
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 14: New Users

~Kuro POV (9 years old) ~

After we all woke up from our sleep, we all decide to leave immediately from the Irlam Village after we ate going towards the village of Oniyuri where the main mission is going to begin.

We all traveled inside my Door Dimension along the way we managed to see the remains of Onigashima Village for about two days damn…

When I saw all the destruction in the wake of this, I can't help but be sad at the scenes in front of me all the corpses were gone I guess the Grimm did came here at one point to eat them and every store looks to be broken and raided.

When I see how Rem and Ram were doing, I see them cry at the loss of their friends and family here is now gone, I'm no expert in helping people moods so we just waited for them to calm down again.

Ram was the first to speak about their destroyed town, "Our home… snuff… it really is gone isn't…"

Rem just kept on crying on her sister shoulder for a while I really have no words to encourage the two of them

While we were done waiting for them to calm down, we finally decided to see the remains of their home tower looks to be destroyed with a few buildings demolished as well as the clear signs of damage on the surface of the building.

We all went inside to see if we can find anything of value, but I guess the damn Nuckelavee clean this place of anything valuable like weapons and the flag of Onigashima but not any Lien to which plenty was lying around.

I searched around the place to find some Lien in some of the safes and locks in the whole Onigashima village I know what I'm doing is pretty much a scummy thing to do robbing them but I need to do what needs to be done for everyone with me to survive.

I managed to acquire a large sum of Lien from their home village and deposited them into my system.

"[Lien Acquired: 432,344.]"

After that, we slept the night in the previous home of Rem and Ram tower for the night before we begin to leave again towards but before that, I open the door underneath the tower which got the twin's attention.

Ram and Rem were the first to respond yelling at me, "Kuro/Kuro sir! What are you doing to our tower!"

My gaze went towards her and reply with a smile, "Easy we're bringing your home with us Nya~. I promise that will bring back the village of Onigashima one day and we need a village to build as a base but for now, bring a tower with us wouldn't be bad right Nya~?"

It's true while the tower is inside my Door Dimension and add it with the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi abilities I can make it float indefinably as long as it's under my control plus I would need some building eventually why not get a head start?

The twins were surprised but were happy to know that they now have a goal of rebuilding their village again and accepting what I was doing.

Now we have a floating tower going around the Door Dimension I wish I thought of this sooner I bet we could've avoided traveling on foot to travel in style.

But during our time heading towards Oniyuri, I and Cinder gave the information of our plan to get rid of the Brawen Tribe and how we were joined into their group to Rem and Ram about what is going to happen in the next year and hide them in my Door Dimension for the time being until we attack.

When I explain to both of them about the plan for the next year, they agreed to help us well more manpower the better against a group of bandits but still Raven is someone I have to be careful about facing.

I left those kinds of thoughts alone for now because I have a more pressing matter to deal with is the Nuckelavee.

When we finally arrived at the village of Oniyuri we see from the Door Dimension that everyone there is already killed or ran away from the beast that seems to frighten Rem and Ram, like seriously that mutated pony is some nightmare fuel for kids.

Ram says to the Nuckelavee in a scared voice holding herself together, "That-t... is the… beats that destroy-y our home-e…"

Rem just clings onto her older sis Ram very scared at the Nuckelavee when it makes a screeching sound, "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!"

Seeing the Nuckelavee is a horse-like creature with an equine main body and a skinless humanoid creature that is fused with it. Its forelegs are shaped like claws and it has hooved hind legs that leave a characteristic hoofprint.

The humanoid body has long curved horns on its head, a mouth that looks almost sewn shut, and two long elastic arms each with two clawed fingers. On the back of the human torso are boney spikes along its spine and a variety of weapons from previous battles stuck in it.

When walking on its equine legs, its attached humanoid portion hangs limply to one side, making its arms drag along the ground. Once the equine portion stops to stand still, only then does the humanoid portion of the creature become active, doing so with a twitching movement.

When enraged, the spikes on its spine lengthen, as do its horns, its pupils become vertical slits, and its mouth opens completely.

Ugh, the sound it's making is very annoying, but I have a promise to keep to my loyal allies any enemies they have I will eliminate plus I want to test out how powerful is my Eyes of the Lord is against Grimm.

I say to Cinder with a determined expression, "Cinder how about we tag team against the Nuckelavee to see how we progress our skills."

Cinder smiles at this agreeing with me, "Yes I really need some practice and while that Nuckelavee looks strong but with our natural defenses it shouldn't be a problem yes Nero?"

I agree with Cinder on that as far as I know from the show only the Nuckelavee was able to only physically attack people with no other elemental defenses against a Logia user it was pretty much cannon fodder but it's not wise to be arrogant about the enemy.

Before we left I made sure to tell Rem and Ram while lowering the tower to ground level, "From the looks of things you two are afraid of the Nuckelavee so just leave this to me and Cinder to handle this remember any enemies you have is an enemy to me to deal with."

I already left before Rem and Ram could protest and we fell through into the door opening to the real world and when we dropped down and I see the ugly pony looked in our direction.

When we made eye contact, I activated my Semblance Eyes of the Lord and Cinder readies her fireball.

I smirk at the mutated pony, "Well then you pony abomination would you like to dance Nya~?"

I see that it changes its command to the horse point charging at us we just used our Devil Fruit power full blast at the horse with enough force to push it into a building screeching in pain.

I didn't want it to have a chance to attack so I increase the power output of my ice attacks while Cinder does the same, we kept this up until I predict it was coming to crash towards us!

I stop my attack and dodged the crash coming towards us Cinder did the same and went away in the opposite direction while we heard the horse roars at us, "RRRAAAAHGGGGHHHH!!!"

We both managed to avoid the attack and at that moment Cinder used her fire to craft a bow made out of the fire and release fire construct of fire arrows at the Grimm lower part of its body.

I followed the same steps and crafted my own Ice bow and launched Ice arrows at the Imp on the upper part of its body.

We both managed to land our attacks while my Ice arrows pierce its body as it's yelling in pain and Cinder manages to land her attacks on the legs of the Nuckelavee burning them to the point where it started to fall.

The Nuckelavee tried to attack me by using its long arms to punch me I smirk at its attempt so I let it happen since it can't really harm me, but I decided to try out a new form of my ice logia ability.

Instead of me turning parts of my body into ice I tried to change my body by turning my body into a light blue color no longer showing my facial features when I change into this form of Logia Ice powers, I have the ability to phase.

In this form it allows me to become intangible, albeit to the point where I can cause opponents and objects to freeze by phasing through them, though and I can control when I choose to activate it or not.

When the punch came through me its arm portion became frozen solid and when it tried to retract its arm back the ice that encased it began to breakdown falling apart in the progress.

Looks like the Nuckelavee is roaring in pain from the loss of its arm, "AAHHHH!!!"

I quickly rushed over to it and phased through its body and started to freeze over the portion I phased through into and Cinder takes this chance to end the fight by throwing a large fireball towards the Nuckelavee ending it.

When Cinder finished her attack at the Nuckelavee I smiled at the idea of finally getting the mission done within the abandoned village of Oniyuri.

"[Mission: Defeat the Horse Nightmare

Description: The Nucklavee your facing is an intelligent Grimm that has survived for who knows how long enough to be intelligent against experienced Huntsmen and Huntress alike.

After defeating all their foes, it robs the place of all their weapons and belongings into its base at the cave near the village of Kuroyuri in the Anima continent forest area.

Objective: Kill the Nuckelavee here and now from destroying shortly Kuroyuri and Sion from canon.

Bonus: Be sure you can kill it by any means it and don't let it escape outside the village if it leaves even once outside the village will result in immediate failure for the bonus reward.

Rewards: 245,000 Lien, Armament Haki (Beginner), Curse Remover, DFTP, and Reject Dial.

Bonus Reward: Moa Moa no Mi (Paramecia), and Curse Remover.]"

"[Skill: Armament Haki (Beginner).]"

When I look at the rewards, I can't help but be happy at the rewards and the knowledge on how to do my Armament Haki even if it's a beginner level.

I thought this would be hard but if they have no spiritual energy like Haki or Aura then pretty much the majority of the Grimm are fucked against Logia Users.

When I and Cinder were done dealing against the Nuckelavee I open the door to get Rem and Ram out of the Door Dimension that the tower was already on the floor for them to get out of.

I see they had shocked expressions on their faces when they saw the Beast they feared was easily defeated while Rem says to me, "Kuro sir… I didn't know your this strong… but how did you do it?"

I look over my gaze to Ram wanting to know as well, but Cinder asks me in concern, "Kuro… is it alright to let them know your secret?"

While I do agree with Cinder on the idea that if I let people know about my ability, they could try to monopolize me for my system or force me to get them a free power-up but… "I know your concern Cindy, but we just have to take the chance here Nya~. When the time comes for me to get allies to help my dream, I will need them to be strong and loyal to me for it to be possible I just have to take the risk Nya~."

Seeing Cinder understand my reasoning why I need to tell them the reason for our intangibility from attacks so with that I decided to explain to Rem and Ram the abilities of my System as a Semblance in disguise.

After explaining it to the two of them they were surprised with my power to create Devil Fruits that gives them power while I see Ram realize something, "Ram is surprised… that's how you have multiple powers… you have already eaten multiple fruits but at the same time use your potion to get rid of your weakness."

I nodded happily at Ram getting it while they were shocked, I already used my DFTP already at the raffle since these tokens can't be found anywhere in the shop, so I have to use the Devil Fruits sparingly unless needed.

"[Processing from the Paramecia raffle… done you have received the following fruit in the inventory: Kage Kage no Mi.]"

When I heard the Devil Fruit I got from the raffle, I tried to understand what that means till I finally thought of an answer, 'Kage Kage no Mi isn't that Moria Devil Fruit? Well, at least it's powerful enough to protect one of the sisters while the other debuff their enemy to help support each other.'

With that done with I brought out the Noro Noro no Mi and the Kage Kage no Mi and give them to Rem the Noro Noro no Mi and Ram the Kage Kage no Mi.

The both of them look surprised I gave them two Devil Fruits then I began to explain to the two of them, "Alright after testing out my Semblance for a year I was able to figure out the names of the fruit I create and I figured out different powers that each fruit have corresponding to their names."

Rem looks surprised and Ram tries to give me back the fruit, "Ram doesn't feel worthy of getting your power Kuro… I feel like we're not worth it to have your fruit given to us…"

I shake my head no to the twins and give them the two potions of Curse Remover and the last one for myself, "Nope those fruits are yours to have, I need loyal friends to help me conqueror Remnant to change it for the better so don't worry so much if you feel like your not worthy of it, then prove to me that you are worthy of the fruit I gave you and so don't disappoint me in the future Nya~."

The two-look hesitant to eat the potions I provided and the fruits, but Rem says to me nervously, "Uh… Kuro sir, are you sure you want to waste your valuable resources on us… I mean wouldn't you use it on yourself?"

I agree that wasting my resources on them would be a waste but this way I could gain my loyal allies to stay with me because one can't be too careful when someone could betray me since loyalties can be changes over time at least this way would make me look like I care about them that they are valuable to me.

I smiled at Rem with a smile on my face, "Of course I would use it… but I need my friends to be strong with me and not get killed easily so no worries about its Nya~."

I see that the two of them smile at me thinking were friends I mean we could be eventually but first is survival, eliminate Raven, and planning for the future.

With that done with I point to Rem with her fruit as well as Ram, and say to the both of them, "Rem the fruit your holding is the Noro Noro no Mi with the power that relates to Slowness and Ram the one your holding is the Kage Kage no Mi with the power that relates to Shadows there both of the Paramecia classes if you don't want it then you can return it is your choice to make Nya~."

With that, the both of them look at their fruits while I bring out my fruit while Cinder asks me what I was holding, "Hey Nero what Devil Fruit are you holding?"

I smile towards her and say with gusto, "It's the Moa Moa no Mi its another Paramecia class type of Devil Fruit with the power that relates to increasing something I guess."

With that, I immediately bite down on the Moa Moa no Mi, and the twin Oni Faunus follows suit eating their own Devil Fruits as well as their potions.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Armament Haki (Beginner), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Beginner), Kami-e (Beginner), Tekkai (Beginner), Rankyaku (Beginner), Shingan (Beginner), Soru (Beginner), Rokuogan (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi, Moa Moa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi (Paramecia User), Ram Arashi (Paramecia User)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Reject Dial

Lien: 992,544