
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 47 Akainu, Let's Join Forces

This moment.

In the No. 5 pirate ship of the Flying Pirates, a pirate cadre named Feilun quietly took out the phone bug in the cabin.

"The Golden Lion has surrounded Roger."

Flywheel's true identity is actually an undercover agent sent by Sengoku to the Flying Pirates.

Not only can you find the location of the undercover through the life card fragments on the undercover.

At the same time, it can also allow undercover agents to create riots and panic among the enemies at critical moments.

Of course, the most important thing is intelligence gathering.

"I understand, you have to pay attention to safety."

Phone Bug imitates Sengoku's voice.

Flywheel put away the phone bug and crept back on deck, continuing to monitor Roger and Golden Lion.

At this time, Roger shouted loudly.

"Shiki, I'm not interested in domination."

"If you can't do whatever you want, then what's the point of being a pirate."

"No matter how much pressure you put on me, I will refuse your request."

After hearing Roger's reply, Buggy hugged her head in panic, "Captain, there are dozens of ships on the opposite side!"

Standing on the bow of the ship, Shiki said with contemptuous eyes: "That is to say, your answer is to let me here and end your life?"

Dozens of ships attack one ship at the same time.

Under a salvo of shells, the Golden Jackson would be smashed into a sieve.

"I mean kill you all," Roger replied, his eyes glowing red with murderous intent.

Roger is not a nice guy.

"Little ones, kill them!"

Golden Lion swung his knife, and dozens of ships approached the Golden Jackson and began shelling.

"Brothers, kill them!"

Roger waved the knife in his hand without fear.

A ship against more than 30 ships, the war broke out in an instant.

Taking advantage of the war, Flywheel picked up the phone bug and contacted Sengoku to inform the two sides of the war.

However, just when Fei Lu had just finished his report and was about to return to the deck, the already dark sky suddenly blew a strong wind and set off huge waves.

The pirate ship on which the flywheel was riding happened to be hit by a huge wave and swallowed.


"Flywheel, flywheel."

Sengoku contacted Flywheel several times, but was unable to contact Flywheel.

"What's wrong?" Garp asked.

"I can't reach Chakra." Sengoku looked at the life card fragments in his hand.

Life cards are special items unique to New World.

It is neither afraid of water nor fire.

Made by mixing your own nails into the material, it is a paper that represents the vitality of the owner.

Usually people will tear it up and give it to relatives or friends who are about to be separated, and the torn papers will attract each other.

The life card shrinks when the owner is weak, and returns to its original size when the owner regains health.

If the life card slowly turns to ashes, it means that the owner is not far from death!

At this moment, Garp looked at the life card, which began to get smaller.

"Have you been found?" Sengoku clenched his fists.

Sengoku doesn't know the situation at the scene, he can only judge through the life card.

Garp was silent.

Being an undercover agent is not so easy.

Over the years, too many undercover agents have sacrificed.

They are unsung heroes!

At this time, the fleet of the g1 branch merged with the fleet led by Sengoku.

Victor boards Sengoku's warship, and he notices that Sengoku is in a bad mood.

"Sengoku Admiral, is something wrong?"

Victor asked.

Sengoku shook his head and didn't answer Victor.

Sengoku ordered: "The situation has changed, we will go directly to Adwar Beach."

"Yes." Victor gave a military salute, then turned around and gave Wright and Connor a look.

Wright and Connor went to convey the order.


the next morning.

blue blue...

blue blue...

At this time, the phone bug in Sengoku's arms rang.

"Hello." Sengoku picked up the phone bug.

Sora said to Sengoku, "The war between Roger and the Golden Lion is over."

"How is that possible?" Sengoku asked in surprise.

Kong said: "As soon as they started the war, the bad weather ushered in, and half of the Golden Lion's fleet was wiped out by the waves."

"Half the Fleet"

Sengoku didn't feel the slightest bit excited when he heard the news.

Kong went on to say: "Now Golden Lion and his remaining fleet have withdrawn, and the whereabouts of Roger and his group are unknown. So, you should withdraw too."


Sengoku nodded.

Marine and World government are targeting Roger.

As for the Golden Lion, it's not the most important thing.

And with the existence of the Golden Lion, on the contrary, it can play a role in balancing the New World.

After Sengoku ended the call, he called a meeting of all the generals.

The content of the meeting is to retreat.


"Why retreat?"

"Now that Golden Lion's vitality is seriously injured, this is the perfect opportunity to eliminate him!"

"Yeah, why retreat!"

The new generations of Marine don't understand.

They are all eager to use their own power to punish evil and promote good, and to maintain justice.

At this point, Sakazuki said nothing.

He was a little gloomy all over.

"Are you used to it?"

At this time, Victor came to Sakazuki's side.

Sakazuki is now alone.

Ghost Spider and Dogman were transferred to other units.

And Sakazuki has a gloomy face all day long, and no one wants to talk to him, and he doesn't take the initiative to approach other people.

After hearing Victor's inquiry, Sakazuki still didn't say a word.

"Would you like to come to g1?" Victor said to Sakazuki: "I want to do something big, and I need your help."

"?" Sakazuki looked at Victor suspiciously.

Victor took out a cigarette and handed one to Sakazuki, "We are actually the same kind of people, but our methods are different."

A class of people? Of course not.

Victor just wanted to get closer to each other, so he said some polite words.

Sakazuki did not object, nodded and said, "I agree with your dream."

Purify the sea and eliminate all evils on the sea!

Absolute justice!

Sakazuki agrees with Victor.

Victor asked: "So, do you want to join forces temporarily?"

"Joining forces?" Sakazuki didn't understand.

Victor said, "Don't you think now is a good time to kill the Golden Lion?"

"Yeah." Sakazuki nodded.

Victor said: "If we join forces, coupled with the strength of the g1 branch, the surprise attack will definitely be successful."

Victor considered that it would be almost impossible to catch the Golden Lion if he was alone.

However, if you join forces with Sakazuki, the success rate is much higher.

"When?" Sakazuki asked.

Victor said: "Of course, the sooner the better, if they are seriously injured."

Sakazuki asked, "How do you get their place?"

The Golden Lion's territory is not fixed.

Because of Golden Lion's Lion Fruit ability, he can move at any time.

Victor smiled slightly and said, "I have my way."