
One Piece: The Strongest Admiral

DaoistfuvGEp · Anime und Comics
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47 Chs

Chapter 15: Special Forces

In past and present lives, Victor believes that the most important thing is to establish a personality for himself.

In front of his juniors, he is a selfless senior.

In front of his elders, he is a man with lofty aspirations.

In front of the World government, he is a tainted person.

In front of his subordinates, he is a man worth following.

Human settings can provide the 'rationality' of behavior.

In short, personality is very important!

So far, Victor feels that he has done a perfect job.

The students adore him.

Marine of branch 191 is willing to follow him.

The elders were also misled by him.

I believe that the World government will also be misled by him.

Only in this way can he gain greater power, as well as higher status and power.


Since capturing Jonathan, the g5 branch has not gone out to perform tasks for nearly half a month.

For half a month, Victor selflessly imparted cultivation methods every day, and at the same time compiled his personal experience.

In the g5 branch, the Marines, whether they are officers or soldiers, are copying Victor's book.

Whether it is promotion or cultivation.

Victor's knowledge and experience can help them.

This is like the notes of a top student, and it is a treasure for those who are eager to go further.

Moreover, as long as Victor arrives at the training ground, there will be many Marines watching.

They all came to attend classes.

For them, the cultivation methods and cultivation methods taught by Victor can improve their strength more efficiently.

"Colonel Victor!"

"Colonel Victor!"

"Colonel Victor."

Victor was walking on the way to the restaurant, and the officers and soldiers along the way would greet him proactively.

His selflessness and strength won the respect of the g5 branch.

Victor would respond with a smile.

"Senior Victor."

At this time, Wright and Connor led a group of officers trotting all the way to Victor's side.

"It's you." Victor stopped, looked at Wright, Connor, and the people around them: "Who are these?"

"Senior." Wright introduced the people around him, "They are Major Eric, Major Kennard, Captain Wilder, and Golore Lieutenant Junior Grade from the g5 branch. After reading your book recently, they all came to thank you of."

Victor smiled slightly and said, "They're all Marines, so you don't need to be so polite."

Major Eric raised his hands in salute, "Colonel Victor, your book has helped me a lot. If there is a chance, please let me follow you."

"So are we." Kennard, Wilder, Golore and others said at the same time.

Why are there so many people following Garp?

Not just the title of a Marine hero.

What's more important is to follow Garp and be able to get Garp's guidance.

However, with so many Marines, not everyone has the opportunity to stay with Garp.

But Victor is different, he is really too selfless!

If you can stay with Victor, you can get advice from Victor when you encounter problems in cultivation.

Of course, in addition to getting guidance from Victor, there are also opportunities for promotion.

Most of the Marines who will be assigned to the g5 branch have no background in the headquarters, or have personality problems and poor popularity.

Otherwise, those with a background or a good relationship will definitely not go to the g5 branch.

Because the sacrifice rate here is too high.

Therefore, in the original timeline, when Smoker applied to Aokiji to be transferred to the g5 branch, it would make most people feel incredible.

"Well, there will be a chance." Victor said seriously.

Willing to follow him? Of course, the more the better.

What Victor is doing now is to promote himself and let his personality charm affect more people.


Sea Circle Calendar August 1494.

Victor was called to the office by Nunn.

Nunn handed a letter of appointment to Victor: "From now on, you will be appointed as the commander of the special forces of the g5 branch."

"Hmm." Victor looked at the appointment letter, and he blindly guessed it was Sengoku.

Because Nunn is very rigid and never gives anyone a back door, therefore, his popularity in the headquarters is not very good.

Sure enough, Nunn went on to say: "Sengoku Admiral's original words, manpower and equipment, you can choose whatever you want."

"Thank you, Uncle Nunn." Because in the office, Victor didn't see much outsiders.

"Go ahead." Nunn nodded.

"Yes!" Victor gave a military salute, then turned and left.

Victor came to the training ground.

Since he came to the g5 branch, the training ground has been crowded with people every day.

At first it was to join in the fun, later it was to learn how to practice, and now it was to practice hard and strive to improve its own strength.

A man's desire to become stronger is engraved in his bones.

Therefore, when this group of unpopular g5 branch Marines have a way to become stronger, they naturally have to seize the opportunity.

Now, they are practicing hard under the scorching sun one by one, strengthening their physiques, and under them, the ground is already wet with sweat.

"Colonel Victor."

"Colonel Victor."

"Colonel Victor."

Seeing Victor coming, the Marines in the training ground stopped and saluted Victor.

Victor walked all the way to Wright, Connor and others.

They are now practicing with Eric, Kennard and others.

According to the cultivation method and cultivation experience taught by Victor, they find each other's shortcomings.

"Senior Victor!"

"Colonel Victor."

Eric, Kennard and the others stood up straight and began to salute.

"Look at this." Victor handed the appointment letter to Eric.

Eric showed an excited expression after reading the above content.

Although it is only a special task force directly under the g5 branch, the commander is Victor.

Moreover, the required officers can be selected by the commander himself.

Subsequently, Eric handed over the letter of appointment to Kennard and others.

Kennard and others were also very excited after reading it!

Victor calmly asked Eric and Kennard: "Are you willing to join the special forces?"

"Of course I would!"

Eric, Kennard and others said in unison.

Victor said lightly: "Do me a favor first, help me recruit two squadrons."

"Yes!" Eric, Kennard and others saluted.

There are two squadrons of special forces, and each squadron is full of 500 people.

Victor directly selected Eric and Kennard as squadron leaders.

Wright, Connor and others naturally joined the special forces.

I heard that Victor has become the commander of the special forces, and at the same time, he needs to recruit members.

Therefore, there are a lot of people who sign up.

In less than half a day, the special forces were fully recruited.

On the second day after the establishment of the special forces, Victor received a new task.

New Mission: Track down the Roger Pirates!