
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime und Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 24 - Weak Plan

When I heard about this from Carina I made an ugly face, because I was actually hoping to finish off this visit without major bloodshed or trouble.

Sure, we did get into the thick of things a bit in order to find Carina but in the end nothing overtly violent happened, nor has there been any major incidents as of yet.

However, with the revelation that our new partner in crime is about to walk right into a trap, it's obvious that unfortunately all of these hopes of mine are quickly going right into the metaphorical trash bin.

This is, however, unimportant, but what is important is that we come up with a plan of action in order to safely get that fruit into Carinas hands and into her mouth, because in this world it's a known fact that when a devil fruit is physically damaged, even slightly, it will lose its power and transfer onto a perfectly healthy fruit somewhere else.

So, with this goal in mind, we quickly come up with a plan of action, nothing overly complex or intricate like Carina initially wanted to make it, but simple and straight to the point.

The reason is because I honestly don't believe that anyone in the West Blue, except for maybe some high-ranking marines and a few dangerous pirates, are actually my opponent.

With my understanding of the Rokushiki, even if it's just Shigan, as well as my devil fruit abilities…that let me hit or even stab someone however many times I want, and my physical abilities that I've been honing for the past 6 months, I should be one of the strongest beings on these seas.

The only other beings that I'm 100% sure are stronger than the current me that also reside on these seas is the Chinjao family.

Not only do their members know the Hasshoken, that when mastered to a high degree acts similarly to the world destroying Tremor-Tremor fruit, but more importantly is that a few of the members actually know Haki; and even with all of my outstanding abilities, I wouldn't last a second against someone who actually knows Haki.

That is the main reason for me putting off my trip to Kano country, it's because even if I slow someone down immensely, I don't currently have a way of truly damaging someone that knows armament Haki.

Even if I use my pattern attacks or my slow slow sword it would not do me all that much good in the end.

Like anything in this world, any power can be countered by Haki, therefore they can simply use Haki and the slowness effects immediately becomes much weaker.

And if their Haki is strong enough then I suspect my slowing abilities won't have any effect whatsoever, until I get much stronger and learn Haki myself that it.

The only remedy I can think of for this future problem is to learn Haki and infuse it with my attacks in order to make them much stronger and somewhat immune to Haki users in the future.

And in terms of damaging someone that's using armament Haki, the only possible way is with my meteor shot, but would anyone actually let me implement it?

Maybe if I freeze them over and over again until their Haki can't keep up, while simultaneously punching the projectile until it becomes as strong as a meteor, then it's possible, but that's not a very dependable strategy.

Too crude a strategy to believe it would even work out in battle, where every second can make a difference, and anything can happen at any time.

It was made to be a super move, a move that I can charge up and fire at a target or enemy, like the supremely powerful 'King Punch', not one of my regular attacks.

The good thing however is that very few people know anything about Haki in any of the 4 seas as well as in Paradise, so for a good long while I'm actually relatively free of worries in terms of combat.

That includes now, a few people may be able to counter my abilities but these schmucks?

Pfft… yeah right, no one on this island is actually strong enough to give me a challenge if I go all out. That's why the plan consists of this:

Firstly, Carina walks into the building as if she doesn't suspect anything is wrong…she then simply takes the fruit from where she placed it before… or she finds the holder of the fruit and takes it from him/her.

Then it's most likely that she will be surrounded by the enemy, so when that happens Porche and I will simply walk in behind them and Boom, problem solved… no hassle.

I mean there could be 1 or 2 complications here and there, but there couldn't possibly be someone strong enough to contend with me on this island, right?

And as our mc boldly states this, not too far away from there appears to be something out of this world approaching the shore of the island.

And as we take a closer look, we can see that it's actually a slick black speed boat that would feel right at home in a spy movie, and not in a backwards place like the world of One Piece.

And on this marvel of technology, you could find a group of 5 gray-clad individuals standing around a small black Den Den Mushi, listening into what is being said through it.

"Your mission is simple, you must capture this so called 'Hellcat Carina,' and return the fruit to President Ham Burger, if these objectives are failed or incomplete, then you all will be terminated, and your branch will be forced to undergo a harsh reevaluation."

With this being said all of the hooded figures simultaneously nod in acceptance and loudly chorus together, "Affirmative!".