
One Piece: The Template System [ ON HOLD ]

Since the beginning, no one has ever stood at the top of the world. Neither you, nor me, not even God himself. But that unbearable vacancy of the throne shall be filled. From this day forth, I will stand at the top of the world.

Xuefang1 · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter - 34 ( Returning to Naval Headquarters )

the other side

Naval Headquarters

"It's finally over!"

The students of the elite camp also exhaled a sigh of relief upon reaching the coast!

In comparison to the purgatory-like environment of New World, Naval Headquarters can put them at ease.

After all, not everyone is as powerful as Sakazuki and kizaru. The vast majority of pirates confronted by the New World were easily defeated. There will be no danger even if they come across strong opponents.

Many people will lose their lives if they are not careful on the New World journey, even with Zephyr watching over them, but it is still crucial for them to focus on the battle.

After a two-month internship, they were also exhausted. After arriving at Naval Headquarters, the tight nerves were finally loosened.

"But as the internship is over now, don't you think it's time for that guy to come back too, right?"

Someone in the crowd suddenly said something.

This caused everyone's thoughts to wander back to the day they first arrived at the elite camp a year ago.

Successfully won the first place with a posture that almost crushed everyone, and then showed a super talent that stunned everyone, and instantly learned the Haki.

Then he was immediately dispatched to the New World to practise in a special case. Even though they were in the elite camp, they received a lot of information from New World.

Especially the news about Alex.

World Destroyer, City of Sin!

Two world-shattering events instantly made Alex one of the biggest names in the New World and made Marine's rising star all the rage.

Even Whitebeard can't help but want to poach the corner of his worst enemy Marine, which is enough to explain everything.

"That guy?"

And Sakazuki's mind also appeared in that year's scene, where he was directly suppressed by Alex's massive Reiatsu and couldn't move.

That feeling is still deeply imprinted in his mind to this day.

The kind of strength that can defeat a monster!

"But! Mine has completely changed!" Sakazuki's expression was solemn!

How can becoming a Marine Admiral be so simple? Sakazuki's strength has also increased significantly during this time, and after the New World experience, Sakazuki's control over both Haki's has become like a fish in water.

"You're very attached to that guy, but I'm afraid the chasm is widening." Kizaru looked at Sakazuki, who was brimming with a lazy look.

Although he was a little reconciled at first, kizaru is also a self-proclaimed genius after all.

But with the passage of time, he also slowly looked away from this matter.

Despite his lazy and indifferent appearance, kizaru's unique competitive psychology among geniuses will be aroused when he meets a stronger opponent than himself.

Kizaru would not have become so powerful if his heart had not been strengthened.

It's just that he's already realised Alex isn't on the same level as the geniuses of their calibre, and that's a level that must be aspired to.

"I'm going to close this gap!" Sakazuki responded reluctantly.

What he disliked the most was kizaru's lazy look. Naturally, It was obviously impossible for him to conspire with Kizaru.

"Don't be too leisurely! You have been resting on the ship for several days! Start preparing for the final assessment immediately." As soon as he came to his senses, Zephyr non-stop began to prepare for the final test on these people.

After all, his time is also very tight. After the test of this batch, he still needs to prepare for the next batch of students.

"Teacher Zephyr? Don't we have to wait for Alex? He didn't come back with us." A student from the elite camp asked at this time.

"Don't worry, that guy has already left the branch of New World, and now it is estimated that he should be almost at Naval Headquarters." Zephyr replied.

The road from Naval Headquarters to the Marine branch is naturally impossible and dangerous. Not only is there no bad weather, it can even be said that there are no pirates, and through the special eddy current of the Marine, Zephyr can be sure that Alex will arrive here in a short time.

"No! he's already here!" At this moment, from the back of the port, the figure of a young man in white slowly appeared in front of everyone.

Alex pushed his glasses and looked at the people in front of him who had been separated for a year, with a gentle smile on his face as always.

Alex arrived at Naval Headquarters one step earlier than Zephyr.

And Zephyr also set his sights on Alex.

A year has passed, as if nothing has changed, the boy is still the same as he saw a year ago.

That young man who is approachable and gentle, who can't find any flaws, who doesn't make a peep, who is excellent, humble, intelligent, respects his teachers, and has lofty ideals. The boy who once told him that he wants to be a hero!

He is also worried about Alex. He is aware of Alex's actions during the New World period. Everything is as Alex described it, and he is heading in the direction of the word hero.

"Okay! Everyone has arrived."

Zephyr soon returned to his senses, interrupted the raucous crowd with one sentence, and then said: "We can begin now that all of the members have arrived. Three people will be teammates. Come directly fight me. I'll use the most direct and straightforward method to determine your level of strength. Whether or not you can graduate, as well as your distribution after graduation, are all subjective judgements made by myself!"

Despite the fact that Zephyr was rude and judged everything, no one had an opinion.

They also didn't expect Zephyr to deliberately target one of them in order to prevent them from graduating, not to mention that actual combat is the best way to demonstrate strength.

"I'll give you some time to plan your team and tactics! It will officially begin at one o'clock in the afternoon on the elite camp's training grounds."

Zephyr walked away immediately after speaking.

He also needs to pick up the second batch of elite camp students while sending the first batch away.

"A three-person team? Sakazuki. kizaru, how about a team of three of us?" After seeing Zephyr leave, Alex immediately set his sights on Sakazuki and kizaru next to him.

Although it may appear arrogant to say so, they are the only people in the entire elite camp qualified to be his teammates.

"It's fine on my end," kizaru said simply.

Kizaru will agree to join a team regardless of who invites him.

This is most likely due to personality differences!

"Although I really want to compete with you, it's nice to be a teammate, and I can sense your strength intuitively." Sakazuki nodded as well.

Although he stated that he would like to fight Alex again, Sakazuki is not foolish enough to do so now, as there will be a test later.

Furthermore, as a teammate, Sakazuki can clearly detect changes in Alex's strength.

As for the duel, there will still be opportunities in the future.


The scorching light shone on them as the sun rose to its highest point. Many people stayed on the training ground after lunch to soak up the rays.

"The time seems to be approaching, right?" kizaru asked softly, looking up at the setting sun.

After a while, all of the students had gathered on the practise field.

To avoid any mishaps, they all arrived at the training ground early, as instructed by Zephyr.

Zephyr, on the other hand, was more punctual. Kizaru simply complained that he didn't understand the ten minutes, and Zephyr walked to the elite camp's training grounds.

"The test method is very simple. I am your enemy. As long as you can attack me, it will be worth one point. If it is a fatal part, it will be worth three points. And if I attack you, you will be deducted accordingly. Of course, in the end And the evaluation score I gave will be in the final comprehensive consideration."

Zephyr's method of testing them is also very simple and rude.

Although there are some flaws, they are at least fair to the few elite camp students like them.

"Of course, if the three of you add up to a negative score, you'll fail right away."

Zephyr immediately added another sentence at this point.

Even though many people had already made preparations, hearing this made their hearts tighten.

This year's elite camp has put forth unimaginable or completely unbearable efforts, and Zephyr will not let them down.

Until now, if they fail, all of their hard work and sweat will be for naught.

They don't want to fail in any case.

Only Alex and the two of them were calm in the midst of the tense atmosphere.


"Is this the first batch of elite camp students? It looks like that!" A young voice sounded from the outside of the training ground.

You can see a woman wearing a Marine Vice Admiral cloak. Vice Admiral was leading a girl younger than Alex to watch the battle here.

And the person who spoke just now was this girl who looked a little young.

That's right, these two people are the current Marine Vice Admiral Tsuru and her step-sister gion.

Gion is still very young, even much younger than Alex, but her strength is not bad, and she has already passed the elite camp.

There are probably quite a few guys in their twenties in the elite camp who can beat Gion, so it's no surprise that Gion would say "That's it!"

"Despite your talent, there are a few people in the elite camp who are stronger than you. That guy in particular, as well as the two people next to him, are not weaker than you." Tsuru Vice Admiral did not respond to Gion's words, and it was to signal Gion to fix her gaze on Alex on the opposite side.

Gion looked over at Alex in the training ground after hearing what Tsuru said.

"I can't feel anything from him, but he's quite handsome. The two ugly guys next to him are quite powerful." After careful observation, Gion didn't see how strong Alex was.

Gion simply expressed her admiration for Alex's appearance.

In any case, the people inside couldn't hear what she was saying, and there was only her elder sister Tsuru next to her, and Gion was very unruly.

"Hehe! It's normal that you can't see his strength, just as you can't see mine right now." Tsuru also smiled and explained Gion's question briefly.

Alex's strength is already close to Admiral level, and he is also at the same level, so Gion shouldn't be able to see anything.

"As good as Sister Tsuru? How is that possible! He's not even twenty years old, is he?"

After hearing what the Tsuru said, Gion looked at the Tsuru in disbelief.

But Tsuru didn't respond directly, instead asking with a sly smile: "Gion, since you like him, would you like me to tell you something? It just appears that the two of would be a good match."

Tsuru didn't say this on the spur of the moment; she genuinely thought Alex and Gion were a good match.


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