
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 36 Black Market Rules

The state of first-level combat readiness means that during the period of combat readiness, one must be ready for combat at any time.

During this period, all recreational activities are prohibited.

For the sailors of the g1 branch, this is definitely not good news!


In the camp area of ​​the g1 branch.

When the day's training is over, the sailors drag their tired bodies and want to go back to the barracks to rest.

But they found that outside the barracks, there was already a team of inspectors checking.

The inspector team of the g1 branch has been replaced.

Victor transitioned from Secret Service to Inspectorate.

The first task of the inspection team is to inspect the combat readiness of the g1 branch.

During the preparation period, if Marine is found to be slack, he will be educated immediately!

Members of the inspection team walked into the barracks and left the barracks after a simple inspection.

After the inspection team left, the sailors breathed a sigh of relief.

If they are caught drinking and gambling by the inspection team, they will be miserable!

Not just grassroots soldiers.

The officers of the g1 branch are no exception.

The Inspectorate also supervises the officers.

This made the officers tense up.

They dare not have any contempt for the new commander.

Because once they violate the military regulations, they will cause big trouble.


The tenth day of the first level of combat readiness.

Gion came to Victor's office and asked Victor, "Is it really okay to continue to maintain the first level of combat readiness?"

Victor replied with a smile: "I am the commander here, of course it's no problem."

Jia Ji muttered, "What are you trying to do?"

The officers of the g1 branch will be afraid of Victor, but Jiaji is not afraid.

Anyway, he doesn't plan to stay in the g1 branch for a long time.

Moreover, Gion won't stay in the g1 branch for long.

Because the headquarters will transfer them back after a while.

"Of course it's for justice." Victor said seriously.

"I don't believe it."

Jiaji said disapprovingly.

At this time, Wright walked in, with an extra document in his hand.

"The report, the intelligence of the New World underground forces, have all been sorted out."

Wright put the information in front of Victor.

This data is collected by Marine.

Although there is a lot of information, it is certainly not comprehensive.

After all, Marine is not cp0, and is not a professional in intelligence.

Victor looked through the intelligence and documents, and found a person's name.

Kake and Gion leaned over their heads and looked at the table.

Warcraft Kali, the king of the New World black market.

"Are you going to find him?"

Gion asked.

"However, he doesn't seem to be wanted." Jia Ji muttered.

The black market has always been a gray area.

Marine also buys intelligence from the black market.

Pirates are no exception.

Victor has been in close contact with South Blue's black market since his time at South Blue.

"Talk to them." Victor said with a smile.


Salade Island, this is the most 'neutral' island in New World.

Marines can come to this island, and so can pirates.

Of course, the prerequisite for Marine to come to this island is to avoid disputes and conflicts.

Otherwise, the island and New World's black market will not welcome or do Marine business.

In the same way, pirates who come to this island must also abide by this rule.

Otherwise, they will also be blacklisted, and the black market will no longer do their business.

As the king of the New World black market, Warcraft Kari's daily life is very comfortable.

He likes chaos, but he also likes order.

Chaos brings fortune, and order gives him some mastery.

For example, in Saladeh Island, he is order, and what he says is everything.

blue blue...

blue blue...

At this time, the phone bug kept calling.

Cary picked up the phone, "What's wrong?"

"Master Kari, a Marine is coming." A cadre reported.

Cary said disapprovingly: "Marine is also a guest, so don't make a fuss."

How many of New World's underground forces have not received business from the World government?

cp0 is a regular here.

Therefore, Cary didn't panic about Marine at all.

What's more, Cary also sent Celestial Dragons heavenly gold.

"Here comes Victor Vice Admiral," said the officer.

"Victor? The new commander of the g1 branch?"

Kari was taken aback when he heard the words, and then said to the cadre, "Go and bring him to see me."

Since it is a big customer, it is natural not to be negligent.

At this time, five warships arrived at the pier on Salade Island.

Victor boarded the pier with Gion, Kake and other brigade Marine.

At this time, there were no pirate ships moored at the pier.

The black market has its rules.

All ships cannot directly enter the black market.

This is the rule.

Of course, Marine and cp0 are exceptions.

At this time, Victor took the brigade Marine and swaggered into the black market.

The black market is not a vegetable market.

It's a bit like a bank here.

Behind each window, there are tellers serving.

At this time, some people were buying guns, and some were buying naval guns.

Gion, Kake and the others were eye-opening.

In addition to arms, medicines, food, and clothes, you can also hire killers, buy intelligence, buy and sell people, and so on.

"Victor Vice Admiral, this way please."

A man wearing a blindfold came to Victor.

At the invitation of the man, Victor came to the building in the center of the island.

The building is a castle.

As the drawbridge was lowered and the city gate opened, Victor and others entered the castle.


"this way please."

The blindfolded man took Victor up the elevator.

The castle is 7 stories high, comparable to a fortress.

In the castle, there are three steps for one post and five steps for one post.

There are many 'security guards' in the black market.

Finally, the blindfolded man leads Victor to a house.

The blindfolded man pushed away from the room.

Victor saw everything in the room.

I saw a tall man sitting in a huge room.

The man is Warcraft Kari.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Cary said to Victor with a smile: "I didn't expect to see Victor Vice Admiral so soon."

Victor walked in with Gion, Kake and others.

Seeing that Victor didn't say hello to him, Kari felt that Victor was a bit impolite, so he turned cold and said, "I don't know what business Mr. Victor is here for?"

Victor said: "The black market will be included in the scope of Marine's supervision in the future."

"???" Cary's face was full of question marks, and then he laughed loudly: "Victor Vice Admiral, do you know where this is?"

After laughing for a while, Cary looked at Victor seriously: "This is a neutral zone recognized by the world government."

Victor said: "That was before I came, and now I inform you that this place has been put under supervision. From then on, any shopping list here must be handed over to Marine."

"Please leave, you are not welcome here." Cary snorted softly, protecting the information of customers is the purpose of the black market.

"What if I don't leave?" Victor asked with a smile.

Kari looked at Victor, then clenched his fists and said with a grin: "It seems that you don't quite understand my horror!"