
One Piece:The Tale Of Noak Kent

Read Kent's journey through the World of One Piece. Many adventures await him as the vast sea calls out to his name...this is merely the beginning...

normal_name · Anime und Comics
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The Place Where It All Began! Arrival At Loguetown!

Kent seemed excited as the ship drifted closer to the island, due to it being the morning the streets were empty. There were still some people that walked around bars and such, but not enough to block the sight of one thing... The thing that made Kent seem excited, the execution platform of the one and only, Gol. D. Roger.

"Alright! We're making a stop there!" - Kent

"You sure, Kent?" - Ford

"Hm? Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" - Kent

"Well it is a marine island...it might be dangerous..." - Ford

"We'll hide between the ships at the dock, I'm sure the town will be bustling with life soon. The only one they could potentianally have an eye on is me. I'd say it'll be fine..." - Kent

"Alright, whatever you say Captain..." - Ford

Ford seemed worried, but he eventually calmed down. The ship slowly drifted towards the island. Only half an hour has passed and a lot more life appeared on the streets. It fascinated everyone, that the town which only had drunks going around half an hour ago. Only a few more minutes passed and the ship finally made it to the docks. They went in between ships, hiding it as much as possible.

The crew got off and Kaitlyn mentioned they were running low on supplies, so alongside Nowan the two decided to take care of that problem whilst Ford and Kent went to do some sightseeing... Potentially finding a navigator that may be able to join. The streets were now pretty crowded since the market opened up not so long ago. Nowan followed Kaityln as she was the one who knew what they needed. The two still enjoyed walking around the crowded streets, for Nowan it felt new whilst it made Kaitlyn remember Cuisineia. 

Kent and Ford decided to check the execution platform. The two looked at it with a smile.

"So...this is where it all began...huh..." - Ford

"Yeah... The place which started this era, it happened what? 25 years ago..."-Kent

"...I think so...it still drives people out to sea...it did with my brother...and in some way, it made me..." - Ford

"Heh...yeah... We should go around bars...I doubt we'll find pirates in the broad daylight." - Kent

The two began to walk towards a district which mostly had bars...

Whilst this was happening Kaitlyn and Nowan was done shopping, they were carrying back the bags to the ship when they noticed two marines talking. They hid in an allyway. The two marines were holding up a bounty poster. Nowan peeked out to see if he can hear what they are talking about.

"Oi have you heard? Noak's family is at it again." -Marine 1

"Yeah? You mean Soe, right? Didn't that guy got executed a month ago?" Marine 2

"Yeah, that's why im saying family... His nephew, Kent is trying his hand at it." - Marine 1

"Heh! You think he'll cause a storm then also give up like his pathetic excuse for a pirate, uncle?" - Marine 2

"Hah! Who knows! The guy looks like he won't even make it through the Reverse Mountain! I'll bet on him dying trying to go through there!" - Marine 1

The marines began laughing. Kaitlyn didn't hear but he could see Nowan getting angry. Nowan handed his bags to Kaitlyn

"Stay here, alright?" - Nowan

"What? Wait! Nowan! Don't cause a ruckus! They'll find us out!"- Kaitlyn

"That's why you stay here." - Nowan began approaching the marines with his hand on his sword.

When he got close to one of the marines who was too busy laughing to notice him, he knocked him out by punching his head with the hilt of the sword.

"Laughing about his strength... While you drop so easily..."- Nowan

"W-What are you doing? Drop your weapon!" - Marine 2 held a gun at Nowan.

Kaitlyn came from behind, the crowd seemed to look at the whole ordeal. Kaitlyn quickly knocked the other marine out, this made the citizens panic for their safety. They've began running away from the markets, Kaitlyn took Nowan's hand and ran swiftly to the alleys...

"What were you thinking?!?!?" -Kaitlyn said whilst running

Nowan stayed silent as he ran with the bags in his hand. The two hid in the alleys waiting until the crowd calms down...

Whilst this was happening Kent and Ford found a bar, it was mostly dark. The bartender was a young man, he seemed happy to get customers. Kent and Ford ordered some drinks and sat in one of the dark corners of the bar. Only now did Ford and Kent noticed that the bar was empty. Ford and Kent still ordered a drink though, as they felt going in and leaving would seem dumb. They drank and chatted a bit before the bartender came with their drinks they've sipped it and it tasted quite good. Eventually they finished it and the bartender came with the bill. The two awkwardly looked at each other, they didn't know what to say... In came a blonde haired man... on his head a hat which had the marine's seagull on it. It was odd though, as the hat had the seagull crossed out. 

"I'll pay for them." - ???

The man seemed to be 19 years old.

"Hm? It's you again, Mr.Erik..." -???

"Yeah...third time this week... and it's only tuesday! Wohohoho!" -Erik

Kent and Ford looked confused, they didn't know the man but seemingly he'll cover their tabs... Without asking Erik sat down to the table with Kent and Ford. The two didn't seem to mind.

"Your names?" - Erik

"Uh...Ford..." -Ford

"Kent..." - Kent

The two couldn't really hear but the man seemed to mumble 'I thought so' under his breath. The bartender walked over once again.

"You're wearing that hat again... Mr.Erik I enjoy you're visits but you may be overdoing it a bit... Plus you could get in trouble for that..." - Bartender

"Yeah, well let'em..." - Erik

The bartender walked off after giving Erik his drink.

"So uh... may we ask wh-" -Kent

In the middle of Kent asking the man slammed the bounty poster of Kent down on the table. This made both Kent and Ford jump up, ready to fight.

"...Calm down, I won't fight... I'd lose... The thing is I used to be an MCPO... I was there..." -Erik

"Hm?" - Kent was a bit confused...

"I was there, on your uncle's execution."

(To Be Continued)