
One Piece: Strongest King System (Dropped)

Narmi Amsi, a 15 years old teenage boy, got transferred into another world, becoming a world traveller in process. Fate did not abandon him as he got ahold of a power that could help him in his journey. King System, a generous system that would help its host become a King of the World. With this power bestowed onto him and memory of future events, he embark on a journey of fulfilling what the system want him to be. Follow him on his journey, meeting new members, finding love and fighting the world wherever he went. Watch him as he become the most fearless existence, and finally become the King of the World. "They say the Family of D. is the sworn enemy of the Gods. They didn't say about another existence that could rival the Gods. Me!" - Narmi Disclaimer: One Piece is not mine. I'm just writing a fanfiction only for fun purposes. Author's notes: I change the synopsis, as I planned to send our MC to another world after he is done in One Piece World. This synopsis is temporary as it will change again when the story nearing its end.

KingApin · Anime und Comics
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73 Chs

Chapter 52: Negotiating with Marines

One Week Later

Not far away from Errege, a Marines' ship were navigating closer to them. This ship was lead by Vice Admiral Tsuru with order from Sengoku to negotiate with Narmi.

Under Narmi's perception, he noticed who was on the ship and didn't make a move. Instead, he continue to relax with a leisurely attitude. Robin and the others saw him like that and just let him be, as they knew if he didn't made a move then it wasn't their enemy.

Although Tsuru is wise and strong, she still had some fear as this was Narmi Amsi that she need to face. But seeing Narmi didn't do anything, she felt relaxed for a bit.

After a few minutes, both if the ship had close their distance and made a stop. Tsuru stand on the deck and called for Narmi.

"Devil King Narmi, I am Vice Admiral Tsuru. I come under the order of Fleet Admiral Sengoku to negotiate on terms with you." Tsuru stated

"Vice Admiral Tsuru. Great Staff Officer Tsuru, the wise and knowledgeable one among the Marines. I presume the Marines had taken their stands on matters about me, am I right?"

"Yes, and that's why I am here to negotiate with you."

"Very well. Luckily the Marines had sent you to negotiate with me. If it were to be someone else, I'm afraid I would had made my move on them." Narmi said lightly

"Why did you say that?" Tsuru asked vigilantly.

"Well, you are among the Marines that didn't follow the Absolute Justice. You are wise and worth my time to have a chat with. I didn't want to have a talk with someone who despite their bad conditions, still looked down upon me."

Narmi then proceeded to make an ice platform in between their ships. This way the didn't need to went to any of their counterpart's ship. After that, he walk onto the platform and wait for Tsuru to walk onto it.

Noticing that Narmi didn't hold any hostile intention, she brought one of her subordinates to accompany her on the platform.

"Bringing a companion?"

"I still need to take some precautions. I am not your match after all."

"True. So what did you want to negotiate?" Narmi asked directly.

"Let us state our terms for this negotiation. First, you are prohibited to kill any of the Marines. Second, we would not pursue or capture your crew members. You are free to roam the sea wherever you want."

"The first term is a bit tight. What if the Marines provoke me? Should I just stay silent? Besides, you Marines protrct Celestial Dragons right? They are an arrogant bunch. I'm afraid when they provoke me, I couldn't promise I won't kill them!" Narmi said, unleashing a part of his power.

Tsuru, the one who were the closest to him, felt the brunt of his power. Her face pale as she felt like she were facing an ancient beast. She then proceed to continue their negotiation, intending to clear the misunderstanding.

"The first term said that you were not allowed to kill the Marines. That was under the condition that they didn't do anything that annoy or provoke you. About the Celestial Dragons, we would definitely never let them cross path with you."

"Very well." Narmi retracted his power. He then wear an amicable smile and said "I accept the terms. Make sure the Celestial Dragons never cross path with me. Otherwise, there will be bloodbath."

Narmi planned to met with Whitebeard, so he didn't want to waste his time on Celestial Dragons yet. He planned to deal with them later.

After they had discussed about the negotiation, they proceed to go on their own destination.


World Government, Mariejois

The Five Elder were having a discussion about the Grand King Pirates. Suddenly, they got information from their informant that they had planted in Marines about their action.

"It seems Sengoku sent his Vice Admiral to negotiate with that low-life pirates." an old man with a grey dreadlock said

"That Sengoku! This matter concerning our reputations! He should send his men to fight the pirates not make a negotiations" bald old man with glasses said, angry with Sengoku's decision.

"It seems that we need to make our move. Send CP-0 after them." A tall and thin bearded man said.

He then called for someone and ask for them to pass on their message to the CP-0 about their new mission. It seems in the near future, another big motion would shake the world again.