
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 3: Training

~Kuro POV~

Alright the next morning was just as shitty as I remember it was at least I don't feel cold anymore I see that the caretaker is in front of me just leaving the supplies for me to clean while she goes away that I was hearing, "Tch… filthy animal…"

Well screw you too bitch the in the next month I'll make sure that you all will pay for your treatment to me and Cindy, "After all karma is a bitch after all."

With that, I immediately grabbed the supplies while I pay attention to my surroundings to check if I can get the Lien from this place.

While I was doing the cleanup in the building I ask the system, 'System is it possible to get any repeats of the same devil fruits during a raffle and if I use the Curse Remover can eat as many devil fruits as I want without the worry of being blown up?'

"[Yes, as long as you use the Curse Remover but do note that for one of those items cost 100,000,000 Million Lien to get even one so you would have to be very cautious to what you use it for.]"

When I heard that I flinched a bit at the idea of using my Curse Remover to immediately get rid of my curse, 'But it's not like I need to do it right now there will be a time and I'm fine with my Logia ability, for now, no doubt I will need more in the future but I need power and influence to work.'

I shake my head and continue cleaning the area then I soon go to the upstairs room of the caretakers to see where everything is, "I don't know if the people think I won't just steal from them one day but for now searching the area first is a must Nya~."

After searching the area, a bit, I noticed there was a safe under the floorboards in one of the caretaker's rooms I smiled at this, "Looks like I found the jackpot Nya~."

With that I finished cleaning the place after that I see Cinder is in my room waiting for me, "Alright Kuro are you ready, or do you need to wait?"

I shake my hand no with a smile on my face, "Nah. I think we should start our training soon, the sooner we prepare the sooner we can leave this dumb behind right Nya~."

I see Cinder nods her head in agreement after that we both left the building in the back and soon, we went back to the place I was training my Ice Logia fruit ability while we were walking to our destination I ask the system, 'Hey system is it possible to pay any weapons from the shop for a short sword?'

"[Checking… item found a short sword only costing about 250 Lien would you like to purchase the item?]"

I say to the system with a yes and waited for a response.

"[Purchased confirmed you now have 109,750 Lien left the item is in your inventory.]"

With that, I smirk at a good tool for Cindy to use when we arrived I say to Cinder, "Hey Cindy I got the gift-ready I took from one of the parents that came here a while back and hid it just for you to train."

I see Cinder looks interested while I go towards the bush I bring out a short sword from the inventory and showed it to her, "One of the parents that came a while back was a Huntsmen and lost his sword a few days ago I managed to get it in condition for you to start using."

When I gave it to Cinder, she looks happy to have gotten the sword and tries to swing it around while I created my own sword, "Alright how about we spar then Cindy, now I summon forth Ice Saber!"

With that, I created my own sword created into solid ice that as hard as steel, when I see Cinder's confusion on her face, "Eh… hey Cindy what seems to be the problem you look confuse Nya~?"

Cinder just gives me a straight answer that pierces my previous life's heart somehow, "Isn't that kind of dumb to announce your attacks before you attack first Nero?"

Ack!!! Critical hit I need a medic, I fall on all fours holding my ice saber in one of my hands, "Really… I thought it was cool to say it…"

Cinder just laughs at my misery of this after that I got myself back up again with new vigor, "Ah, what the heck, if you think it's dumb I might as well stop saying the names of my attack, alright are you ready Cindy Nya~."

With that, she looks hesitant, but we begin our sparing match to see how much stamina we have we went on about this for only an hour before Cinder was exhausted and I was somewhat tired from the spar.

I went over to my friend's spot and pulled her up near a tree to sit on to recover, "So how was your first time swing a sword, Cindy."

I see Cinder was exhausted from the looks of things but was happy, "In all honestly I'm tired and hungry, but otherwise I had fun for the first time wanting to do something."

While I see my Cindy being happy, I started to practice my Devil Fruit ability to control ice, "Well ok Cindy I'll get some hunting starting to cook before we start again ok?"

Cinder nods her head at me but we both heard the sound of rumbling to see a deer all by itself here I made a wide-eyed expression, "Looks like we have dinner come to us right Cindy?"

With that done with I started to use my devil fruit using Kuzan move which was a favorite of mine in my other life, I placed my hand on to the floor and say the move, "Ice Age."

When I place my hand on the ground soon turn to ice all the way going towards the deer at a fast speed that it didn't notice that it was already killed by freezing to death.

Soon enough I was able to skin the deer for its meat and cook it for me and Cinder… Ah! Meat such a rare thing that is hard to come by, but I made sure to hide the rest in the inventory.

While I was cooking the deer, and Cinder couldn't help but drool at the sight of the meat being cooked I made sure to create an ice igloo with the fire inside and a few holes to release the smoke from.

After that I was done cooking, we got to eating, "Here you go Cindy chow down on the meat sorry if there wasn't any seasoning for its Nya~."

Cinder doesn't mind it since she was able to eat something good, "No it is alright I'm just glad we get to eat anything, so we keep doing this for the next month till you're ready?"

I nodded my head with a smile, "Yeah in just one-month time to create some moves of mine using my new powers but I need a strong body for it to work."

Cinder nods as well but she asks me, "Yeah but where should we go after the orphanage Nero… where exactly can we go…"

I try to think what would be beneficial for me and her in Mistral there were plenty of things to do hmm… come on I know all about the volumes till volume 8 come on! What area would help me think…

I look at Cinder and ask her a question, "Hey Cinder have you heard of a town called Kuroyuri before?"

Cinder looks confused but nods her head, "Yeah I heard it from the caretakers talking about it being too dangerous since they were in development I think?"

This right here is our ticket out of here the next place to go the place where Nora and Ren are there if I guess what age they are they should be around 2 years old if Cinder in the start of the series was in her mid 20's or at least borderline 23 and Ren was 17 years old that would mean he is 2 or 3 years old at least.

However, I was brought out of my stupor when Cinder was trying to get my attention, "… Ne… He… Hey Nero!"

I was surprised at the sudden yelling at me and she is making that puffy face again… still cute in my opinion but I apologized, "Ah! Sorry Cindy I was just thinking deep in thought of where we should go, I was thinking that Kuroyuri is our next destination after here Nya~."

I see her she was puffing her face great I'm getting the cute look again, "Hmph… just remember to look after yourself Nero you could have been hurt if you get distracted like that."

I just laughed nervously at that after that we began our training again sparing once we have gotten enough rest before we return to the orphanage.

~Third POV~

After a while a month has passed since Cinder and Nero were training for one month in that time, they listen to what the caretakers have said and starved them but the two of them didn't care soon enough.

In that one-month Nero was able to figure out where they are at when he was cleaning the caretaker's room and found a map of Mistral with some of the village's names are there.

Nero saw the map and remembered to get the map as soon as they escape the place, while they have free time, they also made some dried-up food to help them through their travels towards Kuroyuri.

Nero even helped Cinder get into a martial art of Observation Haki they only trained their senses to see others without seeing with their eyes but with spirit…

The best way they trained… was being blindfolded and trusting their instincts to be able to detect the changes around them Cinder was having trouble and get hits a lot… but that was later turned into joy when she tried her hardest to hit Nero to which she does get some hits in from time to time.

They kept doing this for a whole month till Nero was ready to get the Devil Fruit Raffle for the Logia category be ready and whatever fruit he gets is given to Cinder since she needs the firepower to need to survive in this world.

While Nero was wondering what he should do with the Zoan devil fruit as much as he doesn't need one his stamina is weak as a kid as he is now while the transformation would be helpful it's not worth a Curse Remover to use it.

When the time came for the escape and vengeance against those who wronged them, they were both waiting outside in the night wearing their jackets they stole from the caretakers to keep them warm.

They all have their traveling pack and stole the food they would need for their travels as well as the clothes they have in their backpacks Nero says to Cinder, "Hey Cinder do you want an early present from yours truly before we begin Nya~."

Cinder looks interested with her short sword on her waist but asks, "Sure, anything from you will be great right? I trust you enough Nero for everything you have done for me you have my help… Nero."

"[Congratulation you have made a loyal ally: Cinder Fall (8 years old).]"

Nero looks a bit speechless while ignoring the update, but asks the system while he turns around, 'System use the DFTL on the raffle now.'

"[Processing from the Logia raffle… done you have received the following fruit in the inventory: Mera Mera no Mi.]"

Nero smiles at the fruit he got it was strong and powerful perfect for his loyal friend Cinder to use.

Nero turns around showing the devil fruit of the Mera Mera no Mi to Cinder, "Cinder this here fruit power will forever be yours to change the start of your life, so how about as a gift we make the caretakers pay together what do you say Nya~."


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura (Locked), Semblance (Locked), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall

Inventory: Curse Remover x3, Doa Doa no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Pteranodon

Lien: 109,750