
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 41 The Tough Duke Richard

Earl Reinhardt sent a fax to Earl Thompson, hoping that Earl Thompson could help him think of a way.

Pirates attack the Kingdom of Arthur, as long as there is the first time, there will be the second and third time.

Moreover, the fact that the mysterious pirate group that attacked Arthur's kingdom was not caught will give more pirates ideas.

Therefore, Count Reinhardt desperately needs Marine.

Earl Thompson quickly responded.

After seeing Earl Thompson's reply fax, Reinhardt suddenly realized.

"So I wanted money!"

Earl Reinhardt never thought that Marine would cheat.

In the past, Colonel Malone of Section 189 never asked for money.

Oren, however, is markedly different from Malone.

At this time, the butler reminded: "Master, Colonel Oren invited you to Wilhelm Port a few days ago. You were not free at the time, so you sent other people there."

"What do you mean by that?" Earl Reinhardt was taken aback.

The butler lowered his voice and said, "Sir, is there a possibility that the invitation to the banquet and the attack on Fast Harbor are actually related."

Earl Reinhardt held his breath and paced back and forth.

The butler's words woke him up.

Maybe there is a connection.

"If it is really related, then the purpose is for money."

Reinhardt couldn't help but frowned. As a nobleman, he had seen countless people.

It's just that I didn't meet Marine who would come to rip me off.

However, now it is met.

Earl Reinhardt said: "Prepare the carriage, I'll go back to the capital."


Earl Reinhardt's big brother is Duke Richard.

Duke Richard is the heir to the kingdom of Arthur, and he has the right to speak in the kingdom.

That night, Earl Reinhardt rushed back to the capital and met Duke Richard.

"Has the matter of Fast Harbor been resolved?" Duke Richard asked.

Fast Harbor is the fief of Earl Reinhardt.

Therefore, when the pirates attacked Fast Harbor, Earl Reinhardt would think about fighting back instead of just thinking about running away like other nobles and wealthy businessmen.

Earl Reinhardt replied: "This attack may not have been done by pirates."

"Not a pirate? Who could it be?" Duke Richard asked curiously.

Earl Reinhardt said: "I guess Marine is pretending."

"What did you say!" Duke Richard was taken aback after hearing this, and then he hurriedly shook his head, "Don't talk nonsense, we are a member of the World Government, how could Marine attack us!"

Earl Reinhardt said: "I don't have any evidence now, but this incident is too coincidental."

"What coincidence?" Duke Richard asked.

"That's right." Count Reinhardt informed Duke Richard of Oren's invitation to them.

Upon hearing this, Duke Richard replied: "Indeed, Colonel Oren invited me, but I didn't go either."

Earl Reinhardt said: "I heard that except for some merchants, nobles and officials, almost no one in our Kingdom of Arthur attended."

"Because we didn't go, Oren couldn't receive the money, so he sent people to attack Fast Port?"

Duke Richard understood Reinhardt's thinking logic.

Earl Reinhardt said: "Yes, so what can be done at present is either to report the situation to the World Government, or to invite Colonel Oren to the banquet and invite him in the name of the Kingdom of Arthur."

The implication is, either fight back or obey.

"A mere branch colonel."

Duke Richard snorted coldly, and then said to Marquis Reinhardt: "Let's go to the king and tell us about it."

How could Duke Richard, as the Duke of a member country of the World Government, allow a branch colonel to be ripped off.

If this matter gets out, the Kingdom of Arthur will become the laughing stock of the world!


Duke Richard and Earl Reinhardt came to the palace.

The current king, Braun II, is the big brother of Duke Richard.

However, Braun II was not in good health and had no heirs.

Therefore, upon the death of Braun II, Duke Richard will inherit the throne.

It is precisely because he wants to inherit the throne that Duke Richard needs a 'tough' attitude.

Otherwise, after the citizens learn that the entire kingdom has been blackmailed, how will he rule the country in the future?

"Cough, cough, cough." Braun II was bedridden, and his health was getting worse day by day.

"Your Majesty." Duke Richard was about to speak.

At this time, the queen shook her head at Duke Richard, "He can't talk to you now."

"Okay." After listening, Duke Richard informed the Queen about Fast Harbor and Marine.

After listening to the queen, she said: "Our Kingdom of Arthur is a member country of the World Government, and it really cannot be the same as Port of Wilhelm."

"I'm going to send a fax to the World Government expressing our protest," Duke Richard said.

"Yeah." The Queen nodded, "Although there is no evidence, these Marines can be warned."

How dare Marine, a branch of South Blue, dare to take money?

I really don't know what to do!


After obtaining the queen's consent, Duke Richard sent a fax to the World government.

Of course, Duke Richard did not explicitly say that Branch 189 was blackmailing and asking for money.

He mentioned the matter of Port Wilhelm, representing that Branch 189 has a criminal record in Port Wilhelm.

Moreover, all the coincidences were mentioned again.

As long as the world government is not blind, it will definitely be understood.

Holy Land, Mariejois.

Pangu City, between the powers.

A fax from Duke Richard was handed over to the Five Elders.

In fact, the member countries of the World government often raise some 'dissatisfaction'.

The Five Elders know it all.

Dealing with the affairs of the franchise countries is also one of their daily tasks.

"Cabinet 189? Colonel Oren."

After the old man with glasses looked at the contents of the fax, he lost interest.

In his eyes, these are trivial matters.

However, a mere branch colonel dared to blackmail a member country of the World Government.

That's kind of interesting.

At this time, the white-haired old man said: "It has been investigated, and Oren is Victor's subordinate. He can be the colonel of the 189 branch, and he is also recommended by Victor."

"Thinking about it, wasn't Victor the cause of the Port of Wilhelm incident?"

"Is that going to be dealt with?"

"If this kind of thing is really dealt with, the World government will lose face."

"But if you don't care, the member states will have more opinions."

"Then let them produce evidence."

"Yes, it can be dealt with if there is evidence, otherwise there are too many such things."

The Five Elders all had smiles on their faces.

If Oren was an ordinary branch colonel, they'd take care of it.

However, Oren happened to be Victor's man.

Victor is a Marine supernova that Five Elders focuses on training.

With Victor's character, Oren will definitely be saved.

The old man with glasses said: "Let cp4 investigate."

Garner is the commander of cp4, and he is the most adaptable person.