
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 39: The Beginning of The Celestials Family D.

~Kuro POV (10 years old) 2 days passed~

Ugh… What the hell happen to me?

When I opened up my eyes again, I see I was in a medical room of the Ancient Birkia Island with the Automata's at my side and Cinder, Nora, Neo, and Rem there by myside asleep, "Sigh… I guess I really messed up, here haven't I?"

When I say that to myself I see the rest noticed me speaking healthy again and they were crying tears of joy of my return the first to bonk me on the head was my best friend Cinder while having tears strolling down her face, "You damn idiot! Why were you injured and what was with the explosions causing a pillar of light to appear happening in the real world?!"

Wait I did what now?!

Then Nora and Neo come to each of my sides crying all over to me with Nora to speak while Neo agrees with her from what I can tell, "Big bro Kitty are you ok! When we heard all the explosions and you here, we got so worried… sniff…"

I just patted both their heads to comfort the two knowing that I am ok now while I say to them with a smile on my face while sticking a thumbs up, "Don't worry I'm fine now I just faced against what I can consider a dark nightmare fuel abomination from Salem but see I told you I can take care of that big mean lady Nora."

I see that the two nodded their heads, but Rem and Cinder seems to have caught my meaning with my words then Rem asks me the question I was hoping they wouldn't ask, "Kuro what was that form you were in earlier that made you all fluffy? When me and Cinder appeared, you seem to have transformed from a big animal back into your original form was that a Zoan form."

Well this was bound to happen some day in all honesty I should just explain to them what my Sulong form is and the mission why I had to take the drastic measures.

With that I explained to everyone here what my form was and told them what a Mink is to understand how I got the form and gave them an excuse that my Semblance (System) changed my race for now since I can't really say that a God change me.

They were certainly angry that I had to use my Sulong form which costed me some of my lifespan but when I told them of my mission that pop up during that time and explained what the penalty was if I lose they immediately went silent considering what was at cost they really couldn't argue much about my decision…

Then Cinder was the first to speak in a sad voice while expressing anger then she hits her fist onto the wall, "So if you didn't use the relic and that form then we would have lost someone and me to Salem… DAMN IT?!"

I see Cinder was mad and who wouldn't if I lose then not only would Salem have me, she would try to turn me into a Grimm hybrid…

Shiver I never want to be caught and changed like that a broken slave to her…

Which means all the more reason to get stronger as fast as possible but this does open a good opportunity for me if what I remember was right Salem would need a number of Silver Eyed warriors for testing then she would probably keep them somewhere in her base for testing but the problem is where?

No, for now deal with the problem ahead of you now deal with future problems later I turn my attention to Cinder while she tries to calm down and ask me, "Kuro… are we really that weak to face this abomination you speak of… why didn't you bring us don't you trust us?"

I nod my head to confirm Cinder thoughts and say to her that leaves everyone silent to process with what I said, "Yeah… what I fought was some kind of Grimm Hybrid of a Faunus that has aura and was crazy that was why I didn't want anyone to fight it since it was easily capable to crush an Huntsmen aura easily with one blow…"

Then I look closely to everyone's gazes while I had mine determined with my reasoning, "…if I was to bring one of you with me I'm not sure if I was strong enough to fight and protect all of you at the same time. It's not that I don't trust you guys it's just… that I'm not ready to lose a family member to Salem abominations because of my fault…"

Everyone in the room stays quiet for a while till Cinder finally says to me with a small smile, "Ok… then the next time she sends over that abomination… will be ready to deal with them when you're not around right Nero?"

Now that is why it's good to have a friend like you around then I see Cinder brings me over a new set of clothes for me to wear it consists of a regular white tank top, shorts and socks I look over to her and say, "Thanks for the clothes Cinder do you guys mind if you leave I still have one more important thing to do before I rest for the day to recover then train tomorrow."

They nodded their heads and left for me to change into my new set of clothing, 'Now then what should I do with Hazel, Summer, and Qrow I bet they have some questions for me but I'll only let the topic go on about what is at hand not about me…'

As I was changing my clothes a thought occurred to me that maybe I can get them to myside instead of Ozma and Salem's side, 'Hmm… I do have the relic that can convince them since Jinn will show them their fates and I do know what happens in the future volumes to an extent.'

With that I smirk at the idea of them joining me, but I also frown that there is a chance for them to deny the invitation while they aren't bad people… "Doesn't mean I have to kill them all I may want to protect my own family, but that doesn't mean I want to kill off Ruby mother I already killed Raven out of a need to survive while Summer case she was looking for me…"

While I don't want to be the one to kill Summer in this world and leave Ruby to one day find her mother killer aka me, I already have Yang to deal with me killing Raven… "I really hope that those three joins me if they don't…"

I just look at my hands as I slowly grew a cold expression while I clench my fist together, '… if they don't join me then I'm afraid this will be there final mission coming after me was there mistake.'

With that I open the door to the real world once I was outside the island to see that I was in the air heading towards the hut of the chief to see if anyone is inside so I can begin talking to the group coming after me.

~Third POV~

During the last two days Summer and Qrow were staying inside the Fanalis Village waiting for Kuro to return since they have no choice in the matter since he promised to return when he returns into healthy condition.

Qrow and Summer tried to get information about Kuro from Ram and Morgiana but there interactions have been cold and hostile when they tried to get information about Kuro but they did notice a worried expression on their faces noting that they don't know what happen as well from Kuro going berserk.

They were allowed to stay in the Chief hut for the time being while questioning what happed two days ago for Kuro to be berserk like that with the relic in their heads, but they weren't the only ones wondering.

Hazel was caught from Morgiana and Ram and is being held as a prisoner while he was incarcerated from the shadows and sand binding him, he was still allowed to move freely inside the hut with the suitcase that held the Seer inside.

Ram was the person watching him the whole entire time with all of her shadows with her to keep an eye on Hazel while he stays calm during the whole time and was even feed by Ram as well considering it would be bad manners to damage Hazel since Kuro wants him alive.

When Ram shadow notified her that Kuro returned she turns her attention to Hazel and says to him, "Excuse me sir, but our leader Kuro has returned from his recovery I will be bringing you towards the Chief hut to begin some conversation he seems to want to speak to you and the other two."

Hazel heard that the other two that Ram was referring to Summer and Qrow he can only growl at the response since these two are with Ozpin and that in turn his enemy but he held it in for the time being considering he was here for Kuro so he only nodded his head and followed Ram.

When Ram was taking Hazel to the Chief hut with Summer and Qrow when they met the two of them got their hands on their weapons handle at the ready since they know Hazel was working for Salem.

But they couldn't do much when Rem and Morgiana in her sand state appeared before them behind while Ram says to the three of them, "I wouldn't try anything funny if I was you, or else… we won't be nice and force you to stop by force."

To further claim Ram's words all of her shadow soldiers appeared to further point out that they have the number advantage if they would do anything funny.

Qrow' sees this and lets go of his weapons handle and puts both his hands up signaling that they won't do anything, "Sigh… very well then squirt we won't do anything alright we just wish to have a talk with your leader Kuro since he has… something that belongs to a friend of ours since you two have been keeping quiet about?"

Ram only nods her head in agreement with the two while Morgiana returns to normal with Ram finally saying to them with a happy expression, "Thank you for your patience you three as the time has come for Sir Kuro, to come has arrived."

When she finished saying her sentence then comes Kuro from the entrance of the hut with a smile on his face with both hands on the back of his head while the Relic of Wisdom and Omen on his waist getting a variety of reactions from Qrow and Summer is on his waist.

Along the way towards the three strangers to Kuro he announces himself with a new middle name, "Hey you two nobodies of Ozpin's and Salem minion how nice of you to come to me, the name is Kuro D. White."

When Kuro comes over to Summer, Qrow, and Hazel he floats above the ground sitting crisscross while looking at them coldly, "The sole head leader of my family of The Celestials a displeasure to make your acquaintance all of you considering the trouble you gave me two days ago. But now that you're here it's time to have the talk."


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Relic of Wisdom (2 Questions Left), Yomi Yomi no Mi

Lien: 4,001,492,544