
One Piece: Struggle of the Weak [Reboot]

One individual—one who didn't read the manga named One Piece—reincarnates into the world of said manga, with nothing but his knowledge from the Earth to rely on. - No Devil Fruit. - No harem. - Pirate MC. - Warning: If you are here for an OP MC who receives all those cheats and has 200 IQ and all that, this isn't for you. However, if you are here to feel the adventure full of One Piece vibes, maybe this is for you!

BravoBuds · Anime und Comics
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53 Chs


Within the forest full of liveliness, leaves rustled as the wind gently blew by.

The birds chirped, and the unseen wild lives hid in the bush, whether to hunt their prey or to simply enjoy the weather just like any other. Within this scene, warm sunlight managed to slip its way—onto one black-haired boy who was soundly asleep.


As the sunlight shone above the boy's exposed face, he instinctively wrinkled up his face. Raising his palm to block the sun's ray, the boy lazily opened his black-coloured eyes.

'Ten years.'

Stretching his body, the boy stood up slowly along with a yawn.

"…A second chance, huh."

Even after years, he was still unable to believe the fact that he had 'reincarnated.'

'But still,' The boy then thought, 'Name, age, family members—I don't remember who I was in said past life.'

He was filled with nothing but a mystery. Who was he back then? How did he die? Why was he reincarnated into this world?

The boy chuckled, 'Can this even be considered reincarnation then?' He raised his head up and gazed at the green leaves that dangled out from tree branches, 'I might as well be a guy of this world who simply managed to get a glimpse of the other world.'

Alas, erasing those thoughts out of his head, he walked away from the forest, into the village that he now belonged within.

And his name was Rowan, one who possessed the intellect of an adult at the age of ten.


When the sun rises, the village of Cocoyasi becomes active. Being located at the edge of the Conami island, people here specialized in fishing to make a living.

"Oi, kid, pass me the rod."

And now, here sat Rowan in the middle of one boat, along with his father, Yanric. Scratching his messy black beard, he held his huge palm out at Rowan, who casually passed the rod before taking hold of his own.

"Look. When you throw, wrist snap is the key. Wrist. Snap. Swing like this. Got it?" Yanric frowned in annoyance, "For fuck's sake, show me some improvements instead of repeating that crap you've been doing for months—ROWAN!!!"

As Rowan motioned, the bait generated a splash upon the surface of the water. Such a sight was enough for Yanric to explode in rage; he aggressively snatched the fishing rod out of Rowan's grip and sighed,

"We tried all the available methods, and—haa… at this point, you just aren't suited for this."

Rowan, shrugging, replied, "I remember saying that myself months ago, old man."

"Shut up, kid." Yanric's shoulder slumped, "Fishing's the only way to make a living here. The land animals are scarce and small, and the village is far too small for someone to become rich. Hell, you saw that Bell-mere, being so poor that little of what she has all goes to those kids—Nojiko and Nami—while she barely survives through a day." He then pointed his finger at Rowan all of a sudden, "Never think of becoming a marine, got that kid? As far as I can tell,"

Rowan grinned as he foresaw the upcoming words,

""Justice craps are the worst possible ways to waste your life.""

Yanric snorted before going back to fishing,


Rowan, discarding the fishing rod with nothing but dislike for it, leaned back with his hands behind the back of his head.


But Rowan knew. Even if he never read One Piece, he's heard of that name before.

'Orange-coloured hair. Navigator.'

Without a doubt, he was in the world of One Piece.

'…Sorry, old man.'

Yanric will never know that Rowan purposely messed up the fishing process, for he decided that wasting his time here wasn't ideal.

'I need to prepare just in case.'

His time spent in the forest wasn't for naught. Every morning, noon, and evening, ever since he's become aware of his status as a reincarnator, he tested his physical capability to its max.

'Devil fruit, Haki, and Soru. Also, uh, Gear Second...?'

About that much was what Rowan knew about this world, but he didn't know how to attain those skills. All he could do was to bring the knowledge from the past life, of the exercises such as planks, push-ups, and more—though he didn't believe that these will be enough to fend himself off against the supernatural threats.

He needed a guide, from a combatant. However, those from the Marine branch nearby the village were full of corrupted and weak-looking ones like Nezumi. Furthermore, it wasn't like they'll share their training routine with an outsider boy like him, right? If so, Rowan only had Bell-mere, the past Marine Officer, to ask.

"Yo, old man," Rowan, therefore, said to Yanric, "I'll be getting off then."

Yanric clicked his tongue, "To Bell-mere again."


"Well… it's not like you're going to wear that ugly ass white cap anyway—hang on. Speaking of marine, did I tell you about how idiotic that Nezumi is?"

Rowan nodded, "If it's about how that guy pissed on his pants after getting re-shaped by you, yep."

"Good," Yanric said with a frown, "That good-for-nothing organization. Joining won't make you any strong, so don't do it."

"Okay, okay."

If there was one thing that Rowan was sure of his father, it was that he possessed quite a contempt for Marine. Rowan attributed this contempt of Yanric to the hypocrisy behind the organization, with many news that he's read depicting the malicious deeds of Celestial Dragons—the so-called descendants of gods.

And in the case of Bell-mere, Rowan believed that Yanric attributed her poverty to 'wasting her time as a selfless marine' rather than attaining skills for living. Quite a crooked fellow Rowan's father was, but hey, what he said wasn't wrong—at least from Rowan's perspective.


Now, jumping off of the boat, Rowan dove into the sea below. The water was cold and rapidly flowing, but at the same time, clear, emerald-coloured, and beautiful. Though the current wasn't safe for an average ten-year-old boy, the first thing Yanric ever taught him was how to swim in this sea.

Rowan swam through the course that he's travelled for hundred times by now. By the time he exited the water and climbed up a small, grassy hill, his clothes were drenched; he, with familiarity, took off his top and squeezed the water out of it.

"Ha, just as I expected!" A girly voice then entered Rowan's ears. Raising his head up, he was met with the sight of a blue-haired young girl, who had her small hands on her waist, "Here to visit Bell-mere again and ask about getting strong?"

She was Nojiko, one of the two adopted daughters of Bell-mere. She was nine in terms of age, one year younger than Rown.

"Yeah," Rowan, in response, nodded while placing his still-wet top back on, "Is she present?"

"Well, yes!" Nojiko then held her hand out with a firm expression, "And you know the deal!"

Bell-mere was a selfless individual. Even though she was poor, she always took the opportunity to help others. Due to this, her family, consisting of three females, didn't have enough to lead a prosperous life.

Nojiko, noticing this as she grew, seemed to have adopted a thought that if something goes, there should be something returning. Naturally, since Rowan was the one seeking 'knowledge' from Bell-mere, she believed that he should give something in return.

Give and take. This relationship between Rowan and Bell-mere family has been ongoing for some time. Since Bell-mere didn't accept any payment out of kindness, he handed it to Nojiko instead; a smart girl she was, Rowan couldn't help but think.

"Here," From his pocket, Rowan took out a drenched coin and threw it to Nojiko. Nojiko carefully caught it and held onto it tight with both hands.

"10 Beli... nice." Nojiko whispered, "If I save up for seven more days, I can buy a fish." She then narrowed her eyes at Rowan, one who seemed uncaring of the fact that the water was still dripping out of his clothes.

'...Weirdo,' Thought Nojiko. Unlike all the other boys of his age who spent their every day playing 'Sora, Warrior of the Sea' with wooden sticks, Rowan was always alone, either running and working out in the forest or helping with his father's work. However, being 'weird' didn't mean she disliked him. Instead, he seemed mature, and his passion for getting stronger reminded her of Nami when it came to drawing maps.

"Come. Bell-mere's in mikan grove."

Back in the present, Rowan and Nojiko walked to their set destination.

"Oh, so you came again, eh Rowan~? Ohoho, I can see that you gained some muscles there. What, here to ask me for the next step? Hm..."

Enjoying the pleasant nature. Strengthening himself out of worry. Seeking a bit of advice, chatting with fellow villagers, and reflecting on what he knew regarding 'One Piece.' This was how Rowan's life in the Cocoyasi village went for ten years.


Nojiko was mistaken. Rowan didn't have any passion in getting 'strong.' Rather,

'...Though I try to get stronger just in case, I don't desire an adventure whatsoever. One Piece or not...'

Rowan wished deep in his mind,

'...I just want a peaceful life.'