
One Piece: Transmigrated as Rob Lucci

A random soul from Earth is transmigrated in to the body of Rob Lucci after his defeat in Enies Lobby. Armed with a new Devil Fruit and knowledge about what is to come, he is determined to make his way to the top! Watch him as he ascends from a discarded and disgraced agent of W.G. to the seat of an emperor of the sea! Mythical Zoan Devil Fruit - Human Human Fruit Model:Absalom ``the Life God`` (A.K.A. Vampire God) An evolved version of the non-cannon vampire fruit, similar to how magma fruit is for the fire fruit.

Kaydo_XD · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Arriving at Sabaody Archipelago

"It seems Kuma reported about us becoming pirates to the W. G. but still left something out, such as the fact I can use haki otherwise my bounty will not be so small."Said Lucci as he analyzed the bounties.

"HAAA, why do I have smaller bounty then Kaku it does not make sense. Hey, Lucci tell me honestly, do I really look weaker than him!?"Asked Jabra.

"Hmm, maybe the way you talk makes you look weaker? Or maybe it's the face?" Said Lucci making fun of him.

"Bastard!!"Exclaimed Jabra back.

"Chapapa... What are we going to do now, captain, we were issued bounties, so the W. G. must really hate us!" Said Fukuro.

"It was bound to happen at some point, better now than later, it will go up even more once we enact our plan, so you all better start training haki seriously."

'Now we can officially be considered being part of this Worst Generation that will appear after this year!' Thought Lucci still reminiscent about his days watching the show and being hyped about their appearance.

"We have to be careful when we get to Sabaody Archipelago, all the bounty hunters will come after us now that Lucci is the highest wanted ``rookie``." Said Kalifa coming to her own conclusion.

"We are not only worried about them, but the other powerful rookies that are gathered at Sabaody now!" Replied Blueno.

"We'll deal with it when we have to, but from what I know there are currently three Celestial Dragons present on the island, that together with the large number of pirates currently situated on the island might lead to some problems from them, so we have to be ready to depart in case anything happen after all we are in no way able to deal with a sudden arrival of an admiral. Fukuro and Jabra you two will stay on the ship while the rest of us will do some shopping.

"Ehhh, why do I have to stay on the boring ship!?" Asked Jabra.

"The girls need to buy some clothes, I have things to do on the island and Blueno and Kumadori are very useful if we need to retread in a hurry but... fine Kumadori can stay, and you can play around but do keep an eye on the ship at all times and don't let your guard down." Argued Lucci in a shameless manner.

"Shopping!" Exclaimed Perona, happily, as she really wanted to buy some new cloths, so she could fit in the crew better as all of them maintain their classy looks from the time they were still agents.

The conversation between the girls started to take over the one the boys were having, meanwhile the ship continued its journey, soon arriving in the sea area where Sabaody Archipelago was located as the strange sight of giant trees coming out of water started to come into view which marked the arrival at their destination.

Lucci made the Blood Knights steer the ship towards the 12th Grove, where the crew separated in two groups, the first consisting of Kumadori, Jabra and Fukuro together with few hundreds Blood Knights that remained stationed with the ship while the other was included Lucci, Perona, Kalifa and Blueno together with a dozen Blood Knights that acted as guards.

*Lucci's Blood Knights can move in the range of Lucci Observation Haki (Sonar) which can cover a whole island the size of Arabasta and its surroundings.*

The second group left for the shopping district, while the first started playing some board games to pass the time, all this under the eyes of countless spies from different bounty hunters and outlaws groups who have already targeted them. Soon the ship was surrounded by a large number of people ready to tear them apart, so a big battle ensured as the Blood Knights took action to kill the intruders with the help of Kumadori who was trying different ways to use his Devil Fruit he has come up with after Lucci's introduction of Boa Hancock powers.

With Lucci, group one could see the same scene happening as it did near the ship as numerous amounts of people attacked them only to be defeated by Perona's ability after which Lucci happily absorbed their lifespan knowing that most of those people are also involved in slave trafficking. Soon after a few different waves of people died in his hands, they stopped coming, not wanting to mess with them any longer after none of their people come back alive, leaving the Blood Moons to travel around in peace. 

After some time, the girls finally got to raid the cloth stores, which resulted in the Blood Knights who were meant to defend them being used as bag carriers by them. However, after they finished raiding their tenth store Lucci stopped them from going to the next, pulling all of them into the closest dark alley making them quite confused, but they soon understood as people started to kneel down in fright on the main street something was clearly happening.

Not long after, a fat man dressed in a strange suite riding a person caught in chains paraded on the street arrogantly his disgusting face earn the ire of the two girls, Perona even took the chance to ``shyly`` hide behind Lucci taking the opportunity to be close to him.

Lucci did not pay attention to her as he was busy observing the disgusting sight, trying to resist temptation to add him to his kill list but since he has things to do and can't afford to be interrupted by the dogs of that pig he gave up, not before using his power to form blood clots inside his body without anyone noticing as the only sight of him using his power was his currently red eyes. This will probably not do much in a short run but give it a few mouths to a year and his fate can only be death.

After the strange encounter, their day kept going as planned as they returned to the ship at dawn, Lucci calculated the time and figured out that the Straw Hats should be arriving tomorrow, so he had to start preparing as some of the Supernovas have already became aware of their arrival.

The night has passed without any incidents other than Perona walking in on Lucci and Kalifa in the middle of the night which started a little fight over him but was ended by Kalifa telling her that they are still not in a relationship which give hope to the young girl.

During this time the Straw Hats journey proceed as expected without much of a change from the one in the series outside the fact that this time before they left the fog they also got to see the huge creatures that attacked Lucci and the others, but they did not engage them for some reason unknown. After they received their nightmares for the fallowing few weeks, they continued sailing, and eventually meeting Camie the mermaid and her pet/friend who later lead them to saving Hachi and discovering Sanji's lookalike after which finally arriving at Sabaody Archipelago. Where they have gone straight to Grove 12 where Lucci and the others are situated.

"It took you long enough, Straw Hat, are you sure you still want to go and save ``Fire Fist``?"Asked Lucci while looking starring in to his eyes. 

"Sorry, Sorry, we run in to some troubles on the way. We are ready to go and save Ace!" Replied him, unbothered by Lucci's piercing look.

Then Lucci look over the three addition from Fishman Island that come here with them to act as guides and then started to address them.

"You three, fishman, should all go back to your home and warn your king that pirates will soon come after them again, and they should get ready." Reminded Lucci.

"Impossible our island is under the protection of Whitebeard the strongest man in the world who would dare to invade his territory!?" Reacted Hachi to his words.

"That old man does not have very much fight left in him, and he is about to fight one of the strongest powers in the world alone, do you really think he has a chance? Even if the success in his current state, he will still die soon after, so you all better go back and tell your king to be ready." Reminded Lucci in a stern voice. 

The two looked a bit conflicted, on one hand they still want to repay their saviors, on the other their sense of duty was still urging them to go. As the others sensed their distress, Nami encouraged them to go, saying that they will be fine.

"Thank you, everyone, we will make up to you when you get to Fishman Island!" Said Camie as she and Hachi jumped it to the ocean.

"Now, how about we go to the bar over there, and we'll discuss things over a drink." Suggested Lucci pointing to the Rip-off bar on the Grove beside this one.