
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

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47 Chs

Chapter 27 Zephyr's Invitation

After the execution of the Buster Call, Victor and all officers and soldiers of the Special Forces got a one-month vacation.

The officers and soldiers of the special forces went to Sabaody Archipelago immediately.

They are human too and need indulgence.

The Sabaody Archipelago is just the place to be happy.

Before all the officers and soldiers of the special forces set off, Victor paid 300 million Baileys out of his own pocket.

These 300 million Baileys are enough for all the officers and soldiers to have a big meal.

All officers and men are naturally grateful for Victor's generosity.

As for Victor.

He has other things to do.


On the first day after the vacation, Victor went to the Marine Cemetery.

The Marine Cemetery is in the southwest corner of the town of Marineford.

The remains of the Marines in this department are all buried here.

Victor came to visit the graves of his parents in this life.

He comes here every year.

He is not out of filial piety.

Instead, he wants other people to see his 'filial piety'.

Victor brought the Andersons' favorite wine and desserts as offerings.

Jujube wine, chestnut cake.

Victor laid out the offerings, then sat quietly beside the tombstone, quietly.

He will sit all day.

During this process, there is always a Marine who will see it.

If someone wears a mask all their life, that mask becomes someone's face.

Victor has maintained this habit for a full ten years.

Therefore, in Naval Headquarters, everyone thinks Victor is a dutiful child.

How can a filial child be so bad?

Now, Victor, by the way, for the Five Elders.

Anyway, it's acting, the number of audience doesn't matter, as an actor, he just needs to play his role well.

"You are indeed here."

At this time, a woman's voice sounded behind Victor.

It was Crane who came.

Victor didn't answer.

Crane came to Victor and presented his own flowers: "Every year, as long as there is a holiday, you will come to accompany them."

Victor asked, "Tsuru Aunt, is there something wrong?"

Crane said: "Zephyr heard that you are on vacation, and asked you to go to the military academy to find him tomorrow."

"Yeah, I see." Victor nodded.

Crane raised his hand and patted Victor's head lightly, "I know you won't forget your parents' enmity, and I can't persuade you to let go of your enmity, but don't do extreme things."

Victor didn't answer.

Crane sighed softly, looking at the tombstone of the Andersons.

In her opinion, the purpose of Victor's promotion and establishment of a faction is to "revenge".

Victor wants to 'purify the sea'.

It means war!

Therefore, she judges that Victor is preparing for the "war" in the future.

It's just that Crane can't persuade Victor.

Although she can activate the Devil Fruit ability to purify Victor's heart.

However, she can't do that!


Marineford Township, Marine Military Academy.

When Victor walked into the military academy, he immediately attracted attention.

During his school days, Victor was a star on campus.

Moreover, Zephyr often mentions Victor.

Even the current Marine gymnastics textbooks contain Victor's "Six Forms of Derivative Techniques" and "Six Forms of Cultivation Experience".

On each book, not only Victor's name, but also Victor's photo.

Holder of various records in the military academy.

So far, it has not been surpassed.

At this time, Zephyr was on the high platform of the training ground, watching Victor who was walking step by step.

Under the watchful eyes of all the cadets, Victor stepped onto the high platform.

"Teacher Zephyr."

Victor salutes Zephyr.

Zephyr patted Victor on the shoulder in relief, and said, "You did a good job."

Victor's face was expressionless.

At this time, the cadets in the training ground watched Victor.

In the eyes of most military students, there is worship.

Two years ago, Victor graduated from here, and now he is the brightest star in this department.

The news about him defeating and capturing the Red Earl alive has long been known to the world.

Among the crowd, a young man with a turban on his head was looking at Victor.

"Kuzan!" Zephyr looked at the young man, and called out the young man's name: "Come up!"

Now Kuzan is very energetic, not only talkative, but also full of energy.

He yearned for justice and yearned for life after graduation.

Become an excellent sea soldier, punish the evil and promote the good, eliminate the strong and help the weak.

Meanwhile, Kuzan also adores Garp.

"Hello senior." Kuzan was very curious about Victor.

At only 20 years old, Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral was able to, and the Red Earl was captured.

Victor said with a blank face: "When you see the officer in the future, you must learn to salute."

"Victor Rear Admiral." Kuzan straightened his body and saluted again.

At this time, Zephyr said to Victor: "Today I specially invite you to come back to give a speech, and talk to them about how to exercise your body."

Victor heard this and did not refuse.

He knew that Zephyr was also motivating students by doing this.

Have the cadets target Victor.

After all, not everyone has the talent of Victor, Sakazuki, Polusalino, Kuzan and others.

However, Victor is not only talented, but also practiced hard.

"Physical training, I have divided it into three primary, intermediate, and advanced chapters. The primary chapters are health preservation, strength training, and energy accumulation."

"Health preservation, as the name suggests, is to keep the body energetic through regular diet and sleep. Only with abundant energy can we maintain our high-intensity training for a day."

"Strength training is a daily exercise program. These Zephyr teachers have taught you and will also supervise you to make you stronger and increase your strength and endurance."

"As for accumulating power, it is to keep the power of promotion in the body. As we all know, our body is a container, and any part of our body stores energy. When we need it, we can mobilize it."

Victor began to explain the elementary chapter of physical training.

Every student present is listening carefully.

Including Kuzan.

Although Kuzan admires Garp very much, he feels that the physical training methods taught by Victor, as well as the six-style derivative skills, are simply more subtle, better understood, and more practical than those learned in military schools.

Of course, Kuzan didn't think Zephyr taught him badly.

It's just that Victor's way of thinking is completely different from Zephyr's.

"If you have seen the derivation skills of the Six Styles, you should remember 'Life Return·Eight Inner Gates·Open Gate'."

"Originally, our body control is controlled by the brain, the left brain controls the right body, and the right brain controls the left body, but the return of life can freely control every part of the body, including hair and pores."

"Therefore, I came up with a method to release the control of the brain and completely concentrate the energy of the body. It allows me to exert my full speed and strength in a short period of time."

Victor spoke very seriously, and the students in the training ground paid full attention, for fear of missing a word.