
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 12: Side Mission Pt.2

~Third POV~

In the middle of the night in the village of Irlam there was a mansion in the middle of the village belonging to the Hereditary clan of the Semblance Pact the Kontrollwolf members reside inside currently enjoying their food while they place the two Faunus Oni Rem and Ram into their private cell in the basement.

How the two got to this point was all by chance, Ram and Rem Arashi are both twin Oni's Faunus with both horns present at the age of 10 years old respectively completing their training of using clubs for two years as their tradition.

Onigashima was originally a friendly place of where the Faunus has lived in and one of the few places of Remnant that members of the same race can live in peace but were cautious to humans for obvious reasons.

Onigashima was a place that looked like settlement for Faunus to thrive they have immensely rich in nature with grand flourishing forests where lush vegetation thrives due to clean rivers that leads towards Lake Matsu, brimming with various exotic fauna such as deers and boars.

They were also supporters of the White Fang that is currently under the rule of Ghira Belladonna leading a peaceful organization in order to get their equal rights.

The town was bright and colorful and filled with simple raised houses. It had a canal running through it and it was surrounded by a wall.

It had a main avenue leading from the entrance to the main square by using the Torri gate. The center of the city features an open area with a large cherry blossom tree where merchants set a small marketplace and weapons shop.

There were also many stores situated in that area. In the center of the town right in front of the Sakura tree was a tower that was once the home of Rem and Ram, the tower resembles a traditional Japanese castle, with sliding doors, paper lanterns and even bonsai tree arrangements.

It consists of seven floors in total, specifically five regular ones leading to the dome's summit and two basements, the latter being each split over two further levels.

The two of them were supposed to have their auras unlocked the day before they were attack by their natural enemies of the Knotrollwolf clan mutts since they ever settled near their area of Onigashima and the surprised encounter of Nuckelavee.

With the sudden appearance of the Knotrollwolf and Nuckelavee attacking the Onigashima village that left everything in ruins leaving nothing behind other than the last two Oni Faunus Chief leader of the Arashi clan with their own Hereditary Semblance called Tempest.

When the Knotrollwolf found the last two remaining two Oni Faunus as a trophy as slaves under them for the rest of their life and wounded them before showing off to the rest of the clan declaring that they would enslave the rest of the Faunus.

In the cell below the mansion of the Knotrollwolf was Ram holding Rem crying in their tattered simple blue and pink kimonos, covered by a similarly simple white robe that covered her arms in excess that are dirtied with dried blood and dirty clothes.

Ram held on to her younger sister telling her, "Please calm down Rem I promise I'll keep you safe."

But Rem just keeps on crying more since they both lost everything from the Knotrollwolf clan and the beast that killed their parents knowing there would be no one to help them…

Rem says while looking at her sister with red eyes from crying all day, "But… but… they will do horrible stuff… big sis… snuff… they will keep on hurting u-us big sis… snuff…"

Ram knows that there was an unlikely chance that they will either be broken first or killed first, but she remains determined to make sure her sister is safe first, 'My safety is no concern as long as Rem is fine, I'll endure the punishment.'

While she was thinking of the twin sister's suddenly saw that a door opened up reviling a young boy Faunus with white cat ears and tail as well as a young girl black haired human girl that came over as well.

The young boy Faunus asked the two of them in a look of concern, "Well damn I guess you guys look pretty beat up and your clothes look dirty as well, I guess those racist assholes gave you guys a beating huh…"

Rem and Ram were very cautious of the duo that appeared before them as they have one question in their minds, 'Who are you?'

~Kuro POV (9 years old) ~

When I see the two Oni's in question, I was a little surprised that they look like the original Rem and Ram but otherwise that was about it, but I digress.

I ask the two of them in concern, "As much as the two of you have some questions on the how I got here or why? How about we leave this place before the morons in the upper floor come here to get any funny ideas ok?"

I see that they at least understand the predicament that they're in and with that I started to open the Door Dimension for all four of us to escape to.

When the two Oni Faunus noticed about the door, I gestured to the both of them, "I suggest you better get in before we get caught, or would you like to stay here and be enslaved your choice. Oh, and the names Kuro White with my friend here is Cinder Fall."

With that the both of them nodded and went inside the door leading towards the other dimension and Cinder came in shortly after that I closed the door and ask them, "Ok now that the both of you are safe can you explain to me that how did you get yourselves captured and who are you two?"

I was honestly curious on how they arrive here being captured since they weren't weak from the appearance of the two to which they are named Rem and Ram Arashi.

After they introduced to us, they started to explain to the both of us on how they were captured during a surprised attack of the beast that I assume to be the Nuckelavee from the description they gave and the Knotrollwolf.

When I heard that they were natural enemies I was certainly surprise about all the info provided from the both of since I've never been in that situation for them, "Well your back story was something but what will you two do now that you have the option to leave?"

I see that they turn away their heads from the question while they both said, "How can we just leave if our people were slaughtered by a beast and Knotrollwolf clan they must pay…"

When I heard that I gave the two of them an offer, "Alight it seems that the two of you have something to do but what about after you get your revenge what will you do after?"

When I say that to the both of them they just look rather confused I mean they still are kids so it would be logical to for them to be confused after they get their revenge so I say to the both of them, "Ok seems like that you two don't know what to do so how about you join my team and follow under me to change Remnant a better place."

As far as I know I haven't really told my dream to anyone not even Cinder because I still need to learn everything I can about this world and to gather loyal people under me as well they have to be strong to fit mu criteria.

Looks like everyone just seems surprised at my proclamation about me changing Remnant a better place even Cindy looks surprised not expecting me to have such an ambitious dream while Ram just scoffs at it.

I didn't mind at all since I would've done the same in her position, "Tch… you change Remnant a better place and how would you go about this really by giving Lien to the poor or help the kids all around the world by giving them food rather childish dream."

Yeah it maybe childish coming from a child but… "No by helping it is not something so simple as helping the people with those means…"

I look at both Rem and Ram with a determined look saying I won't back down from my dream till I accomplished it, "…by conquering Remnant and only then can this dying world can truly understand what peace truly is once everyone Human and Faunus are united under one banner can we truly progress towards peace and freedom for all… what this world needs is a revolution."

The reaction for everyone was exactly what I was expecting that they were all in a state of shock but I continue further, "It was because how this world functions that we suffer against people who doesn't want change for peace… tell me do you two know what I consider the greatest offense I see?"

Rem and Ram just shakes their heads no while I look carefully at them while I finally say to them in a determined voice, "Taking away someone's freedom is the ugliest thing one can do in this world, and that's always the constant here in Remnant. I just want to change it for the better since no one can do this then I will."

When I proclaim my true goals to everyone present, I see that they were all mesmerized from my goals wanting to have that dream become a reality as well, so I say my offer, "How about this if we help you kill the last remaining members of the Knotrollwolf members here and now with my abilities and in return you help me conqueror Remnant in the future."

From the emotions they were having at the moment their rage was clearly clouding their judgement and they both agreed while Ram says, "Very well then, if you prove that you can eliminate our enemies of the Knotrollwolf members then I will serve under you Kuro."

Rem then follows suit taking an example from her big sister Ram, "I-I will help-p as well Kuro sir-r."

I laugh at the two of them and say to them, "Alright but first we have to do something about you injures… both of you come over here for a second."

They looked confused but they came closer to me while I had my hand on the both of them and say the following chant needed to unlock one's aura, "For it is in passing that we achieve immortality. Through this we become a paragon of virtue and glory to rise above all, infinite in distance and unbound by death. I release your soul and by my shoulder protect thee."

And with I felt that some of my aura was already drained but I was happy to see that the twins are healing from their injuries from a pink and blue color light but looked surprise to say, "Aura…"

With that out of the way I walk to the outside of the mansion of the and I motion the two twins to follow me to the outside while Rem asks me, "Very well Kuro how exactly are you going to kill the Knotrollwolf members the adults are expert huntsmen and huntresses how…"

Rem and Ram got silent when they saw the outside of the mansion was surrounded…

I see that she finally gone silent looking at the outside view of the house that there were Ice constructs of meteors all surrounding the mansion of Knotrollwolf all floating in the air above it that are the same size as the mansion.

I made sure to make as many as possible in the Door Dimension if I can't destroy them in a frontal attack might as well as drop them with an attack that they can't evade from the sky squashing them flat... repeatedly…

There is fighting honorable way or just spamming the same move over and over again till you get results, Shiki had the right idea of dropping large islands on people since they can't attack from the sky so I'm taking a page out of his book.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Beginner), Kami-e (Beginner), Tekkai (Beginner), Rankyaku (Beginner), Shingan (Beginner), Soru (Beginner), Rokuogan (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi

Lien: 202,200