
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 9: Growth

~Kuro POV (8 years old) ~

Ahh… my body feels pain alright…

Well, that was exactly expected when Raven beat the living shit on all three of us but otherwise, I feel that I can get used to increasing my pain endurance if it's to increase my skills.

That was when I heard Raven says to everyone present, "Alright combat training is done for the day, and congrats brats on surviving you have the remaining day to heal yourself."

When I heard that I managed to get up and meet with Cinder with some concern while helping her up, "Hey Cindy you ok there Nya~?"

Cinder just gives her hand towards me and says to me, "Well I don't know but I defiantly know the pain I received is painful."

I frown at that if I made the right choice of going to Argus Cinder wouldn't be right here well lesson learned I have to stop being stupid thinking I can take on things I'm clearly not ready for.

With that, I bring Cinder back up on her feet while she is leaning on me while we finally managed to get back to her tent.

When it was just only us, I say to her, "Cinder thanks for sticking with me but I'm also sorry that I got you in my mess instead of going to Argus if- "

However, I was interrupted by her when she puts a finger to my mouth to shut up, "Kuro I know if this would have happened you would've gone to Argus but I choose to follow you and still do if there is anyone who can figure a way out would be you after all you did though it out with all the crap they put you through in the orphanage."

I laugh at that a bit remembering about my time there was really the worst at times but can be happy with my friend there to bear it with me.

I got up again while I smile at Cinder, "Well then I just have to make a better plan to make sure we can survive right Cindy Nya~."

Cinder laughs at my cat-like sound of using Nya~ with that I start to go back into my tent and drop down into the floor thinking and healing from the bruises I got from Raven and wonder just how strong everyone really is here…

I think to myself in the moment of when I was at the orphanage spouting 'I will make my own path to the top so that I can help those who can't… and finally put an end to all this crap…'

I came to realize I really don't know anything about the world I'm living in really…

I thought if I had a system everything would be fine… I guess I was stupid to think I'm ready to face the world huh…

I say to myself with a defeated look on my face, "Really what was I thinking saying I would be the one to end this crap if I can't even land a blow to Raven or much less an experienced Huntsman or Huntresses…"

I close my eyes and think how unfair the world is at times, hell I don't even remember much about my past life only a few fragments of them I don't even remember my original name or family members.

Still… my goal to conqueror Remnant is still something I want to do, but to accomplish all of that would require that I need valuable allies and people willing to follow me to make my dream a reality.

I open my eyes again with new lit of fire in them, "If I really want to conqueror Remnant and defeat Ozma, Salem, and the Twin Gods I need to get strong…"

While it's true the with the way I'm at right now I can convince no one to join me unless I use dirty means to convince them to join under me and I also need to consider resources available for my allies to use one day.

Thinking about the future is going to be difficult and planning to conqueror Remnant is even more difficult with a lot of enemies I'll eventually make along the way.

I shake my head out of those thoughts for now I need to train on my Rokushiki, the first step is to do is increase my body physical strength all around my body.

I got up and went outside my tent and created Ice Weights on my arms, legs, and back with me using the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi to make them float for now as a safety precaution since I don't want to die being splat from the weight of my Ice.

With that, I started again my workout routine using the weights this time to get a better effect on my body.

While I was having difficulty doing my push-ups, I keep telling myself, "I have to get stronger, break my limit each time… Hugh…"

When I started my running of 10 Km around the tribe base I had an idea that I should consider, 'I may need a weapon in the future I guess I should try to get one of those weaponized Dials during the Skypeia Arc in the Shop later when I have more time and freedom.'

After what seems about like 3 hours I finally return to my tent as I was completely exhausted my body to its limits for the time being since I just go down to the floor tired from all the effort, I put in.

When I was on the floor, I had a single thought that occurred to me, "Hugh… I need to keep on training…"

As much as I like to keep on training my body is already at my limits, I guess I should stop for now since I shouldn't force my body to be damaged in the future after all I'm still 8 years old I never expected to learn the moves in one day.

I manage to get myself up again while my body is sore all over while I try to move around, "Great I'm going to feel that in the morning… Ugh… still this is necessary wither I like this or not."

While I was moving around my body, I checked what my status says about me right now.


Kuro White: Over Exhausted

Race: Half Faunus and Half Mink White Cat

Inherit Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Haki: Observation (beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Lien: 202,200]"

I see that some of the things changed from the original with the skills added over I guess this is progress, now that I think about it, I still have a DFTZ from the reward as well as some sets of clothes for me.

With that in my mind, I checked my inventory to see I still have my DFTZ to use… it's not like I can get anything out of it might as well check what I have to use.

"[Process from the Zoan raffle… done you have received the following fruit in the inventory: Hito Hito no Mi.]"

Huh… looks like I got Choppers devil fruit, and here I was hoping for something different.

Well, it's not like I have a choice in what fruit I get since everything I get is random… Hmm…

I wonder if I find a baby Grimm and feed it the fruit would it take the appearance of a child or an adult?

Wait, I could give this to Penny to make her human, or I could get a new alley using the Grimm to eat it while I teach it while getting its loyalty.

That was when I heard someone yelling outside, "Come on everyone it's dinner time! Time to chow down."

Well, who am I to turn down for free food but still I have to be very careful around Raven and be more cautious around her.

With that, I left outside to enjoy the food as well as everyone else already starting to eat.

~Raven POV~

I was enjoying my peaceful time after training the brats with Vernal enjoying some fine tea, "Ah… just the right amount."

When I finished drinking my tea, I see Vernal came inside coming to ask me about something on her mind.

When Vernal came to sit at my table I stayed quiet and waited for her to speak, "Miss Raven why did you bring two other kids with you yesterday other than the reason that they can already use their semblance already?"

Ah, it's about the other two I guess Vernal here must be a bit jealous with the spar today and the brat's skill, "I simply brought them here for the chance for the tribe to increase our strength with these two promising seeds."

Vernal just looks worried in front of me while I continue my drink, "…their strength is needed for the tribe to survive I understand Raven, but what if they plan to be – "

I throw a knife near her head while I show my glare at Vernal, "Are you implying you know what you're doing more than me Vernal? I would choose your next words more carefully if I were you."

I see Vernal suddenly gets a bit scared, but she manages to say her concern after all she treats our tribe like 'family', "I know leader, but I just want to voice my concern about them since they were able to defeat you."

I just look at Vernal while she gets a bit scared, well she is not exactly wrong, but that was in a spar and not a real fight if it was one the boy wouldn't be standing with a head attached to his body.

I laugh at Vernal concern as far as I know those two brats are just too weak to be a real threat and it gives me enough time to manipulate them, "Haha… well I do see your reason Vernal your concern but don't worry as they are now they can't really do much harm with the way they are and if they become a burden to the tribe..."

I look at Vernal with a cold look with a frown on my face, "I will personally make sure that they are dealt with, I always have cared about the tribe… nothing else matters…"

With that, I try to drink my tea again but this time it tastes cold…

Still, I will have to make sure to test the brats of their loyalty first maybe I should unlock their auras in a year or two to see if they are commented…

I wonder if my brother didn't have his Semblance as misfortune would our tribe have treated him differently if they did maybe he would have chosen to stay here…

I guess those what-ifs aren't necessary anymore I better reheat my tea again I don't like it cold…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Curse Remover, sets of clothes, Doa Doa no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi

Lien: 202,200