
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 41: First Homie Rodan

~Kuro POV (10 years old) ~

Alright, when I have these three as my allies I decided to be honest with them about what happened to Sakura while Qrow and Summer weren't really happy with the idea I gave them the truth that she threatened me with the Relic and I was given no choice in the matter since she is a maiden that threatened me I only followed what Raven would have done to traitors.

Summer and Qrow sighs at me telling me to not kill everyone I meet that refuses to join or harm me, "Sigh… fine I'll try not to kill everyone I meet who doesn't join me but for now though I will need your help with something that is going to happen in a week."

The three adults were confused about what I meant I explained to them that there will be a hoard of Grimm coming here and explain my plan to them on how this would work that the three of them will be with the first force.

They wanted to know more but I'm not that trustworthy of them at least not yet, "Sorry but I can't tell you why but for now all I ask you to trust me for now if you still follow me after this then I will tell you my secret."

They nodded their heads in agreement for the time being since it would be wise for me to not let my secrets all out.

With that I ask the three of them with a serious expression, "For right now can I ask you to help the people here when the Grimm comes also Hazel can you destroy the Seer you have in your briefcase."

Hazel responds to me in a calm tone to match his expression, "Very well then Kuro, it will be done."

Good, the last thing I need is to encounter Salem right now I may consider myself to be extremely overpowered but in reality, I'm very far off of being overpowered…

The only thing that could register me as a threat would be my time using my Hie Hie no Mi logia ability since that fruit is the first, I have eaten while the others are still in development that requires me to have a lot of stamina for but…

What I lack now is the time since I haven't been able to develop well with my other Devil Fruits except for my ice one and I still need to train my body but still, I do have to remember that my body is still that of a 10-year-old so I would drain my stamina a lot quicker than most…


For now, though I should check-up with the rest of my group when I left the hut I see Ram and Morgiana standing by I talked to them, "Hey you two I see you were very busy guarding the village thanks for that also Ram do you need a way to the Door Dimension?"

Ram nodded her head towards me and with that, I open the door to the Door Dimension then I went to Re: Onigashima tower to rest while Ram went off to meet her sister again while I go back to the top of the tower to do some thinking.

When I arrived on the top floor level of the room I went inside to rest for a while deciding something, "Alright as things stand, I need to boost my forces, but the question is how hmm…"

Alright now think a bit here Kuro you got out dangerous stuff before time to revise some abilities to know that you know work let's see how I am now I probably have enough strength to create one Homie like big Mom but the question is what should I create?

Though having a Homie would be a problem here if a Grimm tries to fight one then the Homie would lose 100% since Grimm does have the ability to drain aura which means can drain the soul if I'm not careful they could just eat a Homie even if I elementalize the Homie it could still be drained?

C'mon Kuro think for a minute I need forces that are loyal strong and can't be easily killed off from Grimm think what I can do to create a strong Homie!

Wait… what if I use the power of the Soru Soru no Mi to create a Homie from an element first then make it eat a Zoan Devil Fruit…

I immediately smiled at the idea now, but the question is which element should it be, but then again, I never used that Zoan fruit since the beginning I had with my first random chance.

With that I left the area to find Cinder since I need her fire to use my first Homie on, I could always use lighting to create it but the problem is I don't know if it would go berserk at the first chance it gets.

Good thing my best bud can use fire because Lighting is better than Fire considering it's stronger in some respects than others.

So, with that idea in mind, I left to find Cinder somewhere around the islands or in the tower from the sky floating around the area but that was when I see Cinder coming to me, "Hey Cindy I need quick help from you I hope you can help with something Nya~?"

When I see her come towards me, she just gives me a lecturing expression but agrees with me at the end, "Sigh… Kuro I thought you would take things easy for today considering what happened to you. Also, if I help you out with something you need can you promise me that you will take things easy for today?"

Sure, that was the plan anyway I still somewhat tire after talking to the three minions which were not as easy as one might think, "Sure I just need to test one thing and I promise I'll take it easy or the day Cindy Nya~."

With that, we go far away place to make sure my testing would be safe from anyone's harm since what I'm about to do is going to be very dangerous after all.

When I and Cinder got to a far enough distance, she finally talks to me with an annoyed tone with an expression to match, "So then Kuro what exactly are you trying to do this time that you need my help for?"

I just smile at her and started to explain to her the basics of my Soru Soru no Mi can create a life by giving a piece of my soul to objects making them alive and wanted to test out the idea with her Fire Logia with the Maiden Power empowered by her Semblance.

Cinder ponders on this news and shakes her head in agreement while smiling at the idea and soon nods her head, "Hmm… sounds like something we can try right plus if it has fire it would be difficult for Grimm to drain the homies you create right? Alright then stand away Kuro because it's going to be very hot."

With that, I did as she said and went a few feet away from Cinder to release a huge amount of blue fire all around her and I see a few bits of the Maiden elemental magic going towards the ball of fire with her Semblance super powering it.

While I look at Cinder I can't help but smirk at how far she has come ever since our days in the orphanage, 'If people once thought that Cinder was this weak in the past they would shit themselves when seeing her have magic, devil fruit, and her Semblance create such an overpowering ball of fire.'

When she was done, she yells at me to confirm she was done, "Kuro I finished on my end creating the biggest and strongest fireball I can create you better get this Homie quick while it is hot!"

I nodded my head in agreement and smirk at this so with that I begin to activate the Soru Soru no Mi ability to create a Homie using a piece of my soul but when I look at my aura it changed into a pink light substance and quickly went towards the ball of blue fire going inside it!

I have to admit even I was surprised to see this!

I didn't expect my Aura to suddenly change like when I use my Paramecia ability then I wondered, 'If the Aura is the soul and if my Soru Soru no Mi can manipulate souls… is it possible for me to steal other people's aura's or their semblance as well… save those for another day…'

For now, though I only look at the ball of blue fire turn smaller and smaller turning into a ball of blue fire that can literally fit in the palm of my hand then suddenly grew on the ball of fire is a cartoonish eyes and mouth!

When the ball of the fire looked at me it smiled around me and Cinder saying to the both of us, "Wow! Are you two my mommy and daddy!"

We both froze at the implications at that, but we immediately shake our heads no, but my best buddy just betrayed me by saying to the talking ball of fire, "Uh… no Kuro here is your mother and father your biological parent."

I stand there shocked that she just left me a kid of fire to raise…

Damn if Raven was alive, she would be proud of what Cinder did well at least Raven leave a legacy at least…

When I look towards Cinder, I see she was no longer there she was yelling at that left me at high speeds using her fire leaving me surprised, "Sorry Kuro but I'm not ready for the responsibility please take care of it in my stead Kuro?!!"

Damn, she literally took Raven's idea of abandoning childcare to the father?!!

Well, whatever I got what I came for at least so with that I brought out my first Zoan Devil Fruit I received out to give for my creation, "Well that was unexpecting but first things first I'll unlock your aura first ok?"

The ball of fire nods its head to confirm it will listen than with that I gave it the Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit come here little guy I have the Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon gave it to the ball of fire.

When I saw the ball of fire was about to eat the fruit the first thing, I did was told it to wait while I unlocked its Aura, "Hold up their little guy but first I have to unlock your aura ok?"

I see it looks confused but agrees with me good…

I don't what would happen if soul that was originally mine ate another Devil Fruit would affect me so at least this way if I unlock its aura it will have a somewhat complete soul for it to use and be independent of me as well as be loyal to me.

After I unlocked its Aura and ate the Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon I started to smirk waiting to see the results, "Alright now it's time to see you grow little guy."

~Third POV~

In the distance away from the tower and islands Kuro and his new homie were in a faraway place from anyone nearby.

When the first Homie at the Ancient Zoan Devil Fruit it quickly started to change its shape starting grow up to 30 meters of height having red like scales all around him while the tips of the Pteranodon wings were set on blue fire and also around its body seems to have blue fire coming off from it and spike like scales on its belly.

When Cinder was running away, she immediately saw Kuro first Homie and was honestly surprised to see it in real life after all its not normal to see a God damn dinosaur alive in the modern world.

When the rest of the people saw this they were very surprised to see Kuro first Homie for the first time since the living dinosaur is literally made out of fire!

When Kuro saw this, he was smiling that he created a Homie first then created a Kaiju that he appropriately names to his first Homie, "Alright then big guy your name shall be Rodan the elementalize fire Pteranodon!"

At that moment was when Rodan agreed to its name and turn itself into a smaller form while the system notifies Kuro that he made a new ally.

"[Congratulation you made your first Homie: Rodan (Logia/Zoan).]"

With that he went off showing it to everyone his first Homie Rodan who is now small to fit in the palms of a person hand then after that Kuro went to rest for the day till it was the day the mission requested.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User), Summer Rose, Hazel Rainheart, Qrow Branwen

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Homies: Rodan (Logia/Zoan)

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Relic of Wisdom, Yomi Yomi no Mi

Lien: 4,001,492,544