Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.
Tara has given it her all, taking care of Derek and being a devoted house wife. But he takes it all for granted, and brings home his first love one sudden day. He even goes as far as divorcing Tara, just so he can be with his lover. Seven years later and Tara returns with her smart and handsome son, Richard. Derek is jealous and wants to take him from her. He is even desperate as to make Tara his wife again. "No. We are over, Derek. You will not take my baby away from me. Go back to your mistress." He is going to do everything he can to take her back, but what he doesn't know is that there is another billionaire out there who is madly in love with Tara and her amazing baby.
Emily Molson, Assistente Pessoal de Derek Haven, CEO do Grupo Haven tem pesadelos todas as noites, que a impedem de ter uma boa noite de sono. Derek Haven, por outro lado, tem sorte se conseguir dormir um pouco que seja. Os dois trabalham próximos um do outro, mas não fazem ideia de que têm o mesmo problema. Então, uma noite eles acabam na cama juntos e um milagre acontece.
Emily Molson, die Assistentin von Derek Haven, dem CEO der Haven Group, hat jede Nacht Albträume, die sie daran hindern, gut zu schlafen. Derek Haven hingegen hat Glück, wenn er überhaupt Schlaf findet. Die beiden arbeiten eng zusammen, haben aber keine Ahnung, dass sie das gleiche Problem haben. Dann, eines Nachts, landen sie zusammen im Bett und ein Wunder geschieht.
Emily Molson, asistente personal de Derek Haven, CEO del Grupo Haven, tiene pesadillas cada noche que le impiden descansar bien. Derek Haven, por otro lado, tiene suerte si consigue dormir algo. Los dos trabajan muy cerca, pero no tienen idea de que comparten el mismo problema. Entonces, una noche terminan en la cama juntos y ocurre un milagro.