
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 6: My Goal…

~Kuro POV (8 years old) ~

Ugh… what the hell hit me…

I see my surroundings around myself that I was on top of Cinder lap while I see that we are inside a tent that seems to be decorated with animal hides and fur all around huh… they actually look really nice here…

Wait a minute…

Cinder looks at me and hugs me in worry, "Kuro! Don't scare me like that ok!"

When I see her worried about me, I just expressed my frown knowing when I fucked up but first… "Sorry about that Cindy… but seriously were exactly are we?"

That was when I heard another voice coming in… and this was someone I recognized and really hope not to be found by her…

I turn around to see Raven without her mask looking at us, "Well looks like someone had a good nap now come outside the both of you."

With that she leaves, and I got up and already can tell that we must have joined their tribe from the lack of constraints on the both of us, but Cinder doesn't have her short sword to damn…

With that I got up and asked Cinder, "Hey Cindy by chance did we just join a bandit tribe Nya~?"

I see her nod her head, great now I have to deal with Raven now, well not the greatest opportunities but if I had to guess why she lets us freely move around is because she can convince us to stay with her.

Well there are a few pros here that being will be trained against people with combat experience and get professional help from a former Huntress turn bandit in tips to fight as well as a place to train.

The cons are that we kill a bunch of innocent people and raid their homes for food in order for this place to survive… well as they say survival of the fittest.

Me and Cinder go outside to see the outside of the Bandit Tribe place in Anima… well its certainly simple cozy home I can tell they made real good work with the wooden spikes but needs more wood in my opinion.

The bandits live in a simple, but lived-in cobbled-together camp. The camp is a temporary settlement as the tribe migrates through Anima.

The camp has a wooden log wall with a single gate. A path leads through the camp to the main open area in front of a large tent of the tribal leader.

The camp is comprised out of different tents, created out of scavenged resources. Cut down tree stumps and campfires are scattered throughout the campsite.

When we got outside there was a bunch of other bandits all around in a circle formation looking towards us.

That was when we listen in to what to Raven says, "Members of the Branwen Tribe as you may have already know I have brought with me are two brats, but these brats already agreed to lend their strength to the tribe without there auras to unlock there Semblance!"

I look at the others to see that they were surprised well of course who wouldn't be surprised in this world if some was to awaken their Semblance without aid of aura then they will be marked as future prodigies in the field of battle… well at least from what I read in the orphanage at least…

Raven continues to speak to everyone present, "But as much as everyone here would expect you will not let them join unless they prove themselves worthy to join… so then brats chose your enemy from the crowd here and if you win you join everything is fair game!"

Cinder looks surprise while I think, 'Fair game eh… well then…'

Before anyone does anything I say to Raven with an innocent expression, "You said anything is fair game right? What happens if one of our enemy we chose were to be killed will you kick us out?"

I Raven raised her eyebrow at my sentence but nods while saying, "No, it doesn't matter as long as you win is- "

However, before she could finish, I just rush over to the first one nearest to me that and caught off from a quick surprise attack with me freezing him on the spot solid as ice and followed with a punch that shattered the frozen statue into dust.

Well that was an easy fight shouldn't have said anything was fair game Raven, well that was your fault thinking that I was thinking like a kid.

Then I hear a sound that someone was being burned to death, "AHHH! STOP I SURRENDER I SURRENDER!! AHHH!"

Ah I see Cinder took after my example of surprise attack someone I feel so proud of my Cindy growing up it just makes me happy… if it wasn't for a group of bandits surrounding us then it would have been a good day.

With that I turn my attention to Raven looking uncaring for the members we killed, "Well congrats brats you have earn your place here, and don't worry about the two that have died they were simply to weak if they weren't ready for a surprise attack."

With that I nodded with the idea, then she continues, "As of right now I will personally be training the both of you starting tomorrow at the morning be sure to wake up before I do."

I gulp at that; I defiantly don't want an angry older woman waking me up for a beating… well at least not anymore in the orphanage but the point still stands!

With that me and Cinder nodded while Raven says, "Good now make yourselves at home since you already killed off the two weaklings you have full ownership to their stuff including their tents, I'll have Vernal show you where you live."

When she mentions Vernal, I was surprised I guess she does fall into the same age group as me and Cinder but not worth recruiting since she is only loyal to Raven.

Then I see a young girl that is around 8 years old as me with short hair with brown jeans, boots, and tank top with a small brown vest looking at me and cinder saying, "Now that you two are part of the tribe I'll show you your place you will be living in."

With I put both my hands back to my head and my Cindy follows with me while Vernal was showing us that my tent was near the entrance of the gate, "Since you killed Shay D. Mann you have his tent and all his belongings as his near the gate, but be warned he was well… you'll know soon enough."

I raised my eyebrow at that what the hell was that supposed to me and what the hell is that awful smell… Oh shit!

When Vernal open up my home tent I stole from Shay D. Mann I wanted to throw up with the fucking smell of alcohol in the tent as well as a few of his bottles still there I had to pinch my nose to block the smell… just as I thought it wasn't working.

I look towards Vernal with a disgusted look, "Ugh! Why did the nearest bastard I killed had to be a local bandit drunk ugh… why me?"

While I was being melodramatic Vernal just looks towards me and says, "Hey you're the one that killed him so it's your problem to clean up the mess so get to it already. Now then Cinder your tent just happens to be right to be the left side of gate and don't worry it won't stink so badly."

I see Cinder sighs out a breath of relief that traitor what happen to be my loyal ally or my friend damn it!

I look towards the tent I used my ice to freeze all the alcohol inside the place and started to search around the place, "Well shit, I guess I have to clean up the whole place well I'll see you later Cinder when I'm done cleaning all of this up… yuck."

With that I see that the two left the area while I dig around the tent to see if the local drunk bandit had any Lien or anything valuable here other than booze or liquor…

Seriously was this guy a pig or something I just keep finding more bottles of alcohol all around the place and why did that guy have D. in his middle name was he one of the decedents from one piece well certainly not that guy.

With that I started to throw out all the useless bottles of empty of alcohol on the outside of the tent and used a miniature blizzard to create cold air forcing the foul smell out of my tent shoo begone foul smell of booze!

With that done with I smelled the air again and to my relief I was able to not smell any of the alcohol and the bad smell that was the man I killed after cleaning the place up I see his bag of clothes needs to be clean, a gun, and a hammock with a pillow and blankets that needs to be cleaning as well.

I was really annoyed with the guy I killed was he seriously a pig or something are bandits this dirty like for him because as far as I can tell at least they were clean!

Uh… whatever at this point I should be happy that I have a place to stay and train for the time being but now a bigger issue just came, 'How the hell could I run away from this place or is that even possible as I am right now I'm basically a fool ready to be killed against experienced opponents…'

I really am dumb aren't I... I guess I got real cocky thinking nothing can harm me since I ate a Logia Devil Fruit…

Bahahaha!!!! I must be a real dumbass to get that arrogant with just that fruit thinking I'm invincible I must be the pinnacle of a dumbass to consider it!

No more… no more thinking I'm invincible this… is a wakeup call I was stupid to think I could face a bunch of skilled criminals with Devil Fruits of a Logia or much less survive Grimm with those stupid excuses of swordsmanship…

I need to get stronger… I need to be smarter than this… I need actual training to accomplish my dream of conquering Remnant under my control.

I can't just solely rely on luck and my future knowledge when I'm not even close to accomplishing my goals the first thing I need is to find a way to get strong.

With that in mind I check to my Shop in my system to look over to see how I can get some martial art skills till I found one that I recognized from the Water 7 Arc, the Rokushiki a special, superhuman martial arts style.

[Knowledge: Rokushiki

Rokushiki is a special, superhuman martial arts style that contains all the knowledge of the fighting skills Geppo (Moonwalk), Tekkai (Iron Body), Shigan (Finger Pistol), Rankyaku (Tempest Kick), Soru (Shave), Kami-e (Paper Arts), and the secret technique the Rokugan (Six King Gun).

Cost: 70,000 Lien.]"

As much as I want to save my Lien I need these skills to help make some progress for my personal growth as well as make sure I have a strong body and this knowledge will help me unlock my Armament Haki since I can't seem to find it in the shop the same for Conqueror Haki best make due to what's available.

With that in my mind I bought the knowledge of the Rokushiki and I felt like someone beat something over my head multiple times and a headache at the same time ugh…

I felt that all the information of the moves were rushed into my head feels like popping but I manage to get it over with, "Ugh… well at least that was done with I know what the Rokushiki is but doing them is going to be a pain."

I really wanted to learn them right away, but I couldn't since only the knowledge was available well at least I have a start on what to train, but first make sure that Cinder is ok and sleep for the night… the sudden info was really straining me man…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Curse Remover x2, Doa Doa no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi

Lien: 87,200