
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 38: Pure Rage Pt.2

~Third POV~

When the transformation was done, and Jinn released Kuro into the real-world time as this is his first time in this form Kuro took a gamble that in his berserk Sulong form was the strength he need to beat the Grimmified Silver Tooth.

Kuro knew he wouldn't be able be in control of his Sulong form but that is not without his own strength and weakness that he is aware of as well…

The strength of the Sulong form grants the user a drastic increase of their battle instincts, physical strength and boost the power of their electric power of using Electro to drastic measures.

The weakness of the Sulong form is that they will lose their minds completely and attack anyone near them, even friends and allies if they are not trained in using the form.

In addition to its dangerous effects mentally, the Sulong state is generally known to have a short lifespan due to being extremely taxing on a mink's physical body, as the mink will expend all their energy and die after just a single night of usage.

Kuro knew that going into his Sulong form would be a gamble move on his end but if his form can end the Grimm Silver Tooth then he has no choice to make a bet with his life to win if he can't even risk his own life to win how can he face against future enemies if he wasn't willing to go all in.

In front of everyone sees that the spot where Kuro was replaced to their eyes to a 10'0" unrecognizable animal in place with Kuro hair was now as long to his waist and his tail also increase that can be used as a weapon while having sparks all covered around Kuro Sulong form.

Kuro in this state presence sparks are releasing a tremendous amount heat comparable to a Super Bolt even the sand under him started to turn into glass just him being there and his eyes seems to activate his Semblance Eyes of the Lord.

However, the Kuro that they knew is not the one standing before them now, it's only a wild beast ready to wreaking some havoc to anyone unfortunate enough to be its prey.

Everyone was shocked at the scene before them that the young Faunus kid that was there changed drastically while Kuro was still out of control there was one thing that was still in his mind…

The one thing driving him now in that state while getting in control…

Was to obliterate the Grimm standing in front of him!

As the Sulong form Kuro looks at the Grimmified Silver Tooth after she managed to regain her face on her head to see what the kid turned into seeing the blood eyes towards her as Kuro let out a scream of pure rage all directed towards her while the electric aura surrounding him goes all wild, "RRRROOOOOOAAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!"

[3:00 Start]

The sound alone made everyone put their hands onto their ears to avoid their eardrums from breaking unfortunately for Silver she managed to piss off an out of control Sulong Devil Fruit User...

When the Grimmified Silver looks at Kuro only to notice that he vanished leaving her confused and worried, 'What! Where the – '

That was as far as she could process before she was impale from behind with a spear made out of pure lighting from her abdomen clearly frying her from the outside while shocked that she couldn't see Kuro move at all.

When one of the tendrils pair from her shoulders were going to aim for Kuro head he vanished once again leaving behind a sound of lighting rumbling in his wake.

Rumble! Rumble!

[2:53 Left]

The rest of the people that were witnessing this were completely shocked at how Kuro grew this strong and that feral in that short amount of time but what they noticed most was that his aura was going out of control!

When Ram and Morgiana noticed this, they couldn't help but feel worried that his aura was running wild thinking that Kuro was attracting the Grimm with his anger out of control state…

While the two Dromedon were going after Kuro of his anger and ridicules aura size was at that moment that Kuro simply attack them by simply flicking his tail releasing a Rankyaku wind blade towards them easily decapitating them.

While the rest were shocked at this Morgiana and Ram managed to restrain Hazel with their sand and shadow leaving Hazel surprised and caught off guard, "Ugh! What the hell ar- "

That was as far as Hazel get to say before he was incased with sand and shadows completely captured and quiet while they observe Kuro state.

[2:45 Left]

Qrow would try to say something in his situation but he was simply to shocked what was happening before him, but Summer tries to make conversation with Ram and Morgiana, but they ignored her simply just seeing Kuro go wild.

The Grimm Silver managed to recover herself again and managed to put off Kuro a few feet away from him and her while she recovers, she tries to speak, "YOU DAMN BR- "

But Kuro was no longer there anymore but was instead gripping Silver lower jaw as fear was now installed into her as Kuro casually rips it off her mouth.

Snap! Crack!

Soon following a scream of pain from Silver but while the rest flinch from the brutality, "ARRRGGGHHH!!!!"

[2:41 Left]

But that was soon silence when Kuro tail smack her to the side at high speeds using the Moa Moa no Mi to increase his tail speed x50 to send her flying to the sky while he follows in pursuit.

The Grimmified Silver was left defenseless in the air while Kuro was just simply picking off each appendage a piece by using his Armament Haki on his claws while electrocuting her at high speeds in the same time.

Rumble! Snap!

Rumble! Tear!

Rumble! Crack!

The first one that Kuro picked off was an arm, a leg, an appendage, a tail, an eye, an ear, just anything from her at this point clearly getting his conscious returning to him after torturing Silver for each second passing.

[2:35 Left]

For each piece he grabs in his hands it starts to disintegrate from the heat of his lighting continuing this process till the both of them were now on ground level with Kuro unharmed but returning to his senses and the Grimmified Silver was in pain and already recovering but now more slowly.

In that moment Kuro looks at his down enemy but at that moment when Kuro guard was down was when Silver launched her attack focusing regenerating on her tendrils with clear hate in her eyes.

When Silver launched her attacks of tendrils started to spin around into a shape of a drill intending to pierce Kuro while everyone got worried at the sudden attack.

When Silver launched her attack towards Kuro berserk state, she thought to herself, 'Damn it! This bastard will – '

Rumble! Rumble!

[2:29 Left]

When Silver heard the sounds of lighting rumbling, she can no longer see Kuro was originally in the position this caused her to miss her attack and only looked worried of where he is right now, 'Shit! Where is the hell is- '?


When Silver looked above her head, she paled to see that Kuro was in the sky crashing down to the ground with his fist coated with lighting striking at her!

[2:21 Left]


When the attack landed at the spine of Silver back it caused a big explosion of electricity coming all around the area while the explosion was inside a dome of pure electricity surrounding Kuro and Silver.

As for the rest who were viewing from a far Summer questions Ram and Mogiana about Kuro while having a nervous expression, "Ugh… is your friend Kuro always been like that?"

Ram was surprised at the scene before her but replies to Summer with a surprised expression, "No… this is the first I seen him like this…"

That only further concerned the three that doesn't know about Kuro current state of mind and power but Ram and Morgiana were more concerned for Kuro since he will never do something like this not without a reason.

[2:14 Left]

The explosion lasted a while but after everything has passed there was a crater of glass on the floor with Silver merged with the glass in pain from the heat of the Super Bolts and Kuro just floating above the crater just glaring at Silver.

When Silver saw Kuro expression she was frozen in fear and was in pain since the heat radiating off of Kuro is burning her alive, she only had one thought in this situation, 'I need to run away from this… this… DEVIL?!!'

With that she used all of her strength without her aura since it was broken from the last attack and created wings to fly away from Kuro.


When she tried to fly way from a safe distance, she was suddenly caught from her leg was and saw in horror that Kuro has a hard grip on her ankle while using Geppo to fly and catch up to her easily.

[2:01 Left]

Using all of Kuro strength he forced Silver to the ground by slamming her down into the ground and when he slammed her to the ground that forms a crater from the impact was enough to cause a lightning bolt to attack her completely electrocuting her in the process.


Kuro then opens his mouth yelling at Silver that was when he released a concentrated ball breath attack of a Super Bolt straight towards her while Silver only saw a blinging flash of blue light coming towards her till there was another explosion again, "RRRRAAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!"


[1:55 Left]

When the explosion occurred this time from Kuro breath attack landed at Silver was enough to transform into a large pillar of electricity enough for the people of Mistral to notice a big pillar of light appear in the desert area of the Badlands.

At the crater of glass from the attack in the middle was the bones of the late Silver Tooth Grimmified since when the attack made contact the Grimm parts of her started to dissolve leaving behind a skeleton of once was…

When Kuro landed in the ground again, he was able to feel pain from his head as if he was returning to his old self again…

When Kuro came to his senses again, he was able to get some control again but was feeling a massive headache while he was holding his head with one of his hands, "Ugh… what the hell happen last I remember was…"

When Kuro looks around his surrounding, the Skelton, and then himself glowing blue light of pure energy coming out of him from the mirror crater, he has a single thought in his mind, 'Huh… I guess this is what it feels like to be in Sulong form… is this what it feels like to be a Super Saiyan?'

That was when Kuro noticed in front of his screen that there was a time limit, he was in during the transformation is still counting down.

[1:30 Left]

When Kuro saw this, he knew he was going to need some time to rest again before he can be active again but right now, he looks towards his group with Ozpin's and Salem and sighs at the predicament his in.

With that he quickly grabs the relic that was on the floor when he transformed and put into his inventory at that moment was when he completed the urgent mission but payed it no mine for the moment.

"[Urgent Mission: Defeat Grimmified Silver Tooth

Description: This Grimmified abomination you are facing is the remnants of what was the Faunus in Salem inner circle called Silver Tooth, she has forsaken her individuality to become the first Grimm with an aura, evolve Semblance, regeneration, increased strength and speed. She has all the properties of a Grimm and a Faunus so do note that she is still intelligent as well has the ability of a Seer.

Objective: Defeat, Kill, or control the Grimmified Silver Tooth.

Penalty: Death of one of your members currently here if you lose, lose the Spring Maiden, and forced to join Salem.

Rewards: 2,000,000,000 Lien and Yomi Yomi no Mi.]"

[1:00 Left]

With that Kuro yells over to the group far away from him and says in a tired voice, "Ram and Morgiana make sure to keep that guy tied up I want to ask them some question! Also, you two nobodies if you want answers then please wait till, I come back in full healthy conditions!"

Before any of them protested Ram and Morgiana both nodded their heads while Kuro opens the door to the Door Dimension then make sure that the floating islands and materials are all set down before he loses his consciousness.

[0:55 Left]

Everyone noticed the change of what was happening, but Kuro booked it to the Ancient Birkia Island where he will need time to recuperate his health again inside the island advanced medical room inside the island.

When Kuro was above the Automata's for their safety since he can't control his new Sulong form yet he can't risk damaging them with the heat Kuro is producing, "Automata's make a critical room of emergency immediately with the best you can provide to heal the person who needs it now!"

[0:30 Left]

Kuro was now starting to feel drain and quickly getting tired of his stamina draining him every second his in his form then he started to land down getting more tired the second while he heard the automata's say to Kuro in worry, "Kuro sir! Who is in great need of our help sir!"

Kuro saw that the timer was getting close to zero as he was now on the ground, he says to the Automata's with little strength he has left, "Me… of… course…"

[0:00 Times Up]

As soon as he finished saying that he fell down losing consciousness then helped from his Automata's getting Kuro the best treatment they can provide.

The time that would cost for a quick recovery will take 2 days left from Kuro thus leaving only a week left to prepare for the Grimm invasion…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle, Fusion

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro, Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Current Duration: 3 Minutes)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Intermediate), Kami-e (Intermediate), Tekkai (Intermediate), Rankyaku (Intermediate), Shingan (Intermediate), Soru (Intermediate), Rokuogan (Intermediate), Voice of All Things

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Byakko, Soru Soru no Mi, Extreme Model: Goro Goro no Mi, Kobu Kobu no Mi

Equip: Reject Dial Fingerless Glove, Omen

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User/Spring Maiden), Rem Arashi (Paramecia /Logia User), Ram Arashi (Extreme Model: Mythical Zoan User), Kagero (Paramecia User), Nora Valkyrie (Logia User), Neopolitan (Paramecia User), Morgiana Fanalis (Logia User)

Loyal Allies Army: The Automata's x100, The Faunus x35

Islands: Hungry-La (Lv. 1), Ancient Birkia (Lv.1)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Neko Neko no Mi Model: Leopard, Curse Remover x5, DFTP, DFTZ, DFTL, Haki Training Guide, Horo Horo no Mi, Raki Raki no Mi, Chiyu Chiyu no Mi, Mosa Mosa no Mi, Kuku Kuku no Mi, Bomu Bomu no Mi, Relic of Wisdom (2 Questions Left), Yomi Yomi no Mi

Lien: 4,001,492,544