
One piece: Roger Template System

Volger, A soldier, dies while trying to defuse the Bomb, Volger who thinks his life is over, is given one more chance to be reincarnated in a fictional world by being given a task by God to eliminate anomalies in that world. I own nothing but the original character. Writing for fun but also trying to improve writing skills, so please leave feedback.

KochoKanae · Anime und Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

The endless sea often feels mysterious and scary.

The bottomless sea, the great and terrifying sea king, and the islands with hidden treasures and unknown dangers, while attracting many people with courage, also ruthlessly devours people's lives.

In East Blue, a small undiscovered island.

A cool breeze blew over the calm sea, and the rays of the sun just rising, the sparkling sea shone with an intoxicating brilliance. Every now and then some seagulls fly with a sharp sound. This beautiful and comfortable view is enough to make a feeling of calm.

"About 1 hour before the system comes, because I'm used to getting up early, I forgot because I'm not a soldier anymore"

On the golden sandy beach, the sea slapped the sandy shore and made the sound of water. A teenager who seemed to be around eighteen or nineteen years old was sitting on the beach, he was Vorger, holding an apple in his hand and whispering in his mouth Muttering.

Vorger sat down, looked out at the sea at the end, brushed his messy short hair, stood up and walked to the 'house' behind him which was built with several branches. It was a gift from Rob. There was no one on the island except him. All alone.

In his house, there is only a bed made of leaves, weights for exercise, etc.

Taking the fish caught in the morning, Vorger used drill wood to make a fire and start the fire. He used a stick to stab fish, although he wasn't smart, but this was an experience he got when he used to work in the middle of the forest and didn't bring any food with him.

After more than ten minutes, the fish was burnt. Remove the scales. Sitting on the beach, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the sea in the distance, biting the fish little by little, letting the faint smell of flesh. The aroma spreads in the mouth.

Fortunately, the fish in this world, even if it is only burned, is better than the fish on earth, I don't know how good. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to stand it, because the fish I've grilled myself tastes really bad, so it's really a legend that I can burn this fish and it tastes good and not bad.

After finishing eating, and drinking the stew of seawater, Vorger just relaxed under the tree while waiting for the system that helped him to arrive, because he didn't know if the training he did while on earth worked in this world or not.

After about ten minutes, there Vorger heard a voice in his brain.


{Welcome to the world of One piece, this system will help the host to be strong by making the host run the exercises created by the system}

Vorger: "Well I also don't want to be strong in an instant, I want to be strong through hard work"

{Please be aware that this selection only refers to characters that were present in all times of the One Piece world.}

{selectable character templates...}

[Goal D Roger]

[Kozuki Oden]


[Monkey D Garp]


Vorger who saw it was very confused, but he knew a little about the characters listed in the system

Gol D Roger, King of the Pirates.

Kozuki Oden, Samurai wielding two swords, Former Member of the Yonkou and former Member of Gol D Roger.

Ryuma, the legendary Samurai who can slay Dragons with the katana 'Shusui' which has become a black sword.

Monkey D Garp, Navy Vice Admiral, Monkey D Luffy's grandfather.

Akagami no Shanks, Yonkou, former Member of Gol D. Roger.

Vorger: "If it weren't for the general's grandson, I would have a headache by now thinking which one I would choose"

Vorger thought hard, but he was very confused.

Vorger: "I chose Gol D Roger, my instincts told me he was the best match for me"


{Gol D Roger's template has been selected successfully. You will gradually, upon reaching a certain level, acquire more and more of his memories of battles and techniques. However, In order to prevent the mixing of the two personalities, you only get the details and personal memories but a small part...}

Vorger: "well, that's better"

{In the next few minutes, you will receive Gol D Roger's first memories, regarding his training, as well as gradually acquiring his powers. In addition, there will be a panel showing your progress and status. By thinking about the panel, it will visually appear in front of you. For the training schedule and proportion will be displayed in your status panel after experiencing the character binding process, Has everything been understood so far?}

Vorger: "Ready, got it"

{Then I suggest you to lie down on the bed. Because in no time you will lose your consciousness for a few hours.

Then I wish you success in your future life.}

After that, I immediately fainted and drifted into my dream.

Several hours had passed, but Vorger was still resting, haunted by the memories swirling within him.

The next day

The sun swept across the island and crystal clear sunlight shone on the sleeping Vorger.

"Mhmm" slowly regaining his composure, he held his head tightly with his right hand.

Vorger: "Shit, again that kind of pain, maybe I'll die before completing the mission from Rob, headaches are annoying"

After Vorger sat down, Vorger had obtained Roger's Gol D memories, but it was mostly battle experience, and his training wasn't very clear.

Vorger: "Maybe the training will be shown by the status panel"

As the System explained before he slept, in order to see the status he was told to visualize it, after performing the deed, his information screen was displayed right in front of him.


[Name: Licht]

[Age: 18 years]

[Extract template "Gol D Roger" 0%]


Vorger: "This is cool. Step by step, I can see the progress I will make, and my name is now Licht, hehe, even if my name changes, I'm still Vorger, but in this world I'm Licht!"