
One Piece: Stronger Bounty Hunter System

"Is it really fun to reincarnate with a system or a trap, isn't it? What would happen if instead of helping you, this system would set you back even more? Sengoku: "Damn Johan, what did you do to the headquarters!!" Dragon: "He poses an even greater threat to the World Government than we do." Gorosei: "Useless!!! CP0 is a disgrace..." Follow Johan on his 'Adventure' in the world of One Piece as he leaves chaos in his wake."

ArielBender · Anime und Comics
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28 Chs

Johan vs Aokiji

At the beach, Nico Robin sat in the sand, crying, feeling there was no salvation left. Just like her mother and the people of Ohara... she was going to die here.



The water level suddenly rose, and a sort of aquatic metal submarine emerged. It soon changed shape until a person emerged from inside. With pale skin and a top hat, they walked elegantly, twirling their cane. This person was Laffitte, and Johan had come to the West Blue to recruit him.

Knowing he was a navigator and helmsman, offering him the Gasha Gasha No Mi fruit was a good idea.

Laffitte: "Hohoho, it seems I arrived at just the right time. My name is Laffitte... You must be Nico Robin, right? Hurry up and get on board; we need to leave before more ships arrive."

Robin stopped crying and couldn't understand what was happening... Laffitte? Ship? Escape? She was completely traumatized by those words.

Laffitte picked her up and brought her onto the submarine, then descended and disappeared into the water.

The battle had already begun.

Johan quickly disappeared from Aokiji's sight. A second later, he appeared behind him and struck with his Haki-covered fist. Aokiji sensed the movement and swiftly evaded, attempting a counter-kick, but it was futile as Johan had anticipated it and turned his body into water, reappearing behind the Marine to deliver a powerful kick to his back.

Aokiji leaned down and transformed his leg into ice to cut at Johan, but he grabbed the foot with Haki, lifted it into the air, and slammed it down, creating a massive crater on the island.

Johan released the typhoon he had prepared in advance to strike Aokiji. The powerful attack hit the ground, causing significant fissures. The water began to melt, and Aokiji traveled through the ice to deliver a strong blow to Johan, grabbing him by the neck and landing punches to his face.

But he didn't notice that several water serpents had enveloped them both, and since they were made of water, Johan easily escaped, leaving the Vice Admiral trapped.

In anger, Aokiji turned his body into ice and exploded into ice spikes all around him. "Annoying..." He generated a massive block of ice that plummeted towards Johan.

"Hehehe," smiling as always, Johan struck the ice block with his fist, splitting it in two. Before Kuzan could react, a water serpent swallowed him and slammed him down again.

Aokiji: "Tsk, your ability is very annoying." Forming an ice saber and launching frozen arrows at Johan, he attacked once more.

In his water form, Johan evaded all the arrows and struck at Aokiji, who swung his saber and tried to slash at Johan. However, the result surprised him. Johan's fist shattered the saber and hit him in the chest, making him stagger backward.

Coughing up blood, Aokiji looked at his opponent and created a large ice bird that flew towards him. Johan did the same and formed a water shark; both animals collided and froze in place.

Aokiji and Johan clashed with clean punches, generating a strong shockwave that diverted the cannonballs and flames in the area. Freezing Johan's feet to the ground, he formed another giant ice block and dropped it on both of them.


Aokiji retreated several meters, panting heavily. This guy was pushing him to his limits. A moment's distraction could mean death.



The ice block shattered, launching an enormous water typhoon that swept everything in its path. Kuzan created an ice dome and protected himself.


The island began to shake violently from the immense attack that hit Aokiji and continued over the sea, directly impacting one of the warships and destroying it.

System: (Congratulations, you have just killed 3 Marine Captains and 2 Commodores. Total bounty: $160,000,000).

The soldiers who witnessed this couldn't believe it. This person not only held Vice Admiral Aokiji at bay but also had the audacity to attack a warship?

"Ufff, Ufff. Damn... how dare you." Aokiji appeared, panting heavily and covered in blood, with several broken bones, including one protruding from his forearm.

"Bahahaha," Johan laughed wildly upon seeing this. Frustrated, the Marine crushed Johan with enormous ice spikes that erupted from the ground. However, there was no sign of blood.

Aokiji: "This scoundrel... don't hide!" Looking in all directions, he couldn't find him, even trying to locate him with Haki was unsuccessful.

Unbeknownst to him, a water current flowed beneath him, and three water clones materialized, grabbing Aokiji tightly. He tried to break free by turning them into ice, but he was knocked down and buried in the ground again.

Humiliated, the Vice Admiral struggled to stand up once more, only to be enveloped in a water bubble. He attempted to materialize or freeze it, but he was already too weakened.

Johan: "It's okay; your fruit will be a good addition. Hehehe."

"Hellhound." The magma attack sent Johan crashing into the forest for 100 meters.

"Luckily, I sensed it beforehand and managed to materialize." With some burns, Johan got up and observed his new opponent: Vice Admiral Akainu.

Akainu: "Aokiji, you should be ashamed... If I hadn't shown up, you'd be dead."

Aokiji: "Ararara, this isn't the time for that... first, we need to capture that guy; he's the user of the Mizu Mizu No Mi."

Both attacked Johan simultaneously, but this time Aokiji was seriously injured. Exchanging blows, now it was Johan who was at a disadvantage, Akainu's lava was a major problem.

Dodging a lava punch, Johan waved his hand to launch multiple water bullets that pierced Akainu, but he was protected by an ice shield. Aokiji, with his last strength, unleashed a shockwave that sent ice flying in all directions.

Johan dodged the attack but still received some minor cuts. Taking advantage of his distraction, Akainu jumped and hit him directly with a volcanic eruption, burying him several meters into the island. A massive amount of magma began to pour out of the hole.

Akainu: "He was persistent, but we defeated him. I no longer sense his presence. Although we couldn't capture him, at least he'll die charred." Both Vice Admirals began to return to their ships.

The island was completely destroyed, explosions and fires everywhere. But how could these minimal attacks affect these individuals?

Upon reaching the shore, Aokiji was about to collapse and created an ice path since he was too exhausted to use Geppo. Akainu, on the other hand, jumped onto his ship,




Suddenly, the entire island began to shake, and the sea around it started swirling around itself, as if an unimaginably large whirlwind were forming.

The ships were colliding with each other. The water level rose to the point where it split the island into thousands of pieces by its sheer force.

"Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" A powerful scream echoed in the ears of everyone present. The whirlwind created a bottomless pit in the middle, from which a figure flew out. It was Johan, covered in burns and blood.

Johan: "Tsk, I'll recover their fruits later... now die!" The powerful whirlwind began to suck everything around it, and the warships started falling.

"What the hell is this! Vice Admirals, help us! Please aggghhh!" Thousands of screams echoed in the area.

All the ships, along with their men, were completely trapped and crushed by the water. Aokiji couldn't save himself either and suffered the same fate. However, the only one who managed to survive was Akainu.

Covering his body with magma, he became a very resilient rock, bearing the full weight of the attack. But he didn't come out unscathed; he had lost his right leg. Upon resurfacing, he managed to find a piece of a destroyed ship and floated away.

Johan also fell into the water, unconscious. However, he was rescued by Laffitte, who was waiting for his return.

System: (Congratulations, you have just killed 15 Marine Captains, 5 Commodores, 5 Rear Admirals, and 4 Vice Admirals. Total bounty: $2,050,000,000).