
Derek Dietl Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • Supreme Magus

    Derek McCoy was a man who spent his entire life facing adversity and injustice. After being forced to settle with surviving rather than living, he had finally found his place in the world, until everything was taken from him one last time. After losing his life to avenge his murdered brother, he reincarnates until he finds a world worth living in, a world filled with magic and monsters. Follow him along his journey, from grieving brother to alien soldier. From infant to Supreme Magus. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigration, Male MC, Western Fantasy Schedule: 12 chapters/week (unless I'm ill or stuff happens) Chapter Lenght: 1200 - 1400 words Warning: The MC is not a hero nor an anti-hero. He is a broken, cynic and misanthropic person looking only for his own gain. If you are looking for a forgiving, nice, MC that goes around saving people in distress, this is not your cup of tea. Same if you want an unchanging MC with no character development. ------------------------------------------- Discord Server: https://discord.gg/suprememagus ---------------------------------------- Cover of Tiamat form Lith Verhen by josh groban aka manohar aka Animustw. My new Pfp was made by Josh (same as above). Visit the official discord for his official portraits of the characters.

    Legion20 · Fantasy
  • The Mech Touch

    After obtaining the Mech Designer System, Ves aims to create the greatest mechs in the galaxy! In the far future, the galactic human civilization has entered the Age of Mechs. The countless lesser powers of humanity have come to adopt mechs as their main weapons of war. Only a small number of humans have the right genetic aptitude to pilot these destructive war machines the size of buildings. Born to a military family in the edge of the galaxy, Ves Larkinson is one of the many people who lacks the talent to earn glory in battle. Instead, he became a mech designer. Helped by his missing father, Ves has obtained the mysterious Mech Designer System that can help him rise in the galaxy and beyond. His mechs based on the principles of life quickly allows him to rise to prominence. Powerful and highly compatible with mech pilots, his products have the potential to take the market by storm. However, success does not come easily, and countless challenges bar his ability to sell his mechs to a market eager for innovation! With the sins of the human race in the galactic arena slowly catching up, Ves must navigate the perils of the ultra-competitive mech market and maintain control over his growing organization of misfits. This is the golden age of mechs. This is the golden age of humanity. The question is, will it last? "Any challenge can be overcome as long as I design the right mech!" --Join The Mech Touch's unofficial Discord server! https://discord.gg/APB5KCU --Follow my Instagram and Twitter! https://www.instagram.com/mlduong https://twitter.com/MLDuong --Cover Art by Derek-Paul Carll (carlldpn) --The Mech Touch is an original webnovel written by ML "Exlor" Duong. The Mech Touch is mainly published on Webnovel.com and a select few platforms affiliated with the parent company of this website.

    Exlor · Sci-fi
  • Sleeping With The CEO

    Emily Molson, PA to Derek Haven, CEO of Haven Group has nightmares every night, that prevent her from getting a good night's rest. Derek Haven, on the other hand is lucky to get any sleep at all. The two of them work close together but have no idea that they have the same problem. Then one night they end up in bed together and a miracle happens.

    cai_hong · Urban

    "I Emma DRACKSON, hereby, reject you, Derek, Alpha of the Blue Moon's Pack as my mate." Derek's eyes twitched, and his fists balled, but Emma was far from being done. "Don't ever search for me for whatever reason. I never want to see you again all the days of my life. If I ever find any of your people spying on me, I will kill them, or better, I will burn them alive. Do you understand what I just said?" She asked when she was done. But Derek was mute. Melvina tried talking, but Emma shut her up with a wave of her hand." I'm disappointed in you, Melvina. So, keep shut." She stated in anger, not minding the murmurings from the crowd.  She knew why, but she didn't care. Melvina wasn't her Luna. *** *Emma, a 17 years old gutsy teenager is shipped off to southern England by her Dad to complete her college studies; a strategic punishment to tame her wild behavior. On reaching there, she discovers that half of the campus population were paranormal creatures, she thought only existed in comic books and novellas. She also discovered that she wasn't really her father's daughter, but was kept by him because of an oath made to a hidden lover. What happens when she uncovers the fact that she wasn't the average human girl, rather a fulfilled prophecy; a reincarnated queen mated to an Alpha wolf. What path does she choose when she is rejected by the Alpha wolf in the face of grueling circumstances?

    nuvvy10 · Fantasy
  • The Grand Duke's Soulmate

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be known that this book wouldn't have made it this far without the support my dear writing buddy Rachel E. Canton who is a great writer of SINS OF THE SERAPHIM - https://www.webnovel.com/book/sins-of-the-seraphim_26438336605116805 and Derek J. Perna To Rachel & Derek, Thank you for everything! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the last heir of Ardel lost everything, fate would bring her to her rightful protector. Anna Adhemar, the forgotten princess, found herself betrayed by the Regent. Hunted by the Bargesians and the ruthless slave traders, she desperately fled for her life. Rescued by a mysterious man, her newfound safety was short-lived as she succumbed to a potent aphrodisiac. Then, she awoke in the arms of the fearsome Knight Commander of Gerhard, stripped bare, in a foreign kingdom. Fear, confusion, and a sense of profound devastation enveloped her. But the man before her declared, "I am your husband. I married you last night." Then, with unwavering determination, he vowed, " You're my woman now. No one can hurt my woman." --- Kyren Raychard, the Crown Prince who had chosen to forsake the throne and became celibate, led the Knights of Gerhard to safeguard his kingdom’s border from slave trading activities. Outside his camp, he found Anna poisoned and delirious. The healer informed him of the only cure, of which he must race against time to give and honour her. For the first time, he felt an overwhelming instinct to protect and claim her as his own. Unaware of his deepening affection, he belatedly realised his feelings as he stood on the brink of losing her. Bound by a soul-binding spell, their fates intertwined…

    Rana_Chim_Chim · Fantasy
  • Derek Chernin

    Title: In the Heart of Darkness - The Saga of the Cowboy Bandit Synopsis: In an arid and unforgiving region, where the law seems to have lost its force, a legendary cowboy bandit named Derek Chernin appears. With a past shrouded in mystery and a reputation feared by all, Derek becomes the most wanted man in the territory. In "In the Heart of Darkness", we are taken to a world where the line between justice and revenge becomes blurred. Derek Chernin, with his complex personality and exceptional firearms skills, writes his own destiny as he navigates a scenario full of duels, betrayals and intense battles. While the law and bounty hunters are always on his trail, Derek finds himself faced with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: reclaim his past and uncover the secrets that shaped the man he became. On his journey, he will encounter dark and mysterious characters, each with their own interests and hidden secrets. With an engaging narrative and breathtaking action scenes, "In the Heart of Darkness - The Saga of the Cowboy Bandit" immerses the reader in a fascinating world, where honor and loyalty are on the brink and violence becomes a sad reality . Can Derek Chernin overcome his own shadows and become something more than just an outlaw? Enter the unpredictable universe of the Old West and discover the fate of the famous cowboy bandit in this electrifying story, where not everything is as it seems. Get ready for a journey full of twists and turns and intense emotions in "In the Heart of Darkness - The Saga of the Cowboy Bandit".

    Hguel20 · Urban
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  • Regular Derek

    In the dim corridors of a life fractured by loss, Derek Dixon stumbles upon Aria, a woman whose quiet strength stirs something long dormant within him. With the relentless Abyss casting a shadow over his every move and Victoria, his mother, serving as a distant beacon, Derek is pulled into a dance between light and dark. The road he treads is not one of simple vengeance but of an awakening—a transformation whispered in the spaces between. Love, elusive yet undeniable, weaves through the cracks of his broken world, becoming the silent force that shapes his journey. As Derek’s path intertwines with Aria’s, the lines between salvation and destruction blur, leaving only the question of what, or who, truly holds the power in the end.

    Adrian_Gumbo · Sci-fi
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  • Supremo Mago

    Derek McCoy era un hombre que pasó toda su vida enfrentando adversidades e injusticias. Después de verse obligado a conformarse con sobrevivir en lugar de vivir, finalmente encontró su lugar en el mundo, hasta que todo le fue arrebatado una última vez. Después de perder su vida para vengar a su hermano asesinado, reencarna hasta encontrar un mundo digno de vivir, un mundo lleno de magia y monstruos. Síguelo en su viaje, desde ser un hermano afligido hasta convertirse en un soldado alienígena. Desde un bebé hasta el Supremo Magus.

    Legion20 · Fantasy
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  • Oberster Magus

    Derek McCoy war ein Mann, der sein ganzes Leben mit Widrigkeiten und Ungerechtigkeiten zu kämpfen hatte. Nachdem er gezwungen war, sich eher mit dem Überleben als mit dem Leben zu begnügen, hatte er endlich seinen Platz in der Welt gefunden, bis ihm ein letztes Mal alles genommen wurde. Nachdem er sein Leben verloren hat, um seinen ermordeten Bruder zu rächen, reinkarniert er, bis er eine Welt findet, in der es sich zu leben lohnt, eine Welt voller Magie und Monster. Begleite ihn auf seiner Reise, vom trauernden Bruder zum außerirdischen Soldaten. Vom Säugling zum Obersten Magus. ------------------------------------------- Stichworte: Seelenwanderung, Männlicher MC, Western Fantasy Zeitplan: 12 Kapitel/Woche (außer ich bin krank oder es passiert etwas) Kapitellänge: 1200 - 1400 Wörter Warnung: Der MC ist weder ein Held noch ein Anti-Held. Er ist eine gebrochene, zynische und misanthropische Person, die nur nach ihrem eigenen Vorteil sucht. Wenn du einen verzeihenden, netten MC suchst, der herumläuft und Menschen in Not rettet, ist dies nicht deine Tasse Tee. Dasselbe gilt, wenn du einen unveränderlichen MC ohne Charakterentwicklung suchst. -------------------------------------------- Unterstütze den Autor: https://ko-fi.com/legion20 https://paypal.me/Legion20 ------------------------------------------- Discord-Kanal: https://discord.gg/Z5T7CBD ---------------------------------------- Cover von Supreme Magus Lith Verhen von Bocah. Besucht den offiziellen Discord für seine offiziellen Porträts der Charaktere.

    Legion20 · Fantasy
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  • MAGO Supremo

    Derek McCoy era um homem que passou a vida inteira enfrentando adversidades e injustiças. Depois de ser forçado a se contentar com sobreviver em vez de viver, ele finalmente encontrou seu lugar no mundo, até que tudo foi tirado dele uma última vez. Após perder sua vida para vingar seu irmão assassinado, ele reencarna até encontrar um mundo digno de se viver, um mundo cheio de magia e monstros. Acompanhe-o em sua jornada, de irmão enlutado a soldado alienígena. De bebê a Mago Supremo. ------------------------------------------- Tags: Transmigração, Protagonista Masculino, Fantasia Ocidental Cronograma: 12 capítulos/semana (a menos que eu esteja doente ou aconteça algo) Comprimento do Capítulo: 1200 - 1400 palavras Aviso: O protagonista não é um herói nem um anti-herói. Ele é uma pessoa quebrada, cínica e misantropa em busca apenas de seu próprio benefício. Se você procura um protagonista bondoso e tolerante que vai por aí salvando pessoas em perigo, este não é o seu tipo de história. O mesmo vale se você deseja um protagonista imutável e sem desenvolvimento de personagem.

    Legion20 · Fantasy
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  • The Almighty Derek (18+)

    Derek was deprived of love as a child never really had it as an adult with his siblings after his 2 year old relationship ended because his girlfriend chose his rival over him. so when he met Hazel his supposed assistant, sparks starts flying Will Derek nurture this feelings or try to smother it?? and how will Hazel handle Derek's temperament and paranoia?? Read to find out!!!!!!

    Ebere_Juliet · Fantasy
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  • Lover Of Derek Hale: Teen Wolf

    A man died from earth died whose life can be considered nothing sort of hell. He woke up in the different world, where mysteries are far more than the known things. Although he got born in the rich and loving family, but he was cursed with eternal bad luck for him but this will grant the good luck to the people around him. Follow his journey and his adventure in this new world which shrouded in the darkness of mysteries. ========= I'm a rookie author so please forgive me for nay grammar mistakes. I'll try to keep it simple as English is not my primary language. Constructive reviews and comments are appreciated. Note- There will be only one character from teen wolf in this book who is Derek hale. And world setup is my own original content. And Main character is my original work too. So, this is not fan-fiction, but just a reference. Cover is used from Pinterest.

    Doom_Writer · LGBT+
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  • The Case Files of Derek Jones

    A lot of case files delivered to Detective Derek Jones seem to not impress the big city detective. Till one day it all changed. Now he chases 4 unusual killers with a deadly motive.

    Rithbane · Urban
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  • Merged Soul: Reincarnated in a Dark World

    This is the age where science has gone beyond it's boundaries, where humans have tapped into their origins and awakened unique DNA structures altering their race, however, all these great achievements were in the past... Years ago, abominable creatures called Nightmares were unleashed into the universe and galactic civilizations fell to their destructive might. Finally approaching the Black Eye galaxy, they nestled in a world called Xon, waiting for the prime moment to devour it. However, an enigma appears. Derek, a man who has spent four lifetimes seeking vengeance against the Nightmares is reborn once again. This was his final reincarnation but his memories were in shambles. Follow Derek as he embarks on an a perilous mission in a new world while being the only survivor of the great age!

    Silver_smile · Sci-fi
  • Forever Love (Derek Hale Love Story)

    Hi my name is Lucy Jones I'm nineteen soon to be twenty and I'm a full blooded werewolf I have a mate his name is Derek Hale he's the best thing to ever happen to me I wouldn't know what to do without him in my life I've been missing for nearly a year after being kidnapped by the Alpha pack or specifically Deucalion he wanted me to be his mate but I wouldn't because Derek is my mate that was five months ago now I've escaped the Alpha pack and I'm back in Beacon Hills will Derek even love me anymore does he even care about me anymore Only time will tell

    Lucy_Evans_Morgan · Fantasy
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