
One Piece: Tales of Freedom

After enduring the worst atrocities of life head-on, Georges, an orphan, uneducated, poor, and above all, homeless, finds himself, after a heroic and particularly cliché action, transmigrated into the world of his favorite manga, One Piece. To escape the atrocities of his past life, he takes matters into his own hands by starting with a change of name and rising to the heights of the pirate world. He will encounter numerous powerful and famous pirates along the way. But in the end, who will be able to stand in the way of his freedom?

Death_Side · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Answer or die

- ... Wait, what!!! Did you just say Marshall D. Nym?

- Um... Yeah...

- Do you have any connection with Marshall D. Teach, AKA "Blackbeard"?

- I don't wanna talk about him.

- Oh! That just makes me more curious. Lynx said, curiosity clearly showing on his face. "You know what? You absolutely need to join my crew."

- Your crew?

- Yeah, you won't be disappointed.

- Alright, where's your crew then? Why aren't they fighting to get you out of this mess?

- Well... Actually, you're my first recruit. And don't be fooled by what you see, I'm not in a mess at all. I've got this situation under control.

- Yeah, yeah, if you say so! By the way, don't get it twisted, I haven't said yes to your offer.

- You should though, haven't you seen the good vibe that's already building between us?

- Don't get too attached, don't forget you're about to bleed.

- Don't go too fa...


'Oh, damn! She doesn't hold back.'


After doing what she came down for, Nym climbed back up to the ship's deck.

The ship's captain was too stupid to suspect it, but he now had a huge mole next to him. Anyway, he should have known better, this girl always does as she pleases, she feels free everywhere and at all times, facing anyone. She already considered herself a pirate, even though she wasn't part of any crew.

Her hands now covered in blood, she came to share her feelings with the captain.

- Wow! I love what I see. Looks like you really enjoyed torturing our buddy downstairs. The captain said as he saw her approaching.

- I didn't expect it to be so satisfying. I'd love to take it out on him on other days, is that okay with you?

- Of course! But make sure not to kill him, he must die in more agony.

- Yeah!

'He seems to be gaining confidence,' Nym thought, looking at the captain out of the corner of her eye. 'He even dares to give me orders. That bastard Lynx better make his plan work, or I'll kill them all.'

She doubted Lynx's plan, but the reward was worth the try. So, to do her part, she immediately began her research.

She briefly searched every room on the ship she had access to, except the captain's cabin. But although her suspicions that the fruit might be there grew stronger and stronger, she still needed to confirm it before taking any action.

For that, a crew member disappeared on the fourth day. But with no results, another man disappeared on the fifth day. Since the captain seemed to notice nothing, three men disappeared on the sixth day. And she finally got the expected result.

- I'll only ask you this question twice. She said, holding her fifth victim by the neck, in a dark corner of the ship. "Where is the devil fruit you're supposed to sell?"

- I... I... I won't say anything! He replied, trembling.

- That's one. Before I ask again, let's get something straight. In case you haven't already noticed, you're in deep shit, buddy. Know that you've had predecessors. My only mistake with them was that I was lenient. I just ripped their eyes out before tossing them into the sea.

Upon hearing these words, the guy's face tensed with fear, and he began trembling even more than before. But he had a small, very small moment of calm following Nym's words.

- No, I won't gouge your eyes out. You're my last victim, so I need to do things properly.

For you, it'll be the chef's special menu... I'll start by cutting off your fingers one by one, then move on to your toes before cutting off your hands and feet.

Then I'll ask the question a second time. If you choose not to answer then, you can say goodbye to your miserable little life. I'll slowly, very slowly, cut open your belly and extract your guts...

- No, please, no! NO!!! The man cried, starting to sob.

- What! Don't tell me you've lost your balls, my poor guy? It hasn't even started yet.

- I... I beg you, don't hurt me, I'll tell you everything I know.

- Ohh, that's wonderful! It'll help us move faster after I've tortured you.

- No, I promise to talk, anything but that!

- Relax, I'm kidding! So, tell me, where is that damn devil fruit hidden?

- N... no... normally, the captain hides all his precious belongings in his cabin.

- I already figured that out. What I need is confirmation.

- Um... We don't know why, but the day we found the devil fruit, the captain didn't want to eat it. He went into his cabin with the fruit, and to my knowledge, it never came out again.

- I see. What does it look like?

- The devil fruit is gray in color and has strange ripples in its shape.

- I guess it's not even worth asking you where it is in the cabin?

- I would have loved to help you with that, but I really don't know anything else, I swear.

- Okay, well, it's time for you to sleep. She replied, knocking the guy out.

She then discreetly threw him overboard when night fell, before heading to the hold to report everything to Lynx.

- My dear second, glad to see you.

- I'm not your second, and speak quieter before you mess everything up.

- What good news do you bring?

- I found your devil fruit, it's hidden in the captain's cabin.

- He put it somewhere so obvious? I think we overestimated his intellect by thinking he could have hidden it somewhere much safer.

- You owe me one for this task. Nym said, crossing her arms.

- Hmmm?

- I threw five guys overboard because of this, and I almost tortured the last one to death. I'll reserve the same fate for you if your plan fails.

- If my plan fails, we'll both be dead, or at best, locked up in Impel Down.

- I already regret getting involved with you.

- Ahahah, that's also what it means to be a pirate. Risk is a constant aspect of our lives. And don't worry, you'll be well rewarded for all your hard work. Especially since you'll be a member of the most powerful pirate crew in the world.

- *Sigh* Stop trying to convince me. Explain to me the next phase of your plan instead.

- Yeah, okay. Well, to make it short, the plan is based on one absolutely crucial thing for its success: timing.


Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter.

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