
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime und Comics
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83 Chs

Chapter 22: Promotion To Rear Admiral

New World, Glossa Island.

This is the base camp of the Flying Pirates.

Currently, the Flying Pirates are the biggest force in New World.

Unless the Golden Lion gave the order to attack all.

Otherwise, there would be at least twenty pirate ships in the port of Grossa Island every day.

In Golden Lion's cognition, as long as he can join forces with Roger and make Roger his right-hand man, then he can dominate the world and become the king of the world!

At this time, Golden Lion had just woken up and was reading a newspaper.

The front page headlines in the newspapers attracted the attention of the Golden Lion.

Colonel Marine Victor captures the Red Earl alive.

"What a ridiculous joke."

Golden Lion snorted coldly, he had contact with the Red Earl once.

The Rocks had invited the Red Earl back then.

Only the Red Earl refused.

The Red Earl's strength is not weak, but if Golden Lion is confident that he can defeat the Red Earl.

It just takes a lot of time and comes with a price.

However, such a monster was caught by a 20-year-old Colonel Marine.

This is simply impossible!

"Boss, this is a lie fabricated by Marine."

A captain under the command of Golden Lion spoke.

"It's not the first time Marine has done something like this. Isn't that how Garp's hero name came about?"

The Golden Lion wouldn't believe the stories in the newspapers.

"Marine wants to make another hero."

"Marine did not say how many people were killed or injured."

"Maybe Sora and Sengoku are helping."

The pirate cadres in the hall, you said something, I said something, each expressed the same opinion as Golden Lion.

Birds of a feather flock together.

The pirates who are willing to follow the Golden Lion have somewhat in common in terms of personality.

Moreover, their loyalty to the Golden Lion is extremely high, and they believe in the judgment of the Golden Lion.

"Ignore him, our target is Roger."

Golden Lion threw the newspaper aside and said disapprovingly.


Office of the commander-in-chief of the g5 branch.

Tuk tuk.

Victor knocked on the office door continuously.

"come in."

After hearing Nunn's voice, Victor walked in.

Nunn gestured for Victor to sit down.

"Uncle Nunn, I heard you have something to ask me?" Victor sat down and asked.

Nunn handed the fax from the headquarters to Victor, and he smiled and said, "Congratulations, Victor Rear Admiral."

Although Nunn is usually a very serious person, he is really happy that Victor captured the Red Earl and was promoted smoothly.

Nunn believes the Andersons will also be proud of Victor.

Victor accepted the fax, and after reading it, a slight smile appeared on his face.

Marine Rear Admiral.

This was within his expectations.

At the same time, Victor was also appointed as the commander of the special forces directly under the headquarters.

From the special forces of the g5 branch, it was renamed the special forces directly under the headquarters.

This is not just a name change, but at the same time, the authority has also increased.

Although Nunn is Vice Admiral, after changing his name, Nunn can no longer command Victor.

Now Victor is dispatched by the headquarters, and to put it bluntly, under the control of Admiral and the marshal.

Nunn said to Victor: "Go and celebrate the day."

"Yes!" After saluting, Victor turned and left.

Victor returns to the Special Forces camp.

At this time, the Marines in the camp stopped their work and fell silent.

"I'm going to announce three things now."

Victor waved the fax in his hand and said to everyone.

Eric, Kennard and others all looked at Victor.

Victor said: "The first thing is, I was promoted to the Rear Admiral of the headquarters, and the special forces also became directly under the headquarters."

After listening, Eric, Kennard and the others all showed excited expressions on their faces.

As the saying goes, one person attains the Tao, and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Because of the promotion to Rear Admiral, it means that Marine, who followed Victor first, has a chance to be promoted.

"The second thing." Victor raised his hand and stretched out two fingers: "Everyone is promoted by one rank."

Eric and the others were taken aback for a moment, then shouted loudly.

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

The cheers and shouts of less than a thousand people resounded through the entire g5 branch.

"What are the special forces doing?"

"I do not know."

"Go and have a look."

Some curious Marines came near the special forces camp.

At this moment, Victor clenched his fist.

The moment Victor clenched his fist, the camp fell silent.

Victor continued, "Third thing."

"Start the celebration tonight, and I will be responsible for all expenses!"

Victor said calmly.

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

"Long live Victor Rear Admiral!"

Marine cheered again.

"Wright, Connor." At this moment, Victor named Wright and Connor.

Wright and Connor came to Victor.

Victor patted the two of them on the shoulder and said, "From today on, you will be promoted to captains and temporarily serve as staff officers of the special forces."

Wright and Connor were stunned.

They were actually directly appointed as captains!

"Now I need you guys to do me a favor," Victor said to Wright and Connor.

In the expectant eyes of Wright and Connor, Victor said: "Help me prepare the promotion list, and no one will be left behind."

"Yes!" Wright and Connor nodded at the same time.

Eric was promoted to lieutenant colonel and Kennard was promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Although the size of the special forces has not expanded, everyone has been promoted to a higher level.

A promotion means a raise.

Who would struggle with better treatment?

Especially Wright and Connor were appointed captains by Victor.

Wright and Connor were directly promoted to captain after just a few months of internship this year.

Why did the others just go up one level?

The reason for this is that they call their seniors and get closer to Victor?

The minds of Eric, Kennard and others also became active.

They need a closer relationship with Victor.

Or rather, they wanted Victor to see their loyalty.

In this way, they can rise faster.

The news that Victor was promoted to Rear Admiral quickly spread throughout the g5 branch.

Although Sakazuki, Polusalino and others were also promoted.

However, they only rose one level.

Promoted from major to lieutenant colonel.

In terms of promotion speed, they will lag behind Victor.

Some of the military cadets who were interns at the same time as Wright and Connor are now sergeants and Warrant Officers.

Look at Wright and Connor, who were directly promoted to captain by Victor!

Also, Victor is already a Rear Admiral.

He was promoted to Marine Rear Admiral at the age of 20, and he also captured the Red Earl who was difficult for Admiral to deal with.

The future looks bright for Victor!

Therefore, more and more military officers, as well as the new military cadets, became active in their minds and began to draw closer to Victor.

Only by following a strong man like Victor will there be a future!