
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 13: Side Mission Pt.3

~Third POV~

In the real world of the Kontrollwolf mansion, the family were finally done eating their dinner and enjoying their victory over their win against Onigashima on how they were victorious against animals.

After a while, they all decided to go to sleep for the night not bothering the supposed Rem and Ram who were in their cell in their basement.

Each other family member can't wait for the chance to properly 'train' them to their liking unaware death is already arrived for them.

When the parents were finally asleep the three other members of the Knotrollwolf wanted to see the animals, they caught and brand them to know their place the idea belongs to the middle child boy named Howard Knotrollwolf the other two siblings agreed to go ahead and brand them.

When they entered the cell, they were shocked to see that Rem and Ram were already gone without any trace.

The eldest of the siblings was named Conor Knotrollwolf said, "What! Ho-"

But that was as far as he was going to say when a door was suddenly open from underneath them and was forcibly dropped into Kuro Door Dimension.

The youngest of them was Celia Knotrollwolf tried to yell for help only for the door to completely shut them off to the real world.

When they all came to, they saw their surrounding that they were still in the basement but the entire space was green colored area soon Conor was getting worried, "What the hell! Where the heck a- "

But that was about the last time he said anything before all three of the siblings were suddenly attack by an empowered fire attack from Cinder using her Semblance Scorching Caress to quickly burn through their auras fast.

When they were surprised attacked, they all left from the fire to see that Cinder was attacking with fire they tried to fight back but Kuro was behind them and unleashed a surprising blizzard attack on the three of them till their aura finally broke…

When the three siblings saw that their auras were broke, they felt fear of death, when they had their Beewolf's fight for them attacking the remains of Onigashima they thought they were at the top but right now…

They felt what fear is… the fear of their lives…

Kuro came closer to the three of them with a cold smile, "Well now as much as I like to finish your trash off that honor belongs to those two for your own family faults Nya~."

The three looks over to the stairs to see that Rem and Ram both have their Ice Clubs from Kuro with one on each other hand looking at the three with disdain while Kuro and Cinder leave the cell room, "Well then Rem and Ram looks like you have your first targets and make sure to make it quick I'll come by over again in the next 30 mins now have fun Nya~."

With that Kuro and Cinder, both left the room closing the door then they heard sounds of bone cracking and pleading for their lives to be spared…

Rem and Ram spared no mercy for the three of them even if they were kids since they witness these three have killed their own people and friends with a smile, so they made sure to go after the limbs first before going to the vital parts of the body.

The first thing they would do is break their toes, feet, ankles, fingers, hand, wrist, etc. they wanted to make sure they pay for everything till they reach for the head.

After 30 mins have passed Kuro came back again to check on Rem and Ram's progress opening the cell door to the basement, "So, then Rem and Ram how did you feel taking revenge on them Nya~?"

Kuro sees the three corpses or rather mutilated corpses of what appeared to be humans he looks over to Rem and Ram with their clothes seem clean.

Rem looks at Kuro with a surprised innocent expression while apologizing to him, "Oh! Kuro sir, sorry we were having a bit too much time venting our frustration, but I can say certainly that they are confirmed, dead sir!"

Kuro laughs at the cuteness of Rem, but he was thinking, 'Yeah I can clearly see that you two went overboard of over killing them. Whatever I guess as long as I get some loyal allies and the both of them not go overboard then everything should be fine.'

Ram looks over to Kuro and responds with a monotone voice, "Thank you very much Kuro it was therapeutic but now that we have gotten rid of the mutts how are you going to accomplish with the parents?"

The twin Oni actually looked a bit scared with Kuro just smiling innocently towards them, "Well it's easy actually I'm bringing the parents here as to not make a commotion with the villagers here, and after that bombard them from a safe distance with the ice meteors."

With that everyone was going to their positions readying themselves while Kuro was slowly going towards the parent's room getting ready on his end after getting Rem and Ram on top of a floating ice meteor with Cinder.

~Kuro POV (9 years old) ~

Let's see the only thing I need to do is make sure I open the door beneath them and use my Fuwa Fuwa no Mi to float the bed gently as possible on to the dead zone and mission done but if I bring the mansion here it would draw attention to the others thus ending my mission as a failure.

When I come closer to the room, I see that the adults were sleeping soundly so with that I open the door beneath their bed and immediately used my Fuwa Fuwa no Mi to float the bed gently towards the dead zone site outside the mansion.

When I gently placed them on the site I quickly and silently float on over to the others while keeping an eye on them making sure they aren't awake after a few minutes I finally reached the rest of the group.

When I got up to meet them, I sigh out a breath of relief, "Sigh… hey guys I got the targets here now is everyone ready to see the show."

Cinder looks amused at the parents clueless about what is about to happen to them, "It's not my concern since there proclamation of hurting Faunus which includes you, Nero, then they are just dead people walking."

I smile at that I guess my time befriending Cinder was worth it and I gain a trustworthy friend, "Aw, Cindy if you keep that up, you'll make me blush Nya~."

I see Cinder blush at that and turn her head away from my teasing at her while I sense that Rem and Ram were amused at the scene Rem comments about my nickname, "Nero? Uh… Nerro is that your real name or is Kuro your real name, sir?"

I laugh at Rem at that one and I want to make clear of the misconception, "Ah, sorry it is just usually Cinder here calls me Nero as a nickname while I call her Cindy but enough about that we have a job to finish."

Ram clearly wants to get on with the end of the people who ruin her home, "Ram would like it very much that the mutts be put down please Kuro."

I nodded my head at Ram to get it over with and with that I controlled all the ice meteors floating in the air around the mansion in the Door Dimension to crash all down towards the unsuspecting parents.

When the attacks started, I sensed that the two of them were finally awake when they finally noticed the cold in the air, but it was already too late while I kept on firing down more ice meteors down on all of them from the high ground.

Ha, I have the high ground now you mutts... I think I may have inner hate for dogs is it because I'm a cat hmm… a question that needs an answer someday…

While I keep on bombarding them with meteors of ice Rem asks me, "Uh… Kuro sir, I was wondering why you don't fight them honorably in a one on one fight?"

I am actually shocked that she mention that to me I mean sure I would like to fight honorably but I'm being realistic here I may have a chance to fight them in close combat but why the hell would I do that if I can attack them like this from afar while they can't touch me as well have more experience than I do.

When I made my shocked expression, I explain my reasoning to her, "Uh… yeah… no. There is no way for me to win in a frontal attack against them if they have their alpha Beowolf's out so no way to win there unless I take them out from afar. You may call it a cheat win but it's still a win since the weak have their way of fighting."

I see that both of them nodded at this since there was no way for me to win against experienced people like them from below in a fair fight and why should I fight fairly since there is no rule saying so.

With that, I keep on attacking till I finally heard I got the mission completed to which I stop the attack and bring the entire ice meteor was onto the ground safely.

"[Side Mission: End Kontrollwolf Hereditary Semblance

Description: Members of the Kontrollwolf Semblance Pact has the ability to control any wolf-related creatures to their command once they have dominated their wills to them.

The members of this clan were from before the Great War where they have been banished from Mistral for their belief and practice that they are superior to the Faunus and enslave them, every one of the members is taught this when the age of 3 years old.

Objective: Eliminate all the Kontrollwolf clan remaining members without alarming the villagers.

Reward: 113,000 Lien, DFTZ, Curse Remover, Loyal Ally, and Noro Noro no Mi (Paramecia).]"

When we finally reached the ground I turn around to see the two Oni Faunus and ask them, "Alright as I said I'll deal with your enemy of the Kontrollwolf clan and you two join under me to help fulfill my goals so what do you say now Rem and Ram Arashi?"

I see the two of them look at each other and Ram says to me, "Ram has said before if you take care of our enemies then Ram will follow you so take good care of us Kuro sir."

Rem looks on over to my direction as well as proclaims to me her loyalty, "I will help you any way I can mister Kuro sir!"

When I got them to trust me, I looked at the system to see I gain two loyal allies under me to which I reply to the two of them, "Well alright! Congratulation Ram and Rem Arashi welcome to my team!"

"[Congratulations you have made a loyal ally: Ram Arashi (10 years old) and Rem Arashi (10 years old).]"

With that out of the way, we all called it a night in the Door Dimension while robing a few beds from their mansion to sleep for the night.

But before I do go to sleep, I used the DFTZ on the raffle hoping to get a powerful Zoan for one of the twins since I'm already planning to give the Noro Noro no Mi to one of them, and if not I can always get the DFTP from the main mission.

"[Processing from the Zoan raffle… done you have received the following fruit in the inventory: Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Triceratops (Ancient).]"

I guess the Paramecia Devil Fruit it is for the twins…


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Beginner), Kami-e (Beginner), Tekkai (Beginner), Rankyaku (Beginner), Shingan (Beginner), Soru (Beginner), Rokuogan (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User), Rem Arashi, Ram Arashi

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Triceratops, Noro Noro no Mi, Curse Remover

Lien: 315,200