
One Piece User in Remnant

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Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs

Chapter 11: Side Mission Pt.1

~Kuro POV (9 years old) ~

Let's see me and Cindy have been following the forest area of Anima for about three days from where we began during the three days, I finally decided to use the last remaining Curse Remover and Doa Doa no Mi to have the complete ability of its use.

While I now have three devil fruit abilities now, I told my options to Cinder to which we agreed to start with the first option and kill the Bradwen tribe quietly as possible while we attack Raven.

When I tested out the Doa Doa no Mi ability to open the air I was surprised that the space inside the air had a jaded green color and when I showed Cindy the ability it was a powerful safe trip.

Like seriously I think I really underestimated the Doa Doa no Mi ability here, even the Grimm can't detect us in a separate dimension so at least we're safe from any surprise attacks from them using the Doa Doa no Mi.

While I and Cinder were in my Door Dimension and yes, I'm calling it that since I need a Door to open the separate space, we train our fighting skills while I try using my Semblance Eyes of the Lord on her.

When I used my semblance at her I can already tell where she will strike and with my Observation Haki it just became the most broken skill I have I can literally predict where she will strike before she even does it!

But don't get me wrong using my Semblance is pretty much a guarantee that I will always evade any attack used against me with my Observation Haki that I can react on time for, however, it's not without its drawbacks…

Every time I spar with Cindy with the use of my Semblance it seems to push my nervous system and eyes in stress each time that I used it but it's not without the benefits luckily my with my aura up it constantly heals my body and eyes but without it, I will feel the stress.

I and Cinder get out from the Door Dimension to get some fresh air while fighting Grimm and I was really glad that with my Semblance I was able to replicate all the Rokushiki moves down perfectly with the knowledge even if they are weak for the moment.

Whenever I used them with Eyes of the Lord, I can get them useable for battle, but they lack the real power to make it useable and leaves me more exhausted to use since my body was still not used for it regularly and apparently when I use my Semblance my eyes lit up like I have fire around them.

Oh, yeah that reminds me of the time when I helped Cinder unlock her Semblance since it seems to have allowed her to superheat objects and manipulate their shape, she calls it Scorching Caress.

When she tried it with her Mera Mera no Mi Devil Fruit ability…

Well, let's just say she can now increase the temperature of her fire now when she clashes with my ice it usually takes about a couple of seconds to melt it completely, but with her Semblance only 3 seconds before I was overtaken.

I'm really happy to have her as an ally and I know the power of the Devil Fruit of a Logia is not to be scoffed at and when she awakens it…

Well whoever manages to piss her off is a goner against a awaken Devil Fruit user and with her semblance to further increase her fire temperature, but I'm getting off topic here.

Also, I had time to finally use my Fuwa Fuwa no Mi on the Grimm since its affects stated that no living beings are affected from its power to make things float and the same applies for the Grimm as well sadly enough when I tested it out.

At the moment inside the Door Dimension we are going through the forest area of Anima and currently we see a lot of forest life with the plants and trees going around and Grimm.

We ignored the Grimm since they can't harm us, but I do open a door as a wind behind their backs and easily kill them since it would be unwise to leave them alive going about their own business.

Currently we finally managed to get to a small part of a village on the route to village that names themselves as the… "Irlam Village? That sounds like an interesting village to visit right Cindy Nya~?"

Cinder looks at the map I have of Anima and says, "Well maybe we can make a quick pit stop right here and look around before we start going over to the next village named… Onigashima?"

When Cinder says that I looked at the name trying to think carefully the meaning of the word, 'Onigashima? Doesn't it mean Oni a demon village here in Remnant… well Mistral is a very diverse area and they didn't explain much of the world building in RWBY huh, I'm actually looking forward to it on how it differs.'

When we finally arrived the Irlam Village is located within the territory of the Anima forest area and is surrounded by multiple forests and large meadows.

The village itself exists out of many small houses, with in the center of the village a house bigger than the others, which even carries their own flag symbol showing a family emblem.

There are multiple small bridges and roads that cross Irlam Village, the most notable one is the road to rivers. There is also a small bridge which crosses to the other side of the forest that leads into a forest full of farming animals.

It looks like that in order to protect the villagers, they used some wooden tree spikes that functioned as a barrier, which prevented any Grimm from trespassing.

I look towards Cinder and say to her with a thinking expression, "How about we check out the area first before we actually talk to the villagers first and see if there is anything to go by."

With that I see my friend nods her head and with that we started to look around the village using my Door Dimension to scout and gather any information about the Irlam Village, you can never be too careful with other people.

From what I gathered so far it looks like there isn't any Faunus around these parts of the village and wonder if this is only a human settlement so with that, I keep on going around the streets and see that the whole entire place have guards all around the village.

I see that everything from this village looks like a fantasy type of world to live in, but the more I look around I can't help but wonder, "This village has been here for a long while and I see why Raven and her people don't attack not with this many guards defending the place."

With that out of the way I decided to return back to Cinder after having some time looking for her, she came to me, "Ah, there you are Cindy, so did you find anything in the village of Irlam?"

I waited for her to speak with a hint of curiosity in her voice, "Well from looking around the village there seems to be a lot of guards all around the village, but I didn't see any Faunus this place looks more like a human settlement?"

I nodded as well since there was more guards are around here than citizens in this place, if that is the case then they probably have some powerful fighters that would make even Raven be weary of this place I wonder why?

But I was interrupted from what I saw next was a group of family members that was accompany them… "Are… those alpha… Grimm Beowolfs…"

Cinder and I were also shocked at the news in front of us it appears that there is five family members being two parents and three kids that are the same age as me and Cinder.

From the looks of things that they have their family members emblem on their necks each having their own powerful Grimm forces as their main source of fighting force with other lackies behind.

I hear Cinder say in a shocked tone, "I guess we found out why they haven't been attacked and why Raven doesn't come here to raid them…"


I could now understand why Raven doesn't want us to raid this place like seriously whoever this family is someone I don't want to make an enemy of since each alpha Grimm seems to be a different color of Beowolfs and their pack.

I see why Raven doesn't want to make an enemy of them a force that can use Grimm as a fighting force, but what the Grimm brings along are a cage filled with a wounded Faunus girls one with two horns on her head and with blue hair, and the other with pink hair with two horns as well.

When I saw this, I was having a déjà vu feeling I know where this was going but that further confirmed my suspicion on what they say next, "Servants of the Fang tribe we have finally eliminated the inferior life of the Faunus tribe of the Oni now having these two as the last survivors of their hereditary bloodline will come to an end!!"

When me and Cinder heard that I was surprised about Onigashima was destroyed by people instead of Grimm and I understand now this place is not a friendly village for any Faunus, but what the fool says next makes sense as to why they do this.

The father of the family starts to speak his nonsense, "Mistral may have forgotten the ways of how we used to function with the Faunus doing our forced labor before the Great War but I swear by the name of the Kontrollwolf name we will bring order into Mistral one Faunus at a time to bring back the old traditional ways of Mistral!!"

The more I listen to the fool and with the people cheering the more I feel to end everyone here the second so much so that I didn't notice I was already creating a blizzard in my Door Dimension till Cinder managed to calm me down.

Cinder got my attention when she calls my name, "Kuro! Calm down your letting your emotions get the best of you calm down!"

When I managed to calm down again, I look at Cinder with a sad smile, "Yeah sorry about that there I lost my cool there, thanks for the help Cindy Nya~."

With that I look at the area of people yelling with joy that they destroy a village filled with Faunus and attack just because they can and capture the Faunus kids…

I started to express a frown of what I'm seeing is pretty much I can't do anything about at least not in this moment then Cinder makes her statement, "Kuro remember they have greater numbers and they manage to take down a village with a few key members by themselves that means we can't make an enemy of them right?"

I nodded my head at Cinder, yeah going off to attack them right now would be dumb at the moment since they are stronger and I have Raven controlling me at the moment but from what I can tell that girl might just be valuable members for me to have under me.

However, there is a way to end them if I time this just right, "Your right Cindy, it would be unwise to make them our enemies that would be if they knew and if we gave them a chance to fight back."

When I think about this, I already have a plan in mind I don't need to fight them all at once I could stealthily take them out one by one using the Doa Doa no Mi to bring them here while there asleep with me preparing some Ice meteors ready just for them.

When I have the plan thought out, I see that I got a mission pop up and I smiled at this.

"[Side Mission: End Kontrollwolf Hereditary Semblance

Description: Members of the Kontrollwolf Semblance Pact has the ability to control the any wolf related creatures to their command once they have dominated their wills to them.

The members of this clan were from the before the Great War where they have been banished from Mistral for their belief and practice that they are superior to the Faunus and enslave them, every one of the members are taught this when the age of 3 years old.

Objective: Eliminate all the Kontrollwolf clan remaining members without alarming the villagers.

Reward: 113,000 Lien, DFTZ, Curse Remover, Loyal Ally, and Noro Noro no Mi (Paramecia).]"

With the mission in front of my view I look towards Cinder with a smile on my face, "Cinder I have a plan to take the Kontrollwolf out for sure without anyone knowing it goes like this…"

When Cinder heard my plan, she nodded her head in agreement to help me end the Kontrollwolf and help get a new member.


Status, Shop, Mission, Inventory, Devil Fruit Raffle

Inherited Skills: Aura, Semblance (Eyes of the Lord), Electro (Locked), Natural Enhanced Body, and Sulong Form (Locked)

Skills: Hunting, Observation Haki (Intermediate), Swordsmanship (Intermediate), Geppo (Beginner), Kami-e (Beginner), Tekkai (Beginner), Rankyaku (Beginner), Shingan (Beginner), Soru (Beginner), Rokuogan (Beginner)

Devil Fruits: Hie Hie no Mi, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Doa Doa no Mi

Allies: Cinder Fall (Logia User)

Inventory: Sets of clothes, Ryu Ryu no Mi Model: Pteranodon, Vari Vari no Mi, Hito Hito no Mi

Lien: 202,200