
One Piece: The First Mate

This is a story of a man who was transmigrated to the One piece world. By chance met Luffy on the sea and follows him on his journey to become King of the Pirates. Well he too has his dream to become the strongest. _____________________________________ Warning: This is a wish fulfillment story. It's also my first time writing so expect many mistakes. _____________________________________ Also I don't own any characters here except for my OC.

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As Alex rushed out to join the fight, the scene outside the Marine base was chaotic. Luffy and Zoro were engaged in a fierce battle against Captain Morgan and his men, while Koby watched in awe and fear.

"Alex, over here!" Luffy called out as he spotted Alex joining the fray. With a determined look in his eyes, Alex joined forces with Luffy and Zoro, their combined strength proving to be a formidable force against the Marines.

Since this was Alex's first fight, he was a bit nervous but calmed down as it seems his new body was used to battles as he seemed to be trained in the art of war. And it seems he was quite strong too. He stood at 6'4 (196cm) with toned muscles and was a pretty skilled hand to hand combatant.

He started fighting with the fodder marines with a little bit awkwardness at first but slowly getting used to it he easily overpowers them. 'Damn! It seems I have been blessed with a strong person to transmigrate into. How lucky.' Alex thought.

But just then a gunshot sound was heard, and Alex was shot in the chest.

"ALEX!!!" "ALEX-SAN" Luffy and Koby screamed worriedly, and Zoro also looked worried. Alex was also shocked, he felt pain but not that much and also no blood came out. When he checked he only got a bruise. Everyone was shocked. "EHHH!!! Another freak"

"Did you also eat a devil fruit Alex?" Luffy inquired. "No, I didn't. I think it's just that I have thick skin or strong muscles, I guess…" Alex replied unsurely. "Damn, you guys are monsters." Zoro exclaimed.

The fight continued with Luffy fighting Morgan, Zoro and Alex easily overpowering the marines. But suddenly Helmeppo took hostage of Koby, demanding he'll shoot Koby. Luffy was enraged and punched Helmeppo before he could shoot him. Leaving Luffy wide open for Morgan to attack, but before Morgan could land his attack, Zoro intercepted, his swords clashing against Morgan's axe in a dazzling display of swordsmanship and Alex powered through and delivered a strong fist to his face showcasing his strength, throwing him back a few meters. And the fight assumes reaching its finale.

Meanwhile, inside the base, Nami watched from the shadows, intrigued by the events unfolding before her. She had never seen anyone stand up to Captain Morgan before, let alone a group of boys and a pretty boy like Alex who didn't seem like a fighter.

As the battle raged on, Morgan, realising that he was outnumbered and outmatched, decided to take matters into his own hands. He charged at Luffy, his massive axe raised high, aiming to strike a fatal blow. And Luffy also delivered his final blow. 

"GOMU GOMU NO BAZOOKA!!!" destroying Morgan's axe and finally beating him.

With their captain defeated, the remaining Marines surrendered, realising that they stood no chance against the combined might of Luffy, Zoro and Alex. And they celebrated as the tyranny of Morgan finally ended.

As the dust settled, the townspeople came and cheered as they heard the news, celebrating their newfound freedom from Captain Morgan's tyranny. Luffy, Zoro, and Alex stood victorious, their bond as a crew stronger than ever.

"Thank you for your help," Luffy said, grinning from ear to ear. "You fought well, Alex. I didn't know you were this strong. Hehe, you remind me of someone I know. Glad to have you on my crew. You too Zoro, you were also awesome. Nishishishi~"

Alex smiled, grateful for the appreciation "I'm honoured to be a part of your crew, Luffy. Let's continue our journey together, to the ends of the Grand Line and beyond. And glad to have you Zoro. Welcome."

"Umm~Thanks and it seems I joined a pretty weird but strong crew."

"HAHAHAHA~" They all laughed.

"So how many of us are there?" Zoro asked Alex. 

"It's Luffy, me and you. So, 3 of us. We're a new crew. Hehe~"

"Oh, so you must be the first mate?"

"Yup the one and only the greatest vice-captain. And you're the second mate and the swordsman of our crew. Right Luffy?"

"Oouu~" Luffy agreed with meat in his mouth. [ Ayo pause]

"You're quite strong and seemed trained as I could see your skills seemed refined" Zoro inquired.

"Yeah, I've been trained since birth with lots of things including combat."

"Ohh~ what about swords then?"

"I know how to use it but never clicked with me as I prefer to fight with my fist"?

They continued their talks while Luffy was stuffing his face with food.

As they were celebrating their win in Rika's restaurant when the marines came and explained they must leave the island as they are pirates. But they were also thankful for saving them from Morgan. The drama between Luffy and Koby started where Luffy pretended he didn't know Koby, upsetting Koby which led to punching Luffy. The marines were convinced Koby was not part of them, leading to accepting Koby as a Marine recruit.

And so, with their victory secured, the crew set sail once again, their next destination unknown but their spirits high leaving Shells town where Koby, the marines and the townspeople came to say goodbye to them with the marines saluting and properly thanking them. As they sailed into the horizon, the sun setting behind them, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, as long as they had each other, they could overcome anything.

As for Nami, she watched the Straw Hat Pirates sail away, a glint of curiosity and admiration in her eyes and also wanting to meet Alex again. She had a feeling that her path would cross with theirs again, but she remembered her duty so snapped out of her delusions and she too set sail again.

Sorry I couldn't upload yesterday. As I was busy with my studies and all so wasn't able to write. Hope you like this chapter. Show some love by commenting, reviewing or with power stones.


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