
One Piece: Soul Possession System

After he crossed over to the world of One Piece, he became Roger's younger brother. Gol-D-Roger, who was in his fifties at the time, was taken aback to learn that he had a younger sibling. However, he was very frail. To his great good fortune, at the age of sixteen he discovered that he genuinely possessed a soul possession system. Through the powerful skill of the Hundred Step Flying Sword, he had tied himself not only to the master IP man but also to the White Phoenix and to Ge Nie. I f you believe that he is only able to buy these, then why? You are mistaken about it! As long as there is money, any soul can be Purchased, Pain Itachi, Ichigo Kurosaki. DISCLAIMER: This is translated version of the original novel One Piece Soul Purchasing PIrate.

Benevolent_Sage · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3: FAREWELL

Because the buildings in Loguetown were so closely packed together and haphazardly arranged, the main road was intersected by a large number of alleys. In addition to that, there were several tunnels that even the people who owned these properties were unaware of.

"Starting from here!"

After Loli had expertly guided Rogen to the correct location, the two of them squeaked into a side lane and braced themselves against the wall. She was still quite young, so she and her pals used to always be playing in and around these alleys. As a result, she had a great deal of experience navigating these laneways.

Even though they moved very swiftly through the tunnel, the two were still able to hear the sound of footfall behind them.

Rogen was really anxious about the situation because the marines had expanded their troop presence in the region in order to hunt for him.

After a half an hour had passed, Rogen noticed that the sounds of the marines were progressively becoming less audible.

"Rogen, it looks like we won't be too much longer before we reach the harbor." Although it seemed like Little Lolita was relieved, there was still a clear sign of disappointment in her eyes.

Rogen was taken aback for a second and exclaimed, "So quick!" "is that all there is?"

After driving for barely a half an hour, it is impossible to arrive at the port, unless they were not going to the typical port of Loguetown. As far as he was aware, his location was still quite a distance away from the port.

Because they issued a request for troops five days ago, it is now impossible to flee the area using the main port as your point of departure. Lolita felt very confident in what she had to say.

My companions and I went to a very distant location and made preparations there so that a boat might leave.

They continue to converse, and after only a little while, they had emerged from the tunnel.

They were about to enter a tiny woodland, and as they approached it, they could see that the sun was shining brightly, the leaves were mottled, and light was scattering throughout the entire forest, creating a breathtaking image.

Make sure you take care of your safety, Rogen.

" The look of concern and melancholy that adorned Lolita's face was palpable.

They were childhood pals who spent a lot of time together playing and growing up, including Lolita, Rogen, and a few other people.

It was a really upsetting day because they have decided to go their separate ways.

"Thank you."

They emerged from the forest, and for the first time, they had a clear view of the beach and the water.

A child of the same age as Rogen was waiting with an anxious expression on his face in a dinghy made of wood that was moored to the shore.

Rogen was curious about what was going on.

"Isawa!" Lolita bellowed at the young man.

Isawa let out a long, contented sigh of satisfaction as soon as he laid eyes on Rogen and Lolita.

"Wonderful, don't be concerned, we made it!"

The three individuals exchanged glances with one another. Lolita and Isawa expressed their regret at having to abandon Rogen, but Rogen gave them a friendly smile.

"C'mon, it's not that big of a deal. I'll be sure to make it a point to visit you once more.

Isawa yelled out to Rogen, "Make sure you take care of yourself and pay attention to your wellbeing!"

The two friends of Rogen, who were present when Roger was executed the day before, were already working on preparing an escape path for him.

"Well, let's go!" Isawa stated to Rogen while he was looking around and handing him a package, "This is ten thousand Belly, which I stole from my parents in order to give to you because I know you're going to need it,"

The expression on Rogen's face altered, and he immediately said, "no way, Isawa!"

He was already very thankful to Isawa for putting his life in danger to assist him escape, and he was aware that the Isawa family did not come from a very affluent background.

"Go ahead, and if you have the opportunity to return, be sure to pay us a visit!"

"Don't lose touch with the people you went to school with, Rogen!"

Isawa uttered such words in all seriousness, and he flatly refused to accept the ten thousand belly in return.

She was a sensitive young lady, and when she saw Rogen she ran into his arms and sobbed her heart out in his embrace. Little Lolita was drying her eyes silently at this moment.

"Rogen, I don't want you to leave," and "if you won't leave me, then I should stay!" "If you won't leave me, then I should stay!" Rogen jokes and smiled.

"I don't want, I don't want!" After that, she shoved Rogen and told him, "Go! Go now!"

Rogen saw Isawa's eyes. He nodded sincerely.

"I'm going now! Please be careful! Waaa! Waaa! Waaa!"

When Lolita's buddy saw that she was upset, they reassured her by rubbing her shoulder and patting her on the back.

Rogen climbed aboard the little wooden vessel, and Isawa assisted him in dragging the anchor ashore.

The canvas was blown by the breeze from the ocean in an instant, and it started to move as soon as it was blown. The waves began to form in the water, and the boat moved further and further away from the harbor as they did so.

"Rogen, take care of yourself; you owe it to us to come back and visit!"

Isawa smiled and waved to his long-time companion while little Lolita wailed and screamed.

"I'll be sure to visit once more!" After Rogen finished saying it with a solemn expression, he turned around and waved back to the audience.

After traveling for a while, the boat eventually made its way a great distance from the coast. The two started to become less noticeable in Rogen's view until eventually they disappeared entirely.


Rogen heaved a sigh, and then he walked over to the rudder and started steering the little wooden boat.

Because he was without a chart and had no idea where he was going, he had no choice but to let the boat drift aimlessly.

At the coast, Little Lolita and Isawa waited there until dusk, and then with glum expressions on their faces, they returned back to their respective homes.

"Loli, do you know? My gut tells me that Rogen is going to be incredibly successful in the years to come.

"Of course, since he is Gol-D-brother, Roger's that makes perfect sense!"

While Lolita was out strolling, she burst into tears and stated, "I can only hope that he will be okay, and that he will not be bullied by others."

Isawa shook slightly from head to toe before responding, "yeah, I too hope he will be alright."

The fact that they were reminded of Rogen's performance over the past 16 years caused them to be concerned about him.

Rogen was having a difficult time at that very moment aboard the ship.

He was at a loss for where to go or even how to make a decision about it.

Suddenly, a sterile computerized voice emanated from within his thoughts.

"During the possession time, the host was successful in defeating 26 foes and acquiring 320 possession coins. You have the option of either obtaining the abilities associated with the red soul or saving the possession money for later use.

When Rogen finished listening to this sentence, he looked to the user interface for the system.

He made sure that the balancing bar was correct. His victory in the first fight earned him 320 possession coins.

After that, he requested that the skills be examined:

Ip Man is a Red class ghost with the powers of Wushu and martial arts at the Zong Shi level.

"The domain of Wushu, also known as martial arts."

These two were the two primary skills, and the cost of acquiring any of them was 300 coins that the player already held. Only 320 coins are currently in Rogen's possession at this time.

"Which one is best for me to pick? Should I go with the option that comes first?

After some consideration, Rogen came to the conclusion that, given his current level of skill in the martial arts, there was simply no reason for him not to go with Wing Chun.

Rogen, on the other hand, found that he was more drawn to the world of martial arts.

"All right, let's pick the one that comes first!"