
One Piece: The Unbreakable Bond

Under the crimson sunset, the silhouette of the Thousand Sunny could be seen on the horizon. On its deck, Pirate King Luffy, and his first mate, the strongest swordsman in the world Roronoa Zoro stood side by side, looking at the endless sea. "Zoro," Luffy said, breaking the silence. His voice echoed in the wind, carrying an unusual seriousness. "Do you remember when we first met?" Zoro turned his gaze towards his captain, his friend, his king. His eyes reflected the clash of emotions within him. "How can I forget, Luffy? You were the one who saved me from that Marine base." A nostalgic smile curved Luffy's lips. "And you were the first one who joined my crew. You believed in my dreams." "Because your dreams were as absurd as mine." Zoro responded, his tone a mix of amusement and reverence. He remembered the days when they were just rookie pirates, their dreams as vast as the sea that lay before them. "But now we're here, having achieved our dreams," Luffy declared, his laughter echoing into the night. "Yeah, It really is nostalgic," Corners of zoro's lips curled up to a smile, observing ever cheerful luffy. The quest for the One Piece transformed the lives of numerous pirates. But the greatest shift in the tale of the pirate world had been when the bond that once held two friends together splintered, turning them into the fiercest of enemies.

Ease_Life · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs


Zoro, with a steely look in his eyes, reached for his swords. The first, the dark blade Enma, was a menacing presence. The second, the legendary Wado Ichimonji, was a blade of honor and legacy. He grasped them tightly, feeling the familiar weight in his hands.

Then, he drew the third sword, the Sandai Kitetsu, a blade known for its bloodthirsty nature. Without hesitation, he clenched it between his teeth, the metallic taste familiar on his tongue.

The colossal titan drew back its arm, ready to deliver a punch that blotted out the sun. Its shadow spread over the land, a stark reminder of its immense size and power.

"Onigiri," Zoro declared, the words muffled by the sword clenched in his teeth. He fell into the stance for his technique, his body aligned with his three swords. His muscles tightened in anticipation, his gaze fixed on the descending hand.

With a burst of speed, Zoro launched himself into the air. He was a figure in flight, a solitary warrior ascending to meet his colossal foe.

In a display of precision and strength, Zoro swung his swords. His attack cut through the giant hand, splitting it cleanly in half. The sight was stark and powerful; the giant hand, severed and crumbling, suspended in the air.

As Zoro began to descend, he agilely stepped onto the falling half of the severed hand, using it as a platform to launch himself even higher into the sky.

Doflamingo, observing the spectacle, nearly dropped his glasses in shock. The smoothness of the cut was nothing short of extraordinary.

Hana's eyes widened in awe and a cheer erupted from her lips as she saw the giant hand cleaved in two and Zoro soaring even higher into the sky.

Douglas, in his colossal form, was seething with rage. He moved the other hand of the colossus, preparing to snatch Zoro out of the sky.

"Billion-Fold World Trichiliocosm," Zoro announced, his voice echoing in the still air. Suspended in the sky, he adjusted his stance, his swords poised for the impending attack.

In a blur of motion, Zoro swung his blades. The force of the attack was palpable, slicing through the air with a deafening roar. The swords met the colossal figure, cutting through the mechanical titan with an ease that belied the sheer scale of the task.

The colossal figure, once covering the sky, was split in two. The impact of Zoro's attack had cleaved it right down the middle.

The two halves of the colossal figure began their descent. They crumbled as they fell, chunks of mechanical debris breaking off and hurtling towards the ground. The titan was falling apart, its once formidable form disintegrating.

The ground shook as the two halves hit the earth, the impact sending a cloud of dust into the air.

Doflamingo, watching from a distance, was silent. His glasses slipped down his nose, a sign of his surprise. He pushed them back up, his gaze never leaving the rubble.

Hawkins, standing beside him, was equally stunned. His cards slipped from his fingers, scattering in the wind. He bent to pick them up, his movements slow and deliberate.

The pirates and marines in the vicinity were frozen in shock. They stared at the rubble, their faces a mix of fear and awe. The marines gripped their weapons tighter, while the pirates whispered among themselves.

Smoker, standing apart from the crowd, took a drag from his cigar. He blew out a puff of smoke, his gaze focused on the fallen giant. His expression was unreadable, his thoughts hidden behind a cloud of smoke.

And then there was Hana, the child caught in the midst of chaos. Her eyes were wide, her small body shaking. She looked at the rubble, then at the screen showing Zoro. "Papa," she whispered, a small smile breaking through her tears.

Zoro's feet hit the ground with a firm thud. Moments later, Douglas Bullet's body dropped from the sky, landing with a heavy impact in front of Zoro.

Slowly, painfully, Bullet pushed himself up. His eyes were bloodshot, and his arm was turning an unnatural shade of blue. He looked at Zoro, his gaze meeting the swordsman's eyes.

"Those eyes, they remind me of something," Bullet mused, his voice heavy with unspoken memories.

"And you remind me of someone," Bullet continued, a spark of recognition in his eyes. "You're with that kid in the straw hat."

Zoro remained silent, not giving any sign of acknowledgment.

Bullet slumped to the ground, an exhausted sigh escaping his lips. "I heard rumors you were dead," he said, his mind piecing together the fragments of information. "Ah, yes. You had a showdown with the Pirate King himself. After that, everyone thought you were dead."

Zoro sheathed two of his swords, leaving only the dark blade, Enma, in his right hand.

Bullet chuckled, a hint of arrogance in his voice. "If I were younger, I would have enjoyed killing you," he said, his gaze fixed on Zoro.

Doflamingo and Hawkins hovered in the sky, their eyes darting between Zoro and Bullet. Confusion was etched on their faces as they tried to make sense of the unfolding scene.

Hawkins steadied himself and aimed his gun. Doflamingo, with a smirk on his face, landed atop a clock tower and summoned his strings. "I'll keep him busy," he offered.

Hawkins snorted in response. "That won't be necessary."

Doflamingo shrugged nonchalantly. "Better safe than sorry. Bullet will be furious if we kill him," he said, his gaze focused on the battle below.

Hawkins, still aiming his gun, replied, "We can't afford more damage to the safezone."

As they prepared their attacks, Zoro swung his sword. In a swift, decisive move, Bullet's head was severed from his body, sent flying through the air.

Doflamingo, about to launch his strings, froze. His hand trembled, causing his strings to go astray and slice through a nearby house.

Zoro turned his gaze upwards, his eyes meeting those of the two figures in the sky. Hawkins, looking through the scope of his gun, let go of the weapon. The jet pack on his back thrust him backwards, his face pale with fear.

Doflamingo, despite his shock, quickly recovered. He used his strings to grab the discarded gun and took aim. "No one breaks the pirate code," he declared.

His fingers adjusted the zoom, his eyes narrowing in focus. "Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy's authority is the final verdict," he said, his voice resolute.

Doflamingo, through scope, saw the green-haired swordsman, was taken aback. In a panicked response, he pulled the trigger.

The bullet, made of sea-stone, shot out. It sliced through the air like a laser beam, barreling towards Zoro.

"Stop!" Hawkins shouted, trying to stop Doflamingo. Zoro responded to the incoming bullet by opening his mouth and catching it between his teeth."He created the Pirate King!" 

Zoro chewed on the sea-prison stone bullet and spat it out. The Dust-devil fruit user, pretending to be unconscious got headshot. The impact was fatal.

Hawkins, filled with sweat noticed a drone hovering nearby. The entire island had heard his announcement.

Thousands of Straw Hats began to move towards Zoro. He stood tall, his head held high as he watched them approach.

As they got closer, each pirate knelt before him. "We welcome you, Divine Commander!" they cried out.

Zoro's head lifted even higher, a grin spreading across his face.