
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 16: Planning

~Kuro POV (9 years old) ~

For the next few days we started to make plans on how we should deal with Raven we explained to Rem and Ram that the bandits were just regular people with no concern that a regular weapon would end them the problem lies in Raven Semblance Kindred Link.

Over the year I and Cindy have bonded to Raven unfortunately staying with a person for a year acting to be nice to us and be genuine about it makes it impossible for us to not form some kind of bond with her.

We went over the plans with Rem and Ram about how we should go about eliminating the Brawen Tribe we agreed that eliminating the other bandits is the first thing to do one by one me and Cinder we'll deal with the bandits in my Door Dimension.

However, Ram points out her question, "Ram wants to know why you and Cinder are dealing with them inside the separate space?"

I reply to her question with my answer, "Easy it's because I and Cinder have bonded with Raven unfortunately so at least this way when she tries to find us she'll have no choice to find us in the Door Dimension while you two I have a different role for you to play."

Rem asks me in confusion with her voice, "Uh… Kuro sir what exactly is our role in your plans?"

I smile at her they will have an important role to play, "Rem you will have the part of the plan to slow down everyone in the tribe for 30 seconds while inside the Door Dimension when I open the door you use your Noroma Photons."

I see she nods her head in understanding that her role is important to accomplish while I turn my gaze over to Ram.

With a smirk on my face, I begin to explain her role in my plan, "You Ram will eliminate anyone inside the base with your shadow stealthy making them believe it was a Grimm attack while you command your shadow from the Door Dimension so she can see where to command it."

She nods her in understanding, but I wasn't done yet as I continue to explain her role, "But that's not all when your shadow is out make sure it can eliminate all the bandits we don't want to make sure there were any leaks that the Brawen Tribe was wiped out."

I see that both of the twin Faunus agrees to the idea at least this way the attack that hits them first would slow them down for 30 seconds while we give them a killing blow inside our Door Dimension while Rem shadow silently kills the others inside the base to make sure we don't leave behind any stragglers.

The reason why I want to end them here altogether is to make sure that Qrow doesn't know that his sister is dead which in turn gets Ozpin's attention which is something I'm not ready to face just yet.

While I was thinking about how should we go about the plan Cinder brings up another topic that is also a problem, "Ok we have the plan against the average bandits but what about Raven we may get a chance to get her off guard in her sleep but there is a chance she'll wake up before Rem could land her beam at Raven…"

That is also true I think about the possibility since I have always trained with her during our sparring matches, 'Hmm… well there is a chance that Raven could dodge the attack but that's not the main issue since she can immediately run away to somewhere else with her Semblance to Qrow or Yang which leads to me being discovered…'

I think about the subject let's see if Raven does avoid the initial attack from Rem Noroma Photons then I will just aim for Raven throat or more specifically the voice box to cut her off from speaking if she does escape at least this way she won't say a word to us but that doesn't mean she'll write down on paper about us…

After thinking for a while I sigh out loud because it was anyone else I would have just ran away already if it wasn't for her Semblance that makes it difficult for me.

After all, she could turn tail to Ozma and sell me out to him and that in itself is trouble, Ugh… what a drag.

With the Cinder option, I say to her with a frown on my face, "Well the only way I see it is to end her and keep our secret is to erase her using Ram's Kage Kage no Mi ability to take out the user shadow and place her in front of sunlight to ensure that she won't tell anyone I mean she is a wanted criminal right Nya~?"

I see everyone nods their heads at the plan at least to get rid of Raven even her personality is a problem to her but for that, to work, we need to weaken her state when she is vulnerable since she's not going to let anyone near her.

When I was done talking Rem says another topic we need to discuss, "Alright I understand what we need to do, but Kuro sir, where do we go next after eliminating the Brawen Tribe?"

That is a valid reason it was something I was thinking well for a while now I checked the map that Raven gave to me about Anima there were a few villages other than the ones shown from the show like Sion or Kuroyuri but from what was shown from Irlam village they may be trouble but…

I turn my attention to Rem and say to her, "Well for the time being as soon as we eliminate the Brawen Tribe I think we should head towards Kuroyuri it should be a few days from here but how about when you two are in the Door Dimension how about you scout out the area of Anima to see what info we can get from the other village to see if we have other places to go off to as well as the bonus keeping Grimm off your backs."

I see that Rem and Ram look at the idea with some promise but Ram says a problem about supplies, "But that would mean we would need a source of food and water supply to be able to travel long distances all over Anima where would we get the supplies needed Kuro?"

I smile at that they still forget I have the literal power to increase the size of an object up to x100 so with that I went over to the food supplies I see some nonperishables and drinking bottle waters I grabbed some of them add the effect of the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi and Moa Moa no Mi…

I threw out the nearest window the items I touched, and they suddenly increased the size of the 8" 2.5' water bottle into a huge 800" 250' water bottle that overshadows the tower were inside that is about 60" tall.

The nonperishables food that was small before at a turned into large pieces of big food supplies in front of the shocked eyes of the girls I smirk towards the three of them, "You guys forgot that I have the power to increase the size of objects up to x100, so with this, you guys now have more than enough time to search around Anima with enough water and food supplies right?"

I sense that there still in shock at what just occurred, well with my Devil Fruit ability to make things float and increasing the size of the object up to 100 I could potentially break the world of Remnant as we know it I mean this fruit could probably make our problems of supplies be nonexistent since I could just enlarge our food or Dust supply.

Huh… now that I think about it, I could probably sell Dust more than the Schnee's at a more affordable price than they ever could since I just need to grab one Dust and increase its size up to any amount then BAM!

Instant Dust ready to mine out of, or I could find a small Dust crystal and make it big enough to be fooled into it's a cluster of Dust and that sells for a lot of Lien with this method it's possible to make a large profit for me to get some Lien and get some specific items from my shop.

I see that they are still in a state of shock so I snap my fingers to bring them back to their senses and say to them, "Well looks like the food and water supply is done with and you can't possibly miss where it is but with that done with I trust you two to be careful on your journey around Anima right Nya~?"

I see that the both of them nodded and with that, we returned towards our destination to the Brawen Tribe after a few days has passed we finally see that we are above the place so I made sure to put the tower and other items down the floor away from the tribe.

Then I and Cinder pack up the jewelry, medical supplies, food supplies, and weapons with us while I look over to Ram, "Ram when we leave the Door Dimension make sure to send your shadow out with us since you can swap places with it you can swap out into the real world with your shadow and vice versa this way you can bring items with you from your travels and make sure to get some Dust crystals ok."

Ram nods her head and brings out her shadow and we followed outside with Ram shadow as soon as I close the door I see the shadow swaps with Ram and then swap back with Ram again, well at least it's good to know that it works, and with that the shadow blends into the shadow of the forest.

Well, at least this way they have a way to interact with the world and steal some valuables while we train for one more year till the promised day begins.

With that, I sigh out loud and look over to Cindy and say, "Sigh… at least we're back just one more year till the plan right Cindy Nya~?"

Cinder just smiles at me and says, "Yeah at least this way we gain more experience and help get rid of people standing in your way right Nero?"

I smile at that and begin going to the Brawen Tribe while saying, "Yeah we just need to survive one more year to accomplish my goal right Cindy Nya~."

She nods her head and with that, we went off to the Brawen Tribe with the supplies we have just waiting our time till the day we're ready.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Beginner), Kami-e (Beginner), Tekkai (Beginner), Rankyaku (Beginner), Shingan (Beginner), Soru (Beginner), Rokuogan (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Reject Dial

Lien: 992,544