
One Piece: Starting with Tom

In a realm where the slapstick hilarity of Tom and Jerry collides with the grand adventure of One Piece, a unique tale unfolds. Witness the journey of Al, who transmigrated to the One Piece world, and started his pirate journey with the legendary Tom as his crewmate. Ps- this is mainly a comedy novel, the main standout is its funny plot. Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Updates on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Entertainment King 123 For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search I Am A Pirate! Why Is The Crew Tom the Cat?. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patr*on: patr*on.com/CosmicKaminari (Replace * with e) Original name : 怎么船员 是汤姆猫?

CosmicKaminari · Anime und Comics
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128 Chs

104. Thunder God Nami!

Nami's voice echoed loudly!

A deep rumble, like thunder rolling through the sky, shook the air and stirred up dust over a wide area!

Just like actual thunder!

Simultaneously, thousands of tiny lights, resembling hair strands, flickered in the air!

It appears that an immense electric field, unfamiliar yet powerful, has unintentionally enveloped the entire battlefield!

"What's happening?"

"Is that a Devil Fruit power?"

On the bay shore,

Elite sailors and Marine generals alike fixed their gaze upon the lightning streaking across the sky.

Even the pirates ceased their focus on the hostile Marines.

Wide-eyed, everyone seemed to witness something astonishing!

Sengoku appeared to sense that the lightning was aimed directly at him, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.

"That scoundrel...!"

"Are you here to rescue Portgas D. Ace?"

In the next instant,

A formidable voltage surged from every direction!

Like a raging sea!

Like a fierce gale!

Like thunder and lightning ripping through the sky!


Just two meters behind Sengoku!

Suddenly, a brilliant electric burst erupted in the emptiness!

The smoke and dust scattered across the sky, while the airwaves shattered and dispersed!

In less than a tenth of a second,

First, numerous lightning bolts materialized between realms!

Hundreds of millions of electric sparks intertwined and coiled, merging with human nerves, veins, and blood vessels!

They swiftly coalesced into a single figure, enveloped by the elegant and emotive silhouette of electric light!

"Damn it!"

"I won't allow you to save Portgas D. Ace!"

As Sengoku's voice echoed,

His pupils narrowed sharply, and the fine hairs all over his body stood on end involuntarily amidst the thunder and lightning!

Accompanied by bursts of electric light intertwined with the crackling sound of thunder.

At the instant Sengoku was poised to strike,

A flash of lightning flickered before his eyes, and then a silhouette emerged beside Ace.

Sensing the electricity crackling around him, feeling the faint tingling sensation on his skin,

Ace suddenly lifted his head!

Yet, before he could clearly discern the figure before him,

A thick pile of paper, written in red ink, along with a signature in the lower right corner, abruptly materialized before his eyes.

Gazing at the document before him, every debt meticulously recorded, along with his signature in the bottom right corner.

Ace's pupils abruptly contracted!

He couldn't help but recall the enormous debt he had accumulated after indulging on a certain ship...


"What are you?"

"I told you, you guys aren't planning to default on your debt, are you?"

With a resounding shout,

Nami slammed the bill onto Ace's face, grinning as she pointed to the signature on the document, since he had shouted twice.

"Hey, are you guys even listening to me?"

"If you owe 1 or 2 Baileys, maybe I'd let it slide!"

"But do you realize how much you owe me?"

"It's 3.1 billion Baileys! Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting for this day?"

"What are you staring at, Marine with the seagull hat? You never saw anyone else asking for their debt!"

Seeing Ace still silent, Nami slowly withdrew the bill, continuing with a smile.

"I remember you saying back then that you'd have your dad foot the bill. Let's see who your dad is, shall we?"

Speaking up,

Nami was holding a golden rod in her left hand and a ledger in her right.

She glanced at the crowd, then quickly fixed her gaze on Whitebeard.


"This power!"

"Could it be the strongest Logia fruit that hasn't been seen in the seas for many years?"

"It must be!"

Whether it was Trafalgar Law, observing the battle from Sabaody Archipelago, or Eustass Kid, they all exclaimed, their eyes widening as they stared at the manifestation of Thunder!"

"The strongest Logia fruit?"

Near the large screen where the battle was being observed in Sabaody Archipelago, reporters from the News of the World spotted Nami and heard Kid's exclamation. They quickly grabbed their pens and began jotting down notes, shouting aloud,



"The strongest Logia Devil Fruit!"

"The Rumble-Rumble Fruit has finally appeared!"

At the same time, Blackbeard and Lafitte, on their way to Impel Down, caught sight of Nami's figure.

Blackbeard's grin widened.


"My luck is truly something!"

"I thought my haul today would only be Daddy's Tremor-Tremor Fruit!"

"But I didn't anticipate stumbling upon one of the Logia's strongest, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!"

"Laffitte!" Blackbeard exclaimed urgently. "We need to move swiftly!"

"Impel Down must be dealt with as soon as possible!"

His mind now brimmed with thoughts of utilizing the Dark-Dark Fruit's ability to capture both Whitebeard's Tremor-Tremor Fruit and Nami's Rumble-Rumble Fruit when he arrives at Marineford later!

As Blackbeard departed, he remained unaware of a peculiar dog trailing behind him.

Ever since receiving Al's orders, Droopy had promptly shadowed Blackbeard's movements.

On the other side,

At Marine Headquarters, atop the scaffold in Marineford,

Sengoku gazed at the audacious young girl standing beside him, his expression marked by a mixture of curiosity and an unsettling sensation in his heart.

Though he had seen Nami on the big screen numerous times, her presence still stirred waves of intrigue within him.

Sengoku was well aware that Al's group comprised audacious lunatics. 

Yet, he never fathomed encountering them in this manner—boldly standing by his side and brazenly ignoring him!

Were they still as reckless and heedless as ever?

"Even if you wield the power of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, you cannot insult the justice of the Marines!" Sengoku's furious voice reverberated, eliciting a myriad of expressions on Garp's face as he stood beneath the execution platform.

Garp's eyes widened, his mouth agape as two streams of snot dribbled from his nostrils, rendering him motionless like a statue.

Aokiji, having interacted with Al's group before, maintained an unchanged expression upon witnessing the scene. However, he couldn't help but ponder inwardly:

"Can we truly entrust Robin's safety to such a band of lunatics?"

Akainu emitted a disdainful snort, his cold eyes gleaming with intense murderous intent.

If he hadn't been preoccupied with guarding against Whitebeard, he might have already taken action!

Kizaru cast a peculiar glance at Nami before shifting his focus to the Black Pearl in the sky.

In contrast to Nami, he was more attentive to the yellow sponge capable of utilizing the Glint-Glint Fruit ability!

Similarly, the Boa Hancock directed her attention towards Nami briefly before shifting it to the Black Pearl.

However, unlike Kizaru, Hancock had her sights set on the Celestial Dragons, particularly Charlos!

Hawkeye appeared to have caught wind of something.

Upon sensing the potent murderous aura exuded by Hancock, and sensing the atmosphere grow tense, she deliberately opted to steer clear.

"What a bunch of lunatics!" 

Doflamingo and Moria immediately became animated upon witnessing this, laughing mockingly.

Kuma remained unresponsive, as if disinterested in the proceedings.

Observing the figure on the execution platform, Marco couldn't help but furrow his brow, casting a peculiar glance at Nami.

The other team captains were equally perplexed, their eyes brimming with disbelief.

Upon witnessing the scene, Whitebeard erupted into laughter, uttering three consecutive jests.

Pirates who flaunted their will like the Al Pirates were a rarity in the seas.

Just as Nami was about to sidestep and approach Whitebeard for money,

A burst of anger erupted from beside her!

"How dare you insult Marine justice on such an occasion!"

"Courting death!" 

Sengoku's fists clenched as he infused them with Armament Haki, bellowing in rage. He propelled himself forward on a burst of energy, aiming to strike down Nami!


Despite Sengoku's formidable speed,

In the face of Nami, equipped with advanced Observation Haki and the Rumble-Rumble Fruit's swiftness,

One can only remark that it's still too slow!

"The speed of lightning is truly remarkable~"

Countless lightning bolts materialized into a streak of light.

Then, to the astonishment of everyone present, she vanished from the execution platform!

When Nami reappeared, she was already soaring high above the center of the battlefield!

Meanwhile, Sengoku, his fist imbued with Armament Haki, surged forward as Nami dodged.

Directly toward Ace, imprisoned by seastone!

At this moment, everyone's hearts clenched in their throats!

Whitebeard remained poised to rescue Ace at a moment's notice!

The space around them began to fracture gradually.

In the heat of anger, Sengoku unleashed his attack without a hint of restraint!

If this punch lands, Ace, bound by seastone, will surely meet his demise!

Furthermore, even if Ace were not restrained by seastone and could utilize his Devil Fruit powers, he wouldn't stand a chance against Marshal Sengoku's Armament Haki-infused fist!

At this moment, Ace, serving as the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' second division, stood no chance against Sengoku, with a vast disparity in strength between them!

Just as disaster seemed imminent,

A towering figure abruptly materialized on the execution platform, intercepting the blow!

Sengoku shot a glance at Garp, who had thwarted the attack, and grumbled, "Garp, you old coot..."

Before Sengoku could finish his sentence, Garp lowered his head and spoke in a deeply serious tone:

"Time is not up yet," Garp declared firmly.

After his words, Garp paid no heed to Sengoku's reaction. Instead, he sat cross-legged beside Ace, emanating an indescribable aura...

With Garp's intervention, all attention from the Marines shifted.

"That's... Marine hero, Garp!"

"Thankfully, there's still an hour left. If Ace were to be killed now, it would greatly tarnish Marine's reputation!"

Whitebeard cast a cold snort as he glanced at Garp on the execution platform, the corners of his mouth lifting slightly.

"What hero? He's just an old-timer in the Marines. Don't let his presence sway you!"

As Whitebeard's words echoed, his subordinates' morale surged instantly.

However, everyone's focus remained on Nami.

"That... appears to be the legendary Rumble-Rumble Fruit, one of the strongest Logia fruits!"

A shocked exclamation rang out from the crowd, drawing all eyes to Nami.

"Are you kidding me? The Rumble-Rumble Fruit hasn't been seen in hundreds of years. How could it manifest here?"

"You fool! Besides the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, what other fruit can transform into electric current?"

The Rumble-Rumble Fruit, hailed as the most enigmatic Logia fruit, is featured in the Devil Fruit illustrated book.

However, in the past hundred years, there hasn't been a single report of anyone obtaining the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!

Over time, the Rumble-Rumble Fruit gradually became the stuff of legend!

But one can't blame them, considering the Rumble-Rumble Fruit's origin atop Sky Island, situated at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

As they gazed upon Nami, suspended in the air and enveloped in lightning, the rumors surrounding the Rumble-Rumble Fruit's abilities were finally confirmed!

"Are you serious? Why would the legendary fruit manifest here?"

"Users of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit can move at lightning speed within electrical conductors and empty spaces in the form of lightning!"

"Not only is it incredibly fast, but its destructive power is also immensely terrifying!"

"Hey, you fool, why don't you finish reading?"

"In the Devil Fruit illustrated book, didn't it say that the Rumble-Rumble Fruit is one of the most enigmatic fruits?"

Upon confirming Nami's fruit as the Rumble-Rumble Fruit, not only did the 100,000 elite sailors begin to panic,

Even individual Marine Vice Admirals couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation creeping into their hearts!

The fear of the unknown is often the most potent!

Amidst the heated debate, an elite sailor suddenly exclaimed:

"Admiral Kizaru's Glint-Glint Fruit can match the Rumble-Rumble Fruit in terms of speed!"

"As long as Admiral Kizaru makes a move, that Rumble-Rumble Fruit user will surely be defeated!"

With the voice of the elite marine ringing out, all eyes among the Marines turned to Kizaru.

"Admiral Kizaru!"

Kizaru furrowed his brow slightly. He wasn't eager to act so hastily; his objective remained singular from start to finish!

That's SpongeBob!

Yet, succumbing to the pressure, Kizaru let out a helpless sigh and transformed into a beam of light that pierced the sky!

Nami, having sparred against SpongeBob during training, was familiar with its techniques!

Just as Kizaru's light beam was about to reach Nami,

She instantaneously transformed into an electric current and shot straight into the sky!

The next moment, as everyone pondered in bewilderment...

The once clear sky was suddenly shrouded in clouds!

"Raijin Ken (Thunder God Fist)!" Nami's voice resounded, accompanied by thunderous roars!

Under Nami's command, the thundercloud gradually condensed into a massive black fist, hurtling towards the crowd below!

Meanwhile, Nami's body intertwined with the virtual and the real, absorbing the thunder and lightning within the thundercloud!

At the brink of the black thundercloud's condensed fist descending...

A woman's figure, entwined with electric currents, seamlessly shifting between the tangible and the ethereal, gradually materialized within everyone's sight!

200,000,000 V Amaru (Two Hundred Million Volts Thunder God) 


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