it and the eye was also cool to be honest.

As i was done looking, i move my gaze to Im before walking away to the door.

"Byebye Im-sama~" i said with a mocking tone as i close the door.

Outside, The five elders and the trio were waiting. they all look at me with a confused face.

"Captain what happen? why do you have an eye patch in your left eye?" Toru ask.

"cause it's cool, let's go" was all i said as i walk without waiting for their reply.

Hearing what i said, the trio just shrugged it off as they already used to my unsual behavior and just follow me. while the gorosei still has a 'what the f*ck' face while following me to the pangaea castle but didn't dare to ask.

as i was walking i could help but laugh at how successful my plans was.

"MWUAHAHAHAHA!!" the entire world government is finally mine. well it's anticlimatic but still, i conquered the Mary Geiose, the sacred places of all. and it didn't even take me a year to do it, hell not even a month HAHAHAHAHA. And just like that i laugh like a madman for the entire time heading to Pangaea Castle.

-----------------------{10 Minutes later}-----------------------

We have finally returned to pangaea castle as me and the gorosei will talk about things they would do after i go to the sea.

"gorosei-san as i was saying i plan to go to the sea one year from now, and i'll permit you to enslave all the remaining celestial dragons and all cp personnel and ban them for leaving the Mary Geiose."

"Could you do it?" i ask with a smile.

"Of course Zayn-Sama!" they all said in unison with kneeling.

"good..good and about those slaves, remove their memories and release them to villages and let them start their own life while those that are already hopeless, just end their suffering. and for those that has bounty or done something wrong, keep them"

"Yes Zayn-sama!" they all said with enthusiasm.

"good I'll get going, im tired." i said while standing up and walk toward my mansion without a pause.

After 20 minutes of walk, we finally arrive at my mansion as i head straight to the Comfort Room and took a shower then head straight to my bed as i fall asleep.

'Huh what a tiring day' were my thoughts as even if im not physically tired, my mental was as just if it took me even a single second delay, i could have died.


Author's Note: Zayn finally Conquered the Mary geiose but zayn won't really take advantage on it to much so it won't really have a major part of the story as he will make it a secret and the only things that will change it that the way government do things and how celestial dragons hide from their cages.

But of course changing how the government works would also changes some major parts of the story like shirahoshi's moms death and the destruction of ohara but they are still banned from reading poneglyph. and all those who have connection to the World government and celestial dragon

(as i don't really remember every character, could you guys suggest some to me.)

Unfortunately Im was a Man in this story cause i didn't like the idea that the one who cause the great kingdom's downfall was a girl. i mean i dont have a problem with girls but even if im a 'Im is girl' believer, this is an actual story so i just make it man.

also guys drop a powerstone, some comments and suggestion. I'm reading those.

And i also wanna inform my readers that i dont really have a schedule on when im gonna release so i might release tommorow but i promise as long as i have wrote a chapter, I'll post it immediately.

thats all bye!!