
One Piece: The legend of Johnny Silverhand (dropped)

Just when I thought my life couldn't get crazier, I died unexpectedly and got sent to the world of one piece as Johnny silver hand from cyberpunk 77 of all people. The first chapter contains system elements, but this is not a gamer or a system fan-fic. The earlier chapters are unedited and may contain some typos and minor grammar errors, but the later ones improve tremendously. So stick around, and I promise you'll be in for a treat. The cover is not mine; I found it on google and added the text. I do not own one piece, johnny silver hand..., etc. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Wicked132 · Anime und Comics
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225 Chs

Chapter 220

"Hm? it Looks like the captain already found Moria," Laffite hummed, raising an eyebrow as he felt an earthquake, and the ground began cracking and splitting under his feet.

"Luckily, I already found Moria's treasure," he added, smiling as he looked at the piles of golden coins and jewelry littered across the room like common street trash.

"Better hurry up before the mainmast tower crumbles to dust..." Laffite concluded as the room's walls began falling apart. He activated his devil fruit ability, creating clouds under the treasure.

He then punched a hole in the wall, creating an exit. Smiling, Laffite floated out of the room on a cloud, the entirety of Moria's treasure floating right behind him.


"Ah, they went and split the island in half..." Elly remarked, shaking her head in exasperation as she looked at the massive watery divide separating Thriller Bark into two islands.

"Hoarding all the damn strong opponents..." Wilson muttered, gnashing his teeth and pacing around in frustration.

"That guy doesn't look that strong. He isn't smart either," Domino commented, crossing her arms in front of her chest while looking at Moria's gigantic, disproportionate body, visible even from such a far distance.

"He's just a big, slow target at this point..." she concluded, shaking her head. "He sure packs a punch, though... Do you think the captain is ok?" she asked, raising an eyebrow and turning to Bob.

"Considering the captain's devil fruit, I'd say he's unscathed," Bob replied while twirling his mustache.

"In fact, the captain is probably the worst opponent imaginable for Moria in his current state..."


"Kishishishi!" Moria laughed in his distorted, ear grating voice upon looking down and finding no trace of Johnny after his mighty, island-splitting blow.

"Serves you right, silver hand!" Moria exclaimed, a demented grin splitting his face. He wanted to mock his supposedly defeated opponent, which he assumed was as flat as a pancake right now. However, he was interrupted.

"The hell are you talking about, you moron?"

Moria froze and slowly turned to the source of the sound. His expression instantly turned furious as he watched Johnny leisurely standing on the back of the very hand he used to split Thriller Bark in half with an obnoxious grin.

"Why are you so happy about splitting your own island in half? Are you perhaps an idiot?" Johnny asked aloud, tilting his head to the side in mock confusion.

"Bastard!" Moria exclaimed, reaching for Johnny with his other hand, trying to crush him like one would crush a fly nested on the back of their hands.

However, Johnny had already disappeared before his other hand halfway through and flew towards the warlord's gigantic, bulging stomach.

Moria shrieked in pain, vomiting numerous shadows from his mouth. He hastily sealed his mouth with his two hands to stop the shadows from escaping and looked down to see Johnny preparing to deliver another punch.

"Meteor Fist!"

And before the warlord could react, a giant flaming fist hit him in the abdomen, pushing him back into the mainmast tower and through the mansion, vomiting shadows and shrieking in pain.

Moria's first instinct was to stop his precious shadows from fleeing as he visibly began to shrink. But the rubble from the half-destroyed mansion and now-toppled mainmast two he was under got in the way.

And if the fact his wondering island is now wrecked beyond repair, then the sight of Oars' corpse lying on the ground not far away from Moria would be enough to make the warlord snap.

However, just as he managed to seal his mouth, a bright light shined on Moria's face. He turned to the sky, and his eyes opened wide in shock as he saw Johnny floating in the air, a giant fireball, roughly half the warlord's current size hovering above the palm of his left prosthetic hand.

"I don't have a name for this one yet... but survive it, and I'll be really impressed!"

And with that, Johnny brought his hand down, the giant fireball shooting towards Moria deceptively fast considering its colossal size.

"DAMNIT! IF YOU RUIN OARS' BODY, I'LL KILL YOU, BRAT!" Moria shrieked, his hands reaching upwards toward the colossal fireball. "BLACK BOX!" he exclaimed, activating his devil fruit ability, as his now gigantic shadow materialized in front of the warlord and turned into bats.

The bats flew to the miniature sun that was Johnny's attack, quickly surrounding it and merging into a giant Black Box to seal the attack before it reached Moria.

Moria grinned in satisfaction after several seconds of his Black Box showing no sign of breaking and adjusted himself, trying to get on all fours instead of lying on the ground.

However, just as he started pushing himself to sit straight, cracks started showing up on the Black Box's surface, radiating a brilliant orange light that almost blinded the warlord.

And soon enough, the Black Box dissolved, returning to Moria's side and freeing the miniature sun as it resumed its flight path towards the warlord, raging flames dancing around its fiery, densely packed core.

The attack reached Moria, engulfing him on its way to the earth. It exploded once it reached its destination, sending a shock wave of heated wind that gouged the ground, creating a giant crater and destroying whatever remained of the mansion and mainmast tower.

The catastrophic shock wave of heat and wind was followed by a hellish omnidirectional wave of raging flame as the miniature sun came undone due to the impact, unleashing a blaze searing enough to scorch everything in its path, melting the very dirt.

In this hellish scene, only the sound of sizzling flames could be heard, along with Moria's shrieks as shadows continuously flew out of the fire, scattering all over the island.

"Did I perhaps go overboard...? Aren't their people in the dead forest?" Johnny muttered with wide eyes as he floated in the air, watching the hell he'd unleashed as the fire continued to spread, engulfing the cemetery and barely stopping at the fringes of the dead forest.

He sighed in relief as he remembered the hoard of innocent people whose shadows were stolen by Moria lurking in the dead forest.

'Damnit! I almost became mass murdered. I need to be mindful of my power in the future...' Johnny sighed in relief again, shaking his head and floating towards the unmoving Moria lying on the ground.

"He's done for... shame," Johnny muttered under his breath, having hoped to fight Moria at his peak, hence the continuous attempts at provocation.

He gave the warlord and Oars' colossal burning corpse one last look and turned to leave. However, he stopped as he heard someone calling his name.

"Wait, Silver Hand..."

Johnny looked over his shoulder and saw Moria struggling to get to his feet. "You are strong. I'll give you that much..." the warlord muttered as he stood on shaky legs, trying not to fall.

"But so was I and My crewmates too. They were famed far and wide. And yet..." Moria muttered, his expression turning more crazed the more he spoke.

"And yet I lost them all to that monster in the new world!" The warlord exclaimed, a demented grin splitting his face, his bloodshot eyes opened wide.

"You might have beaten me, but You'll be squashed like a bug if you set foot there. And the way things are, you might not even make it to the new world, kishishishishi!" Moria concluded, spreading his arms wide as he challengingly looked into Johnny's eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Johnny asked, turning to face the warlord properly as he frowned.

"It means what it means! You'll find out soon enough, kishsishishi!" Moria replied, still laughing in a shrill voice even as Johnny appeared before him, clutching the warlord's collar.

"Start talking now," Johnny coldly muttered as he glared at the Moria, tightening his grip over the warlord's collar. However, Moria just looked at him in silence in response, a crazy grin splitting his face.

"Do you think I won't kill you right here and now?! Start. Talking. Now." Johnny said through gritted teeth, emphasizing each of his last three words.

Johnny pulled his fist back, preparing to start beating the words out of Moria's mouth. However, he suddenly froze as someone appeared behind him, casting a tall, broad shadow with two distinctively protruding circular ears at the top, roughly the same size as Moria.

The owner of the shadow spoke in a calm, almost hypnotic voice.

"If you were to go on a trip, where would you like to go...?"


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