
One Piece: The dragon of the Strawhats

After dying pacefully after a long time, a soul from earth reincarnates into the body of a young Isaac Stone and suddenly awakes on a peculiar island in the East Blue. Being reborn in the one piece world might seem dangerous for many reasons but thankfully, he has a system and while not as quite powerful as the other ones he had read in novels and fanfictions, having a Yakuza series skill system seems quite enough. MC with a mix of the Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami leveling up systems and combat styles. No harem (i personally don't like them)

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[First Person POV]

Darkness, a pitch black void, that was surrounding me with no signs of life, i clearly remember dying in the hospital at the ripe old age of 90 surrounded by my family, heh, not a lot of people can say that for themselves...

Iv'e been floating around as a small white ball for quite some time but suddenly i saw a bright light in the distance

"Huh, well, not like i can do anything else"-. I said approaching the light.

Reaching it i felt a pull and suddenly i was gone from the void...

[End of POV]

On a small island of the large patch of ocean known as the East Blue, there's a paceful town, with lots of nature and animals, it seems like a perfect blend between civilization and wilderness, going deep into the forest we see a young man of approximately 18 years with slick back dark brown hair, wearing a dark brown leather jacket with puffy neck and wrists, black cargo pants and black steel-toed combat boots.

(AN: Good ol' Leon F. Kennedy look from RE4)

"Ngh.. Uhmm.. We-were am- Ngh!!"-. Suddenly waking up and sitting on the ground, pain appears on his head, regulating his breath the young man slowly passes the pain while adapting a surprised look.

"So, my name is Isaac Stone, this is Kamurocho Island in the and i'm not kidding "East Blue"... if i'm right and i hope i am... I'm in the One Piece world..."-. The young man now known as Isaac murmurs.

Suddenly gaining an exhilarated look he leaps to his feet and starts running towards the closest town of the forest, with a face full of joy at the chance of living a second life with his memories of the other, he sprints towards a blue colored house in which a strict looking old man was waiting for him at the entrance.

"Isaac!, you were giving me quite a good scare!, where have you been?-. The man asked approaching while dusting off leaves from Isaac's shoulders.

"I'm sorry Kazama-san, i couldn't sleep last night and took a nap in the forest, looks like i fell asleep for a while"-. Isaac sheepishly said while scratching his head.

"Hmm.. well i'm glad you are well, come on let's get you some food"-. Kazama said leading him into the living room.

As they were walking to the living room Isaac had an ephipany... from his memories the date 5th of may of 1519 he has 3 years before canon starts and if he is truly in the One piece world... ha has a chance to travel with Luffy! one of the things he had dreamed of in his past life.

(AN: Yes i know, "this is meant to be a fanfic, why are you going with luffy" blah blah, but guys, wouldn't you do the same if the opportunity to do so is given to you? i certanly would and this is sadly the only way i can do it haha)

Eating a nice meat soup, he starts to wonder `3 years huh?... not quite a lot of time to become strong hmm, but i have seen that even the normal people in this world are much stronger than the ones in my old life so it shouldn't be hard to become strong... wait a minute, if this is an "isekai" then maybe...`

"Syst-"-. While about to utter the holy word, his dad came into the room.

Shintaro Kazama, while not being his biological dad, was kind enough to adpot him from the orphanage, and by the passing of the years he became his father trough and trough.

"Haah, looks like work is done, so tell me Isaac, i have seen you look pensative while you were eating, berry for your toughts?"-. Kazama said while sitting down on the couch and looking at Isaac.

"Well Kazama-san i... i want to travel the world as a freedom loving pirate..-. He said while looking at his dad seriously.

"Hooh?, is that so?, well you always had this air around you, one that can't be contained, seeking thrill and adventure but Isaac, the world out there is harsh, dangerous, unforgiving, as you are now, you will be swallowed whole by it..."-. Kazama said seriously at his son.

Thinking about it, Isaac knew his dad was 100% correct, this world was not roses and berries, if you aren't careful and not strong enough, death is the least thing you have to worry about...

"I know dad and that's why... I'll become strong!, strong enough to protect myself, strong enough to go on a journey in this world, strong enough... to to chase my dream... Three Years, give me three years and i'll show you that i can become stronger!!"-. Isaac passionately said while looking at his father.

Eyes a bit wide Kazama looked at his son, that fire in his eyes, that steel in his voice and that conviction he has... he chuckled.

"Hehe, looks like that dragon on your back isn't just for show huh... alright son, do your best and if you show me in three years that you are ready... i'll give you supplies and a boat for your journey"-. Kazama said while standing up and putting a hand on Isaac's shoulder.

Turning around and leaving the living room, Isaac was quite stunned... "Dragon?..." running towards his room he took of his jacket and the black muscle shirt he had underneat, turning around in front of the mirror what he saw astounded him...

"You have to be kidding me haha! that is..-. In the reflection Isaac saw a popular tatto of his past life... Going upwards was a grey scaled dragon with red and yellow motiffs, the only change that he saw was the pearl that the dragon was grasping, it has the kanji for "rebirth" now.


[Initializing.... Complete]

[Hello and welcome to the Yakuza Leveling up System, please pay close attention as the instructions are going to explained just this one time, then, you are on your own]

[What would you like to know?]


"Well now, i can work with this"...